My internet at work is too horrible to play Tera
Do not EVER get Clear Wireless, folks.
My internet at work is too horrible to play Tera
Do not EVER get Clear Wireless, folks.
Clear Wireless isnt for gaming or a home internet. Their demographic is the working force that needs a constant connection on the go.
I've decided I really hate warrior "tanks". Every single one I've played with sucks horribly. They can't dodge well, they take insane amounts of damage, from what I can see they don't do a whole lot of damage, they can't keep aggro. I had two of them in my party when running SM last night, I'm a 28 priest, constantly was low on mana. I almost never have mana issues, unless it's a warrior "tank". I really don't understand the point of the warrior class... maybe later they get a clearly defined role in this game? Anyone ever had a good experience with a warrior "tank"?
44 and a half. ;_;
Having work is suffering.
Question guys,
Will I need a credit card when first signing up, or can I enter that after my 30 days is done?
If they provided what was advertised it would be fine. As it stands, my tethered 3G connection is faster.
Is a slayer viable for party stuff? Don't want to be the one left out of groups.![]()
How big of a deal are the racial abilities when choosing a class?
Racial abilities mean very little (if that).
It's server side (third party even). You can't.I guess I'm missing it somehow, but does anyone know how to disable the profanity filter? I'm tired of seeing this: "I don't give a ####!"
Pve by a long shotIs a slayer viable for party stuff? Don't want to be the one left out of groups.
Also, is the majority of GAF on PvP or PvE server?
I've decided I really hate warrior "tanks". Every single one I've played with sucks horribly. They can't dodge well, they take insane amounts of damage, from what I can see they don't do a whole lot of damage, they can't keep aggro. I had two of them in my party when running SM last night, I'm a 28 priest, constantly was low on mana. I almost never have mana issues, unless it's a warrior "tank". I really don't understand the point of the warrior class... maybe later they get a clearly defined role in this game? Anyone ever had a good experience with a warrior "tank"?
It's generally harder for us yeah, less tools, and necessity of kiting makes it a chore for everyone.
After trying to "tank" a Fangspawn, then doing it with a Lancer tanking, I've all but given up on warrior tanking. It just doesn't work, especially if they have bad animations.
It's generally harder for us yeah, less tools, and necessity of kiting makes it a chore for everyone.
After trying to "tank" a Fangspawn, then doing it with a Lancer tanking, I've all but given up on warrior tanking. It just an abysmal experience, especially when the BAM has awful animations.
It's a nightmare for a priest. The moment I think it's safe to lay down my healing circle *Jump* *Skip* *Flaily Move* and they don't get healed. That, or I'm flailing my mouse around trying to aim my healing spell at the flaily warrior. A lot of flailing and *sighing* on my end lol.
No that's just a fail ass warrior who is scared to get hit, still gets hit and makes life hell for everyone.
I would go Castanic for slayers, their racial skill is useful and they get a crit bonus for attacking from behind. (Dirty fighting)
I wanted to make an Elin/Elf slayer.
I'll probably pick up the game today and join the GAF server. If I still have the CBeta installed, will it just patch that or will I have to reinstall?
Make either one, racials in this game are honestly super trivial. The ones you can click have a 1 hour cooldown and the passives are really minor.
I've never played on a PvP server of any MMO; I think I'll roll a character on one. GAF PvP guild staying put on VoT?
Is there a place where I can view end game armor?
Is there a place where I can view end game armor?
I've decided I really hate warrior "tanks". Every single one I've played with sucks horribly. They can't dodge well, they take insane amounts of damage, from what I can see they don't do a whole lot of damage, they can't keep aggro. I had two of them in my party when running SM last night, I'm a 28 priest, constantly was low on mana. I almost never have mana issues, unless it's a warrior "tank". I really don't understand the point of the warrior class... maybe later they get a clearly defined role in this game? Anyone ever had a good experience with a warrior "tank"?
I've never played on a PvP server of any MMO; I think I'll roll a character on one. GAF PvP guild staying put on VoT?
We are indeed.
ALL NEW TERA-GAFFERS: Valley of Titans is where it is HAPPENING. Be there and be square.
44 and a half. ;_;
Having work is suffering.
I hit 47 last night but sleeping 4 hours a night is making me a zombie at work. Ugh.
By now, VoT should have it's server first 60. Guy was 59 when I logged off.
I want to buy this, but I worry about the longevity of MMOs that aren't WoW. How is the community so far?
Is a slayer viable for party stuff? Don't want to be the one left out of groups.
Also, is the majority of GAF on PvP or PvE server?
We are indeed.
ALL NEW TERA-GAFFERS: Valley of Titans is where it is HAPPENING. Be there and be square.
I wanted to make an Elin/Elf slayer.
I'll probably pick up the game today and join the GAF server. If I still have the CBeta installed, will it just patch that or will I have to reinstall?
Prepping for launch. They'll probably go live @ midnight.are all servers in EU down ? or is it just me