How do you get buddy codes? Just from pre ordering?
Anyone with an existing pre-order should have received an e-mail with buddy codes. I'm not sure if they are sending codes for new pre-orders.
How do you get buddy codes? Just from pre ordering?
Some skills gain haste when used in a chain and some skills charge twice as fast.
Thank you and DMPrince for answering.
So is there anyplace to see the chain benefits for a skill in-game? I didn't notice that.
Anyone with an existing pre-order should have received an e-mail with buddy codes. I'm not sure if they are sending codes for new pre-orders.
Yeah my brother just pre ordered it today, ask I was just wondering.Anyone with an existing pre-order should have received an e-mail with buddy codes. I'm not sure if they are sending codes for new pre-orders.
I've not received any buddy codes at all, which is a bit of a shame
If I do though I will post them for GAF
Maybe there is some additional criteria in selecting who gets the e-mails or perhaps they are sending them out in waves.
ROBOKITTYZILLA, 2 new servers for the EU !
Allemantheia - Type: PvE - Language: EN/EU
Elion - Type: PvE - Language: DE
If I pre-order tomorrow do I still get in to the early access? I was going to a couple weeks ago but I forgot.
If I pre-order tomorrow do I still get in to the early access? I was going to a couple weeks ago but I forgot.
Not saying I'm important, but I'm someone who will not pay to play their game because of the outdated way to pay for it.
Sell me hours to be used when I have time for it that do not expire if I decide to skip playing a day or two.
This may be a stupid question... but what is the purpose of Chaining skills?
I only got to level 6 in the open beta, but a chained skill didn't seem to do any more damage than just using it normally.
Kingdoms of amalur minus popping them up into the air for juggles
Should I take the day off tomorrow? But I had enough of this week and want to just relax before Saturday from this point forward. What say you GAF? First sick day in many years.
Should I take the day off tomorrow? But I had enough of this week and want to just relax before Saturday from this point forward. What say you GAF? First sick day in many years.
Should I take the day off tomorrow? But I had enough of this week and want to just relax before Saturday from this point forward. What say you GAF? First sick day in many years.
I imagine that would just make the wait seem longer. If anything you should make monday the sick day.
List of tweaks from Sinewave of the SA forums.
Sinewave wrote:
Made a Config Tweak Cheat Sheet for launch:
FieldofView Bind:
Navigate to "TERA\Client\S1Game\Config"
open up the file "S1Input.ini"
underneath the line "bEnableMouseSmoothing=true"
Bindings=(Name="x",Command="fov 90")
(make sure there is no ; at the start of the line like there are with the lines underneath it) Disable Mouse Smoothing:
Navigate to "TERA\Client\S1Game\Config"
open up the file "S1Input.ini"
Change "bEnableMouseSmoothing=true" to false Disable In-Game Fake AA/Blur (FXAA):
Launch Tera. Go to Settings: Video: "Lighting Enhancement"
Change 2 to 1 Add Antialiasing with SMAA Injector:
Do above FXAA fix!
DISABLE NVIDIA/ATI AA! (it doesn't work anyways)
Extract contents of dx9 folder into:
Toggle with Pause/Break to see Jaggies Appear/Vanish like Magic! (default is ON) S1Engine.ini Tweaks:
Change "DepthOfField=True" to False (Less Blur in distance and on trees)
Change "bSmoothFrameRate=True" to False (Disables stupid FPS cap)
Change "MaxAnisotropy=" to 16 (Better texture filtering)
Under [SystemSettings] add "bAllowLightShafts=True"
GAME OVERWRITES S1Engine.ini each patch so CHECK THESE Nvidia Character Texture Tweak:
Download/Open Nvidia Inspector
Click on Wrench (duh!)
Open Tera Profile
Scroll down to Dynamic Tiling
Save Profile
The breakdown of what this does is:
No laggy mouse.
Wider view.
Sharper visuals.
No jaggies.
Smoother character textures.
No blurry things.
Uncapped FPS.
Several have been posted in the thread in quote-to-see format.I'm always willing to try out new games if you've got a spare key.
I read this on the Penny Arcade Tera Thread. I would link the original thread from the SA forum but I have no idea what SA even means :<
Man, I haven't played a single game since Sunday.Need TERA.
I got my buddy keys at midnight last night (GMT) and one left if anyone wants it.
PLEASE, quote this reply when you have taken they key.
Hi, listened to izayoi and i used this key, thank you.
Mystic >>> Priest for PvE groups with good players, just a heads-up.
Mystic >>> Priest for PvE groups with good players, just a heads-up.
I'm a Mystic and these posts makes me happy. I just only need to get to the "good player" part lol.I'm a Berzerker and I approve this message.
The Mystic's buffs far outweigh the healing benefits of a Priest in competent parties.Are Mystics really better? Starting to feel like I've rolled the wrong healing class again. I remember FFXI my WHM became crappy after a while and I ended up healing as RDM or SMN main. On WoW I ended up on my Paladin and Druid more than my Priest.
The Mystic's buffs far outweigh the healing benefits of a Priest in competent parties.
The Mystic's buffs far outweigh the healing benefits of a Priest in competent parties.