Dead Prince
Headstart time moved UP
Begins: Saturday, April 28 at 8:00 AM Pacific
well... i can't accept that. that's when Legend of Korra starts. TRY AGAIN EME.
Headstart time moved UP
Begins: Saturday, April 28 at 8:00 AM Pacific
Headstart time moved UP
Begins: Saturday, April 28 at 8:00 AM Pacific
I was just thinking that, instead of "huge islands", the OT title should read "huge tracts of land."
Queuing up now for that server
"An attempt has been made to login to your En Masse Entertainment account from an unknown device."
thats strange, all I did was log on the website with chrome..
Added additional hair colors to the following races:
Humans: red, orange, yellow, green, blue
Castanics: red, orange, yellow, green (Castanics are never blue.)
Elins: red
High Elves: red, orange, green, blue
Modified the alkahests used in item enchantment. Unique alkahests are used for specific tiers of enchantment.
+1 to +6: Alkahest (sold by merchants)
+7 to +9: Refined Alkahest (sold by specialty stores)
+10 to +12: Masterwork Alkahest (sold by specialty stores)
Removed the inter-server party-matching buff, the Valkyon’s Response reward, and the Rescue Supplies. Grouping is its own reward.
Destiny Eggs and Lucky Eggs have been removed as quest rewards. The eggs were the primary source of combat consumables until the alchemy crafting system was complete. Any eggs earned in the Open Beta Test will still be there.
Gula Skinners in the Hungry Caverns no longer spawn minions because that’s not how they roll.
Items from Balder’s Temple and the Fane of Kaprima are now visible via smart search.
Deleted the unnecessary “Subscription Information” menu from the main menu.
Fixed a bug where certain surfaces appeared to flash, glow, or appear dark. We don’t want any flashing in TERA.
Fixed a bug where channels on the Island of Dawn increase infinitely.
Fixed a bug where guild-versus-guild battles could not be declared on guilds with names longer than 32 characters. Your awkward battle cries will save you no longer.
What's the waiting time at?
same browser and location?
About 20mins. (650)
Nice new feature in that they give you X minutes XP boost for however many minutes you spend in queue.
I'm not online, same name as on here
So if I preorder this tonight will that be to late to get in tomorrow? I've been on the fence but with queue times getting longer and longer in Tor(for pvp) I'm needing something else to do.
Thinking of just doing the digital collectors edition from En Masse. I already have the beta client installed.
Nice. I'll look for it once I get bored with my character's look.Im sure there is one, just off noob island at lvl11. IIRC
Not a peep in the patch notes about the annoying chat bug.
Hope it's fixed.
Amazing. I'm impressed that they listened to such a minor piece of feedback and added hair colors to all the races. Of course, Elin got the shaft again.
I'm sad they are removing the eggs but I guess it will make alchemy and gathering more viable.
Me too. I think I saw a thread on the official forums that said they were looking into it, so they may not have been aware of it until recently.
Wait, they are removing eggs? I've been stockpiling them( what happens to them?
Wait, they are removing eggs? I've been stockpiling them( what happens to them?
Any eggs you already have, you get to keep. They can be obtained in other ways (not sure exactly how yet) but are no longer given as quest rewards.
Wait, they are removing eggs? I've been stockpiling them( what happens to them?
will blow for an egg.
Now that I think about it, I recall being in Velika and there were tons of open egg shells that weren't disappearing, littered all over the steps. Was that a bug? Maybe that also had something to do with it.
Suddenly... Queuing doesn't seem so bad.
Why? Because of the free gift? I believe it's just a stupid exp increase buff.
i don't like the XP boost. makes me be feel over lvled D: so i usually try to wait until the buff wears off lol.
(i just started buying stuff from the brokerage lol)
They still haven't fixed the Dawnhide drop rate? Getting leatherworking to 50 is like levelling every other profession to 410.
Why? Because of the free gift? I believe it's just a stupid exp increase buff.
Prelaunch is moved up? What time is that UK time?
Prelaunch is moved up? What time is that UK time?
If you are UK, you can play now supposedly.
I play on US server, like everyone should
Any eggs you already have, you get to keep. They can be obtained in other ways (not sure exactly how yet) but are no longer given as quest rewards.