Occasionally, players ask why the game doesn't save your location when you log out. Firstly, I would like to hear your opinions on that idea. Please make your choice in the above poll.
There are a few reasons people feel this feature 'should' be implemented.
* Magic Mirror wouldn't be totally useless, since log out log in teleporting is free at all times.
* Escaping from a dangerous situation wouldn't be a button and a click.
* Returning home would take you time and effort, and not be laughably easy.
* Hardcore players would find themselves with more of a challenge returning from a deep delve into the world.
* Custom map makers could have it so you can continue their map from where you were, without having to have them always place a bed for you to save your progress.
* Eventually, when PVP is added, teams would not be able to quick return to their base to defend it in times of trouble.
* You would no longer have to 'get back to where you were exploring' if you had to log out for some reason beyond your control. (IE your parents say "GO TO BED NOW!" or.. boss saying "Get back to work!"

But also, while the above is true, there are a few issues caused by this feature. This is why it has not been done as of yet. So if you want to discuss possible solutions, please do so here.
* The world may change when you are gone and spawning in a wall would either kill you, or erase the wall. Both could be troublesome to yourself and to other players whom have built the building you just spawned in and damaged. This could pose a problem for HC players most of all, as spawning over lava, or in water, that wasn't there previously would end your run.
* Players who are 'stuck' with no way out due to going somewhere they shouldn't have, or didn't realize would be so hard, will no longer have this safety net.
* Travel takes a while on large maps. Sometimes its just nice to be home when you want to be.
Please discuss this so we can see the general opinion on this possible change. (