First Name
"Meteor Armor and Molten Armors no longer glow. "

Placing background walls is more simple, as 1 block holes are automatically filled in.
What you mean?!?!?!Forkball said:Why didn't I get the molten armor before this patch? WHY
Zero-Crescent said:I looked at my new world in MoreTerra, and man, they weren't kidding about Hellstone becoming a rarer resource. I can see a bunch of small, scattered pockets, but no large deposits. I've uploaded both maps so everyone can compare.
Old world (1.0.5)
New world (1.0.6)
There's also the Terraria four-pack on Steam for $14.99 (~$3.75 each copy), for those who are interested in those things.Peasant Princess-King said:Terraria is on sale at Steam for 4.99 right now.
Houston3000 said:Haha, so a toilet counts as a "comfort object" and a bathtub counts as a "flat surface object" - I'm going to force the guide to live in the bathroom.
Marsipolami said:GAF server isn't up?
HaRyu said:Woohoo new update!
All right, for those eager to get on the server, as I said, I'm waiting for the updated server mod. As soon as I get that and get it setup, server will go up.
In the meantime, for all those who STILL haven't bought the game yet, Tiy tweeted that the game will be 50% off in the middle of the week.
confuziz said:server is up, but has a password?
Aha, thanks. I was just skimming through the pages looking for numbers in case you'd changed IP-address or something.Marrshu said:No, it's not. From Harlan's post on the same page as yours:
HaRyu said:Server is only up right now for testing purposes. We're not done prepping it yet. When its ready, I'll take the password off, and announce that you guys can come on.
Don't worry... it'll be worth the wait. ^O^
Maybe I should throw in a evil laugh.
Zzoram said:Is this game any fun alone? How do you play with GAF?
HaRyu said:Server is only up right now for testing purposes. We're not done prepping it yet. When its ready, I'll take the password off, and announce that you guys can come on.
That'd be really helpful for me so I'd appreciate it if you did. I guess just spoiler tag them to be safe.atre324 said:Do people want me to post the recipes for all the new items? I typed them up for another forum I post on, but I don't know if posting them all is considered a spoiler or if people want to see a huge list of blacked out stuff lol
Zzoram said:Is this game any fun alone? How do you play with GAF?
demolitio said:That'd be really helpful for me so I'd appreciate it if you did. I guess just spoiler tag them to be safe.
I'm excited about the furniture since I'm at the point in this game where I got the items I want and now I just want to build shit.
Drazgul said:My body is ready.
Is there any approval/whitelist process to join or can I just casually waltz in (haven't really kept up-to-date with Terraria, been waiting for this patch, so dunno if the server software even supports whitelisting these days)?
dalin80 said:The game seems to keep moving further and further away from what I enjoyed at the original release.
Loved mining resources to build up a huge building and large scale engineering projects but now you cant do bugger all between the endless swarms of enemies no matter where you are.
Its been turned into a hack and slash grind.
Spent a session today trying to put a new roof on my building only to lay less then a handful of blocks while defending from cuthulu, a goblin army, new larger slimes and metric shit-ton of zombies/eyes.
In the end I just said fuck it and gave up, it should at least have the decency of not making you constantly click to swing your sword.