Audίoboxer;52555641 said:Speaking of the mirror, can you make one or do you need to find it?
found pretty easily in chests underground. it will probably be in one of the first 3 chests you open in my experience.
Audίoboxer;52555641 said:Speaking of the mirror, can you make one or do you need to find it?
Audίoboxer;52555641 said:Speaking of the mirror, can you make one or do you need to find it?
I never 'reforged' anything, though...?slow is an attribute. there are a lot of attributes that you can get by reforging, which comes with a certain npc that you get in the mid game. there are 3 ultimate attributes for weapons: one for ranged, one for melee, and one for magic. the wiki has more info if you're interested.
the mirror uses 20 mana. it will teleport you back to your spawn point, aka where you start when you load your world up. either the original spawn point (middle of world) or your bed if you made one.
I never 'reforged' anything, though...?
I never 'reforged' anything, though...?
Yea, that didn't make sense to me, either.also, slow should be giving you -xx% speed not + lol
yeah items have a chance to spawn with an attribute or not. you can change it by reforging.
also, slow should be giving you -xx% speed not + lol
General progression steps in the game, at least on PC, appear to be designed as follows:
1. Copper tools
2. Silver tools
3. Gold tools
4.5. Optional:Visit the corruption and fight Eye of Cthulhu and/or Eater of Worlds for Demonite tools.6. Optional:Mine fallen meteorites for potentially useful stuff.7.Visit the underground jungle for potentially useful stuff.8.Kill the dungeon guardian at night and loot the dungeon9.Dig to hell and use Hellstone + Obsidian to make tools.10.Kill the Wall of Flesh to get into hard mode.11.Break demon altars in the corruption with the Pwnhammer to release new ores into the world.12.Cobalt Tools, farm certain enemies for drops to make powerful weapons and spells.13.Mithril Tools, killing enemies for drops in the process.14.Adamantite Tools, still killing enemies for drops in the process.15.Kill more enemies for their drops to make powerful weapons and spells.16.Kill each hardmode boss and make Hallowed armor and other more powerful things. Bring potions. Expect to die!Console specific stuff, or just do whatever the hell you want. You "win!"
I think I remembered everything. Hope that helps.
I'll add a few items I'd recommend looking into crafting:
From the-Eater of Worlds(drops demonite/shadow scales)-Nightmare Pickaxe - allows you to mine ebonstone, letting you get to all kind of neat things in the corruptionShadow Armor - makes you move faster and look like a baller while doing so
From the-Underground Jungle(look for jungle spores/stingers/vines)-Ivy Whip - allows you to grapple with 3 independent grapples, kinda like Doctor Octopus from Spiderman. It's fkn awesome and makes exploring and mining easy peasy. Also longer than the OGrapple-Thorn Chakram - like a boomerang but super bouncy and hurtfulBlade of Grass - good damage with a pretty good reach, not a bad sword to use
From the-Meteorite-Hamaxe - combines the hammer and axe into one badass weapon, very usefulPhaseblade - I think the Blade of Grass does more damage, but who doesn't want a lightsaber? Comes in 5 colors~
Hey chaps,
For some reason, I cannot get the option to craft gold armour to pop up - I have 90 bard of gold, but the opening the crafting interface over the iron anvil only goes so far as silver - is it a tierig thing, whereby the option will only come up one the previous material has been used...?
It is as I feared, though - far too many hours are being spent on the title!![]()
I had the same problem when I went to craft the meteorite gun and I found toggling between show all, and show available fixed the problem.
Question about hardmode. Is that just a new status laid over your world? Or do you start over in a new world?
I guess I'm curious about whether I should do any kind of prepwork for hardmode before taking down. Stuff that might be harder to do once/if that world changes.the Wall of Flesh
I'm getting pretty far down(medium size world) and the map says I'm close to the bottom, but I haven't come across any dungeons or bosses or anything like that. I've only mapped out a pretty narrow slice of the earth, though, so I should probably start to branch out sideways more.
Welp, beat all the Hardmode bosses, including the new console-exclusive one. I guess I've technically "beaten" the game.Of course there's still more to do (there always is with Terraria), but yeah, game beaten!
Ocram is kinda a lame new boss. He's just EoC with some new attacks and more health.
Ok, thanks. Haven't traveled close to the edges yet.Dungeons are either to the far left or far right of the world; if you reach the ocean without spotting the entrance, it's in the other direction. You'll definitely recognize it when you see it, it's right at the surface and pretty formidable-looking.
Bosses all spawn at or close to the surface with one exception (which is in the Underworld). You won't find any of them by digging (well, one you'll activate while underground, but not very far).
I don't remember if you can mine ebonstone with a gold pick or not. I know you can blow it up with dynamite, though that can be costly earlier on. Ebonstone isn't used for anything besides easily and automatically spreading the corruption, if you wanted to do such a thing. Yeah, if you still need Demonite, summon more eyes to kill, orSo I'm guessing my best move here is to get more demonite/scales to get the new pickaxe and gear, then with that I can mine through the corruption blocks (ebonstone) then use that better armor to deal with that first boss guarding the dungeon? I've got friends that could destroy it, but I'd like to at least attempt going through a proper progression first. Also is the powder the best way to deal with being able to mine the corruption blocks until I have the Nightmare pickaxe? I have no idea if Ebonstone is even used for anything, if not am I better off just farming for the two ingredients needed to make the item to summon the EoW on my own to kill for ore/scales as opposed to going through corruption to get to orbs? Also at this point if I need Demonite am I better off using my eye items (I have 2-3) to summon that enemy to kill for it? Is there any other purpose to summoning the eye?
Hardmode "happens" to each world individually in which youQuestion about hardmode. Is that just a new status laid over your world? Or do you start over in a new world?
I guess I'm curious about whether I should do any kind of prepwork for hardmode before taking down. Stuff that might be harder to do once/if that world changes.the Wall of Flesh
New boss spoiler:Ocram is kinda a lame new boss. He's just EoC with some new attacks and more health.
nope, requires demonite to mine ebonstone, hellstone, obsidian and the dungeon bricks. molten pick to get the first tier of hardmode stuff.I don't remember if you can mine ebonstone with a gold pick or not.
I was thinking about starting over in Hardmode, but I'd be very upset if I lost everything I had. Half the time I die, its not from an enemy killing me, but from getting knocked into lava, and its not like Minecraft where most everything is as easily replaceable.
Wow, you beat it already? I haven't even beat any of the bosses yet. I'm still trying to get all gold armor. lol Maybe it because I'm playing it by myself, its slow going. lol
I think he's confusing Hardmode and Hardcore difficulty, which are two different things. Heh.
^why not craft the new armors and fill out the wiki with their info?
Hmm, well, you have to farmfor that, and summoning him takes:OcramIt really is a bit excessive.A Skeletron Prime summoning item, two The Twins summoning items, and 20 bars of Adamantite. Also 10 Souls of Night, I think. So you have to do a shitload of farming of Souls just to fight him once.
I mean, sure, it'd give me something to do, but farmingdown in theSouls of Nightis just so boooooooring. =/Underground Corruption
Hmm, well, you have to farmfor that, and summoning him takes:OcramIt really is a bit excessive.A Skeletron Prime summoning item, two The Twins summoning items, and 20 bars of Adamantite. Also 10 Souls of Night, I think. So you have to do a shitload of farming of Souls just to fight him once.
I mean, sure, it'd give me something to do, but farmingdown in theSouls of Nightis just so boooooooring. =/Underground Corruption
Demonite+ in normal mode isn't mining my dungeon bricks. Bug, or change from PC?
Edit: Buddy of mine has the same problem.
I'm confused reading the wiki; does the safe allow you to access items cross-world (aka if I have a safe in my world and a safe in my wife's world, I can access it's contents on both)? I know the piggy bank as well is character specific, but I don't think it carries across worlds (?). If not, what's the point of the safe versus the piggy bank then (since it's so expensive).
The safe and piggy bank are identical (except, of course, the price). What you put in one will always be there regardless of where you're at.
So if I put a safe or piggy bank down in my friends world, I can access it's contents in my world?
Yep, or just use theirs. Another neat trick is to buy two piggy banks and carry one with you. Just plop it down somewhere, fill it up, use the hammer to break it down, and keep going. Acts like an extra 20 slots.
Hmm, so I guess the only point of the safe is then to just give you two storages (that and the piggy bank) that are cross world?
Also is there any goddamn way to safely descend into the underworld? I can't find a way down there that doesn't involve me falling several screens, and then usually crazy shit is going on down there and I just get destroyed before I can clear everything out and get my bearings. I've explored about 3-4 fully zoomed out map screens right above the Underworld (the ash level) trying to find a safe descent and nada. Not sure if I'm doing it wrong or what, I've got full health, a full set of the Shadow armor, etc and have already cleared the dungeon so I feel like I should be fine going down there now.
Yep, or just use theirs. Another neat trick is to buy two piggy banks and carry one with you. Just plop it down somewhere, fill it up, use the hammer to break it down, and keep going. Acts like an extra 20 slots.
So all the contents stay in the piggy bank when you break it down? Why do you need to buy two? :/
Ok, so even in single-player, I can just put one down in my house, fill it up, then take another with me and use those contents whenever I need to? Thats pretty cool.Every piggy bank links to the same storage (unlike chests) so you carry one with you (and hammer to pick it up) to access your mobile storage.
Ok, so even in single-player, I can just put one down in my house, fill it up, then take another with me and use those contents whenever I need to? Thats pretty cool.
So all the contents stay in the piggy bank when you break it down? Why do you need to buy two? :/