“ When asked about why his protagonist designs are always handsome, especially when compared to your standard shonen manga lead (e.g. FF7’s Cloud Strife vs. Luffy from One Piece), Nomura explains the roots of his design philosophy. “When I was in high school, a classmate was playing a game where the main character wasn’t good looking. They said, “Why do I have to be ugly in the game world too?” which really left a strong impression on me.” This experience resonated with Nomura so much that when it came to designing his own characters, he focused on making it so that players could look cool and attractive in-game. “
I personally 100% agree, Western Devs should take note. Generally people would like to see something that’s appealing to the eyes, not a dumpster fire that makes you cringe.
I’ve also had this exact conversation with friends over the years. Sure not everyone can be beautiful, but no one really wants to be ugly. I think this translates directly to games. There are plenty of games I’ve skipped because I didn’t want to play as the characters in the game. Ugly characters can actually take you out of the game/fantasy that you’re trying to experience.
And I’m not even a fan of the FF7 remake project lol, but at least the cast looks good!

Tetsuya Nomura makes sure his protagonists look attractive because people don’t want to look ugly in the game world too - AUTOMATON WEST
Nomura reveals his philosophy for creating protagonists and how he came up with the designs for Final Fantasy VII's distinctive cast.

I personally 100% agree, Western Devs should take note. Generally people would like to see something that’s appealing to the eyes, not a dumpster fire that makes you cringe.
I’ve also had this exact conversation with friends over the years. Sure not everyone can be beautiful, but no one really wants to be ugly. I think this translates directly to games. There are plenty of games I’ve skipped because I didn’t want to play as the characters in the game. Ugly characters can actually take you out of the game/fantasy that you’re trying to experience.
And I’m not even a fan of the FF7 remake project lol, but at least the cast looks good!
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