I guess this will be the last digest video before release. I was kind of expecting an early stage showing off one of the newer characters but this is good too.
Well, there will be one final event with Kusuha's, Ibis's and Josh's VAs on the 28th. We'll see what happens then.I guess this will be the last digest video before release. I was kind of expecting an early stage showing off one of the newer characters but this is good too.
To cancel the local order and go with the amazon special book offer... decisions, decisions... D:
Why would you do that? The book is a preorder bonus everywhere, not just amazon.
A collection of OGs and OGG would make me buy a Vita. Hell, any OG really.4 more days for us. I can't believe it's almost here!
I put the trailers on my Vita and holy crap do they look amazing on that OLED screen. /it'sbeautifulcat
A collection of OGs and OGG would make me buy a Vita. Hell, any OG really.
Speaking of which, I'd like for these to show up in PS2 archives.
One day I will learn Japanese, and play this game with joy and glory.
One day...
I'm not quite sure what happened but Shaw's been really good to me. I know for a fact that I've gone over 200 gigs many times and they've never contacted me about it and I don't have the unlimited plan. Maybe it's because of customer loyalty?Sounds good to me.
I would like to stream as well but we get gouged on pricing and options in Canada.
Has the trophy list leaked yet? I haven't seen it anywhere online.
Really curious if they made them crazy difficult to get...
They're preparing my order at Play-Asia! IT'S COMING!
I'd really like completion stuff at least: all skill points, full scenario flow chart, full robot and character encyclopedias. And secrets. Mostly to track stuff.I highly doubt the Trophies will be too tough. A gold for EX-Hard is almost assured and I bet the Plat will be getting all the trophies, lol.
I'm not quite sure what happened but Shaw's been really good to me. I know for a fact that I've gone over 200 gigs many times and they've never contacted me about it and I don't have the unlimited plan. Maybe it's because of customer loyalty?
They're preparing my order at Play-Asia! IT'S COMING!
I hope so otherwise it'd be stupid to charge several days before sending it out, if you ask me. I did paypal though so they already got my money.
There's an authorization for the total price on my card. I guess they'll take it when they ship it out.
Pretty sure I chose the FEDEX shipping.
Have you guys ever gotten anything before release with play-asia?
Anyone else preordered from Amiami? Still no status update.
The waiting is killing me.
Anyone else preordered from Amiami? Still no status update.
The waiting is killing me.
I really hope PA ships early. I would be so giddy.
I just started playing OGG and the weekend is already over! Do you really think I can finish 25 stages in 2 or 3 days? I have to work too, damn it.
I just started playing OGG and the weekend is already over! Do you really think I can finish 25 stages in 2 or 3 days? I have to work too, damn it.
I just started playing OGG and the weekend is already over! Do you really think I can finish 25 stages in 2 or 3 days? I have to work too, damn it.
This game looks amazing. I really wish they'd get translated. I know hiragana and katakana but I don't know nearly enough Kanji. Looks great though.
This game looks amazing. I really wish they'd get translated. I know hiragana and katakana but I don't know nearly enough Kanji. Looks great though.
I really wish that either Atlus or Xseed someday decide to localize those titles, even if it is the text only and with Japanese voices.
Atlus already localized the first two OG games on GBA. i don't think the results were too good.
I put the trailers on my Vita and holy crap do they look amazing on that OLED screen. /it'sbeautifulcat
Because I still need to finish OGG.Why is it not out yet ahhh.
I wonder how committed they'll actually be to making a quality, high definition title with Japan's vita user base install numbers though ( ´_ゝ`)Yeah, it's absolutely amazing. I seriously can't wait for a Vita SRW now.
I wonder how committed they'll actually be to making a quality, high definition title with Japan's vita user base install numbers though ( ´_ゝ`)