Anything else anyone may want ripped from from this game?
Are there any penalties for one of your units getting shot down other than the repair cost at the end of the mission? Accidentally sacrificed Amuro to let Heero catch 8 enemies in one map attack.
Are there any penalties for one of your units getting shot down other than the repair cost at the end of the mission? Accidentally sacrificed Amuro to let Heero catch 8 enemies in one map attack.
oh god what is this,
Big O Stage, trash mobs with 17.5k HP
I'm not even to mission 25 and we're already ending Endless Waltz? I swear we spent at most two maps on this movie's plot.
Of course with the fact that I'm nearly halfway into this game and I've fought a grand total of 1 Angel and haven't done any Unicorn stages at all yet, I guess that's life.
Also after seeing the Behemoth I agree that the FMP villain suits got all the animation. Which is weird because in SRW W a Lambda Driver powered Arbalest looked like this. It's sad that a DS game had better sprite animation for this suit than a PSV game.
The SR for that stage was a little difficult. I just happened to have my units in the right positions to get it.
The Macross F units are so fucking terrible in this on hard difficulty. I don't like them so I don't want to spend money upgrading their dodge stats, but even with concentrate on they still get killed like EVERY MAP and I gotta pay for their corpses.
This is the first SRW in decades that I'm losing units every map and just eating the lost unit costs. I really hope the final path "choice" doesn't have "can't lose more than X units in the game" hidden factor because I'm gonna be totally screwed.
I wouldn't even take the Mac F units out as supports for my tag teams, but Ozuma has movement seishin and Alt still does decent damage. But man, they die so fast and can't dodge worth shit on default stats!
To be fair, the W animations looked canned in some respects. Feels like good chunks of it are reused like the gun draw animation. Still looks better than Z3 though.![]()
Question about story stuff Godmars (spoilers for map 18):
Is the Blackhole Emperor from Godmars TV?
I think he is from Tetsujin 28
That makes more sense. Just seemed kind of odd for Tetsujin since the scale of the enemies are a lot more fantastic magically space action and Tetsujin is just a big steel robot.
The two main things I like about the W animations is that only the head vulcan attack is stationary, the rest have a fair bit of movement to spice things up.
Second is that the Lambda Driver alters the animations on all of his attacks.
I wonder if anyone is making any complaints on the JP side.
I think it would be great if the FMP units (at least Arbalest) got re-done in Z3.2 as a result of fan feedback.
Actually, I tried the SRW1 remake and apparently, it has perma death. Don't ask how I noticed!Pretty sure no, like every other SRW
Timeline issues relating to Z3:
A Time Prison did it.[/spoiler]
Hi SRW folks! I recently bought this game on impulse due to my newfound obsession with Gundam SD model kits. Problem is I don't know a lick of Japanese ;p
I was wondering how difficult would it be to play this game and how similar is the menu format compared to Z2's. It would be truly appreciated if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!
oh god what is this,
Big O Stage, trash mobs with 17.5k HP
They pretty much want some of your units to die so you can see Roger's ability at work I imagine.
I also like how they made the angel menacing since without barrier breaking attacks your team basically couldn't hurt it and took massive damage each turn from it. Very true to the show/movie.
They pretty much want some of your units to die so you can see Roger's ability at work I imagine.
God bless Roger the Negotiator.
If he has trouble with that stage, he will definitely enjoy the Mycenae stages.
Eva 3, Berserk Eva 1, the four 00 units. Onegai shimasu!
I have no problem with the stage, My MC (and a bunch other units) can probably solo those stages. (the part that give max en on turn start is op.)
Jaeger, would it be possible if you can ripped? would love to have that as my avatar =)Genion G.A.I
Come on guys. That unit is spoilery for some folks at least just link it instead of showing it outright
Come on guys. That unit is spoilery for some folks at least just link it instead of showing it outright
Gotcha, appreciate that. I haven't played it yet, (or know the plot). Just combing through the raw data files.
How prominent in the game are the FMP TSR elements? Does souske suck because he's still in FMP1 mode? SRW W was fumoffu and TSR only...