Final Gurren Lagann was cool but DISLIKE how he's a battleship and can't be in a team and thus you don't multi-action. Makes him a bit underused since he only gets 1 attack per turn. No one on his team even has kakusei to give a 2nd turn booo.
Some nice GL story bits and animations. Enjoyed for sure.
But then 61 we're back to shitty sprite Chou Ginga GL

Who again is a battleship and only gets 1 turn and he's ugly and lacking in moves. Why do I have a feeling we're going to be stuck with him for 75% of Z3-2 and then in the last 10-15 maps of endgame if we're lucky we'll get TTGL again. Would rather they just came up with an excuse to shrink him. I mean CGGL is still the size of a fucking moon so when he fights on earth it's not really going to make much sense already.
If they make use stuck with CGGL in Z3-2, I hope they at least give him another move or two or maybe bring back Arc GL? Arc GL sprite certainly looked cooler in Z2-2.
Anyhow as for the story, random thoughts:
-Was ok. Kind of weird how they stuck the Gadlight flashback destruction of his planet as DLC since it's actually story important to the plot. The only DLC that's a must play imo.
-Game didn't really answer a single plot point lol
-Still don't know Gadlight's motivations or what the whole thing was about where Anarotta had to get killed and end the bloodline of his people.
-Still don't know anything about Hibiki's past when he get the red eye. It's obvious that Gadlight wasn't the "tenshi" (he didn't even look like an angel, was kind of huh when Hibiki first said it was him. Guessing there will be a sphere holder in Z3-2 that actually has an angel-like mech.)
-Still don't know anything about Advent or if he was a sphere holder. He dies and says to Hibiki "I am your..." father? brother? Greatest enemy? Dunno.
-Not sure how the red eye kids in the hospital are going to play in.
-Still don't know about Carlos backstory.
-Still don't know Asakim's backstory.
-Still don't know about Stigma.
-Don't know anything really about the new enemy corporation. Guessing they're a group of sphere holders trying to recruit all the sphere holders (hence why they didn't kill Gadlight in his flashback DLC and let him join them)
-Don't know about Chrono and their cross-dimensional organization
-Don't know anything about DEM Corp and AG and Genion besides that they made Genion to steal Gadlight's Gemini sphere.
-Don't know about Hibiki's Boost power and weird sphere like powers he had even before getting the sphere.
-Don't know much or anything about the Gemini sphere and it's side effects.
-Don't know anything at all about EVIL VERSION SENSEI who apparently knows a lot about what's going on. Is Sensei split personality? I was assuming it was the side effect of Hibiki's sphere...but she started doing that before he got the real sphere.
-At the end of the game Sensei blurts out a random line like "oh yeah I'm not from this universe; all the people I care about are on my universe and I was teleported here 4 years ago. It's not a big deal, Noriko's the same." So we gotta find out her backstory along with Gadlight/Anarotta, Carlos, Hibiki.
-Uh, what's with the hinting at further SEED Destiny plot? That's...really weird. Unlike Mazinger it's not a series that I feel like Sunrise is going to let them just start making up stuff for and there's nothing left for its plot. It seems like an odd show to start talking about new developments. We'll see what happens. I guess it would be pretty cool if they did a Mazinkaiser in the SEED realm and made an original SEED Gundam upgrade and original SEED universe plotline lol Maybe they can use the script from the dead SEED movie project.
-The bosses hinted a lot about Godmars being plot important, so it seems like Godmars may have a plot-thread in Z3-2.
-The ending...that's just the dimensional wall breaking and earth in another dimension, right? They said that breaking the time prison pretty much made the wall between all dimensions really weak and unstable. Guessing Z3-2 they can freely travel between several dimensions and their earths.
-Like the creepy music for hell dude in the epilogue and his minions. Also their creepy voices. That's cool.
-I gotta say one sore point of Z3-1 is the big boss attack animations. If you're only going to give a major boss 1 or 2 attacks, you should make them look fucking awesome. The animations for the bosses were really lacking. Even the final anti-spiral boss for GL animations were really unimpressive looking, which sucks because he was the final boss! And Gadlight's final attack was whatever, and the epilogue boss just spits burp beam. Compared to Gaiou's final attack in Z2-1 with the chair or Yuusa's goddamn AMAZING Z2-2 attack with the all the knights lining up and the talking in foreign gibberish...yeah Z3-1's boss attack animations are pathetic.
-But then most of the animations for the cast are a lot weaker and less impressive than Z2, so it just seems to be the trend for this game. Definitely seems like a budget issue + HD towns are hard issue of doing decent animation/sprites at sharper higher resolution.
-Some units have weird pencil-esque faded coloring which makes no sense and just looks out of place. Quan[T] compared to the rich blue colors of 00 Raiser is a great example. Chou Ginga GL is another faded looking sprite.
-So if Advent actually had a sphere, we have 2 sphere holders left at this point for Z3-2. Sounds about right. A big boss and a mid-boss + dragon belch guy.
-In the next ep preview (which went by way too fast), are we supposed to recognize the "queen" from Crono with the red hair (otherwise why half show us how she looks?)
-Story-wise I'm not sure how they're going to work Diebuster in. Maybe it'll be occurring on the other earth? Because with the STMC still at large and Gunbuster fighting them it really doesn't work for the first few eps of Diebuster.
-Still think the new series are going to be Diebuster, E7 Ao, ZZ Gundam, 00 Movie Story, Votoms OAV, Eva 3.33, Unicorn 5-7, FMP Novels, original Mazinger plot and maybe Star Driver.
-I really hope Z3-2 opens with the next part of Eva 2.22, aka Shinji causing the 3rd impact and destroying most of the world. Would be a nice way to start a game with a bang! Eva Rebuild should be a lot more fun to play as next game since in this game all the attacks were real robot attacks and next game will be like HUMAN ARM EVA MAGIC PUNCH, BEAST MODE EVA02, SPEARS EVERYWHERE, 3RD IMPACT ATTACK. Looking forward to it.
-Ridhe is a bitch.