Need some help with the second part of stage 21 (Endless Waltz). I keep a getting a game over. Am I not killing the Serpents fast enough?
I think you just have to reach the target area?
1. 5ターン以内に敵を全滅させる
1. 5ターン以内にサーペントを全滅させる(※2)
2. 5ターン以内にヒイロを平和記念館に到達させる
1 Destroy all enemies in 5 turns
2 Destroy all Serpents in 5 turns
3 Heero reaches the "Peace Memorial Hall" (or whatever the target point is named) within 5 turns
I think thats what its supposed to be? Oh objective 2 will pop up after reinforcements appear on the map.
The 2nd objective is also an SR point requirement so I'd think you only have to fulfil a single victory condition.
I thought you got that free on the IF route.![]()
Btw, Advant is the worst character ever.
He better be revealed to be the super villain at the end of this game and the "Tenshi" that killed Hibiki's family.
If he's actually a "good" character with all bishounen glittering white knight and smile looks and white robo...god, I think I'm going to throw up. How generic and boring of a character can you get. I got really upset when characters reacted to Advant saying "He seems geniune and that he's not lying and actually a good guy" because ugh, that's so boring.
he died, but this is srw z death we are talking about
he died, but this is srw z death we are talking about
You should check where folks are in the progress lol.
There's supposed to be more to that char but it'll be in Tengoku-hen, I think.
Tengoku-hen has a lot of OG stuff to deal with. I mean they even brought up Carlos in Z3-1 so far going "we never really did find out what his reasons were...." which sounds like they're going to tell them either in the rest of Z3-1 (doubt it) or in Z3-2.
I still don't know. It sounds like they're pushing all the plot exposition and development for the final game, and I gotta wonder how they'll handle that along with all the anime stuff.
I guess I'm kind of worried that Tengoku-hen will barely have any new entries, because they're pushing so much story until Z3-2 that there isn't really room to have 4-6 new entry series. Getting the feeling, that Z3-2 is more going to be about re-introducing the missing Z1/Z2 series + all the OG plot + maybe 2 new series.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Tengoku-hen be a lot of OG stuff to finish off the series. It needs to give closure to all of the characters, explain more stuff, resolve the plot of Z3 original, etc. I expect some series but I doubt we'll get a full one covered within the plot. I'm OK with that because it gives more room for them to do some additional/original stuff for them like Mazinger in this.
Fewer series also means fewer animations/sprites though. If most of the Z3-2 "new" sprites are just the missing Z1/Z2 series either upscaled and touched up or redrawn...meh.
Or they could give everyone new attacks or totally reanimate them like Shin Getter.
Spoiler tag XD
was hoping you don't click on it until later
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's funny. Please, continue filling me with fantasies of Banpresto completely overhauling animations and sprites and not reusing assets.Or they could give everyone new attacks or totally reanimate them like Shin Getter.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's funny. Please, continue filling me with fantasies of Banpresto completely overhauling animations and sprites and not reusing assets.
shinkirou lost CC as a pilot, seriously wtf, I'd rather they let her copilot with lelouch =/
No, they didn't say that but this game heavily hints at it for the plot to make sense.I'm expecting them to pull out all the stops for Z3.2.
Didn't they say before that they are going to include all the missing characters from Z1 and Z2 in Z3.2?
No, they didn't say that but this game heavily hints at it for the plot to make sense.
No, they didn't say that but this game heavily hints at it for the plot to make sense.
I don't think they've ever done that Eva fight like a normal one.
there's too much waiting for it to get good in this game!
So I've been waiting a bit on this but now that its been our for awhile, I've been itching to try it.
Any non-japenese speaker impressions of how it was to play? I've only got experience with Full Boost and Gundam Breaker and this looks a bit more intense than those to understand what's going on. Are there any good translation resources yet?
Also I'm new to this stufgF and I've got Wing, Zeta, and Votoms sitting on my shelf to watch. I'm assuming I won't get spoiled if I can't read anything?
So I've been waiting a bit on this but now that its been our for awhile, I've been itching to try it.
Any non-japenese speaker impressions of how it was to play? I've only got experience with Full Boost and Gundam Breaker and this looks a bit more intense than those to understand what's going on. Are there any good translation resources yet?
Also I'm new to this stufgF and I've got Wing, Zeta, and Votoms sitting on my shelf to watch. I'm assuming I won't get spoiled if I can't read anything?
It's a text heavy strategy RPG, but there are great resources to help you get through it and have fun doing so. But with any language barrier, you'll miss out on a lot.
Not everything is spoiled through words. Lots of cutscenes and events happen on the map.
that weird mouse thing.
Or is it a bear?
Maybe a little but honestly I've never seen FMP and don't feel like I've spoiled anything, other than who the bad guy is and the existence of that weird mouse thing.
Or is it a bear?