H Huw_Dawson Member Jul 5, 2014 #65 This is one crazy tournament. That Hanamaruki vs Bonchan match... :O EDIT: Ooooo, team Topanga up on stream 1.
This is one crazy tournament. That Hanamaruki vs Bonchan match... :O EDIT: Ooooo, team Topanga up on stream 1.
R Rice-Eater Member Jul 5, 2014 #69 Daigo Evil Roo time :O EDIT: Beaten by 3 people in probably just a matter of seconds lol.
R Rice-Eater Member Jul 5, 2014 #78 Septimius said: Click to expand... I'm sad to, I wanted to see more of his Evil Ryu. He honestly wasn't looking too good against that Gen and Adon. It looked like he was trying to use cr. MK too up close. That's a 7f move so it gets stuffed by a lot of faster normals up close.
Septimius said: Click to expand... I'm sad to, I wanted to see more of his Evil Ryu. He honestly wasn't looking too good against that Gen and Adon. It looked like he was trying to use cr. MK too up close. That's a 7f move so it gets stuffed by a lot of faster normals up close.
R Rice-Eater Member Jul 5, 2014 #80 This is single elim right? So if Nemo loses then Daigo's team it out, right?
H Huw_Dawson Member Jul 5, 2014 #81 It is crazy how much higher the standard of play is in Japan. The UK needs to get a bunch of arcades or something. Spoiler Of course, USF4 arcade is region-locked to Japan, soooo EDIT: Nemo using the cheap stuff, you cannot see his character properly. :|
It is crazy how much higher the standard of play is in Japan. The UK needs to get a bunch of arcades or something. Spoiler Of course, USF4 arcade is region-locked to Japan, soooo EDIT: Nemo using the cheap stuff, you cannot see his character properly. :|
M Morris Disco Devil Jul 5, 2014 #82 Huw_Dawson said: 2DGOD is a title? Click to expand... Mago got his own custom title when he won a tourney a few years ago. Stylish as hell.
Huw_Dawson said: 2DGOD is a title? Click to expand... Mago got his own custom title when he won a tourney a few years ago. Stylish as hell.
H Huw_Dawson Member Jul 5, 2014 #86 Morro! said: Mago got his own custom title when he won a tourney a few years ago. Stylish as hell. Click to expand... It is, but it's not stopped his team getting beaten! Rice-Eater said: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo Click to expand...
Morro! said: Mago got his own custom title when he won a tourney a few years ago. Stylish as hell. Click to expand... It is, but it's not stopped his team getting beaten! Rice-Eater said: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo Click to expand...
B BadWolf Member Jul 5, 2014 #87 Nemo's Rolento is so shit, dude is too busy building meter and then blowing it on nothing. Daigo should go back to regular Ryu or something.
Nemo's Rolento is so shit, dude is too busy building meter and then blowing it on nothing. Daigo should go back to regular Ryu or something.
R Rice-Eater Member Jul 5, 2014 #89 Smooth Operator said: I don't see Daigo winning EVO. Click to expand... I agree he didn't look that good, but are you really basing this off 2 matches in a team tournament?
Smooth Operator said: I don't see Daigo winning EVO. Click to expand... I agree he didn't look that good, but are you really basing this off 2 matches in a team tournament?
Trickster Member Jul 5, 2014 #91 What's up with all the top japanese players getting beaten on their home turf?
O OceanBlue Member Jul 5, 2014 #92 Bahaha, I can't believe Team Kachitagari might get knocked out by Gouken 5 Revengers.
T Totakeke Member Jul 5, 2014 #94 The one match elimination doesn't help. It's not exactly rare that we see the best players lose one round to only come back later.
The one match elimination doesn't help. It's not exactly rare that we see the best players lose one round to only come back later.
9 90TilInfinity Member Jul 5, 2014 #97 That was unreal. Amazing finish to that round. Kazunoko wins the match though.
T Totakeke Member Jul 5, 2014 #98 Lol that 2nd match. Gouken train is over. Oh wait, more Gouken train.
O OceanBlue Member Jul 5, 2014 #99 Ahaha, I forgot that Kazunoko is a monster. Still, random Japanese teams are pretty fearsome.