Play Jedi Survivor if you want to know how it looks. There’s a lot of High Republic stuff in that game. It’s the height of the Jedi.I’ll give it a chance! New era hopefully means cool trooper designs & spaceships different from the Prequel & OT eras.
Hey, watch it! I'm living down here, don't you tread on me with YOUR expectations!My expectations are at rock bottom.
Yeah i had no hopes and now i'm just going to passWoke gibberish slop
I want you to close your eyes and try to imagine what the person saying this looks like. Picture her, they/them, him, whatever in your mind. Ready? Ok, now click...
Comments from director in article:
“…white women need to kind of step up their game, to be quite honest. Sorry, but I’m calling you bitches out. You really do. ‘Cause like, I couldn’t agree more with everything these women are saying, but I’m also seeing the silent killer, which is a lot of white women at the top who are kind of reinforcing a lot of old ideas.”
“I find it a lot as a gay woman, with gay characters, whether they be gay men or gay women, where I’m saying, ‘that’s not a gay person.’ You basically want me to cast someone that you find attractive, straight white man.”
Hard pass.....fuck Kathleen Kennedy and her continuing to push woke garbage into Star Wars.
Comments from director in article:
“…white women need to kind of step up their game, to be quite honest. Sorry, but I’m calling you bitches out. You really do. ‘Cause like, I couldn’t agree more with everything these women are saying, but I’m also seeing the silent killer, which is a lot of white women at the top who are kind of reinforcing a lot of old ideas.”
“I find it a lot as a gay woman, with gay characters, whether they be gay men or gay women, where I’m saying, ‘that’s not a gay person.’ You basically want me to cast someone that you find attractive, straight white man.”
Hard pass.....fuck Kathleen Kennedy and her continuing to push woke garbage into Star Wars.
Comments from director in article:
“…white women need to kind of step up their game, to be quite honest. Sorry, but I’m calling you bitches out. You really do. ‘Cause like, I couldn’t agree more with everything these women are saying, but I’m also seeing the silent killer, which is a lot of white women at the top who are kind of reinforcing a lot of old ideas.”
“I find it a lot as a gay woman, with gay characters, whether they be gay men or gay women, where I’m saying, ‘that’s not a gay person.’ You basically want me to cast someone that you find attractive, straight white man.”
Hard pass.....fuck Kathleen Kennedy and her continuing to push woke garbage into Star Wars.
My expectations are at rock bottom.
To be fair, I think she said that junk in 2019 at some DEI summit, so naturally she is just playing to the crowd.I predict critics will adore this, the normal SW defense force on gaf will carry water for it, YouTubers will rage, and not many will watch it.
I do hope it's good though, but damn they need to not let their showrunners and directors interview or promote anything. They just can't help themselves.
Comments from director in article:
“…white women need to kind of step up their game, to be quite honest. Sorry, but I’m calling you bitches out. You really do. ‘Cause like, I couldn’t agree more with everything these women are saying, but I’m also seeing the silent killer, which is a lot of white women at the top who are kind of reinforcing a lot of old ideas.”
“I find it a lot as a gay woman, with gay characters, whether they be gay men or gay women, where I’m saying, ‘that’s not a gay person.’ You basically want me to cast someone that you find attractive, straight white man.”
Hard pass.....fuck Kathleen Kennedy and her continuing to push woke garbage into Star Wars.
As in that they are low? or in reference that the amazing High Republic era character that's literally a rock?
Is that meant to be a bad thing?As in that they are low? or in reference that the amazing High Republic era character that's literally a rock?
Is that meant to be a bad thing?
Considering Leslye Headland was Harvey Weinstein Personal Assistant when she worked at the Weinstein Company I'd imagine she knows where the bodies are buried and finagled her silence into an unmerited career path at Disney(probably protecting some perverted bigwig) as it seems weird that Kathleen Kennedy would stick her neck out and actually want to hire her at Lucasfilm especially considering how these media companies tend to avoid hiring people even if it's potentially just bad press from guilt by association.To be fair, I think she said that junk in 2019 at some DEI summit, so naturally she is just playing to the crowd.
Still, why hire her? Off the high octane action and thrills of......Russian Doll??? She has like ZERO action/adventure in her background, so this is gonna be 100% talkie relationship drama and preachy-preachy with rando action shots made by someone else thrown in. If it is even half as coherent as the mess that was Obi-Wan I'd be surprised.
Disney make things too easy for us.
Comments from director in article:
“…white women need to kind of step up their game, to be quite honest. Sorry, but I’m calling you bitches out. You really do. ‘Cause like, I couldn’t agree more with everything these women are saying, but I’m also seeing the silent killer, which is a lot of white women at the top who are kind of reinforcing a lot of old ideas.”
“I find it a lot as a gay woman, with gay characters, whether they be gay men or gay women, where I’m saying, ‘that’s not a gay person.’ You basically want me to cast someone that you find attractive, straight white man.”
Hard pass.....fuck Kathleen Kennedy and her continuing to push woke garbage into Star Wars.
You are talking about a company that had Thrawn trilogy all written and instead of doing that as EP VII-IX they did what they did.I just want a Revan movie/show
You are talking about a company that had Thrawn trilogy all written and instead of doing that as EP VII-IX they did what they did.
That explains the period blood in the poster…
Comments from director in article:
“…white women need to kind of step up their game, to be quite honest. Sorry, but I’m calling you bitches out. You really do. ‘Cause like, I couldn’t agree more with everything these women are saying, but I’m also seeing the silent killer, which is a lot of white women at the top who are kind of reinforcing a lot of old ideas.”
“I find it a lot as a gay woman, with gay characters, whether they be gay men or gay women, where I’m saying, ‘that’s not a gay person.’ You basically want me to cast someone that you find attractive, straight white man.”
Hard pass.....fuck Kathleen Kennedy and her continuing to push woke garbage into Star Wars.
This very interesting, didn't know that. I imagine the "militant lesbian" part involved feeding off his scraps no doubt. How many starlets had to give this lady a tounge bath to get the "priviledge" of sitting on Harvey's couch just to get a bit part in some Miramax film?Considering Leslye Headland was Harvey Weinstein Personal Assistant when she worked at the Weinstein Company I'd imagine she knows where the bodies are buried and finagled her silence into an unmerited career path at Disney(probably protecting some perverted bigwig) as it seems weird that Kathleen Kennedy would stick her neck out and actually want to hire her at Lucasfilm especially considering how these media companies tend to avoid hiring people even if it's potentially just bad press from guilt by association.
Considering Leslye Headland was Harvey Weinstein Personal Assistant when she worked at the Weinstein Company I'd imagine she knows where the bodies are buried and finagled her silence into an unmerited career path at Disney(probably protecting some perverted bigwig) as it seems weird that Kathleen Kennedy would stick her neck out and actually want to hire her at Lucasfilm especially considering how these media companies tend to avoid hiring people even if it's potentially just bad press from guilt by association.
She also looks like impending doom in human form which I'd imagine would normally be a negative considering she's the face of their big new Star Wars I.P...
She looks like a young Ernest Borgnine
You are talking about a company that had Thrawn trilogy all written and instead of doing that as EP VII-IX they did what they did.
Star Wars made him, he should have a little respect.That was never going to happen. Harrison Ford has wanted out since Return of the Jedi as he never thought much of the character Han compared to his roles of Indy and Deckard, I guarantee you he only agreed to do TFA if they killed him off. And they must have paid him a ton to do the cameo in TROS.
No company would release a Star Wars sequel to ROTJ where Chewbacca was crushed by a planet. That’s why they didn’t adapt the terrible EU books.You are talking about a company that had Thrawn trilogy all written and instead of doing that as EP VII-IX they did what they did.
Star Wars made him, he should have a little respect.
Deckard was good, Roy Batty was much better. People remember Hauer’s monologue, they don’t remember anything Deckard related. Indiana was good though.
No company would release a Star Wars sequel to ROTJ where Chewbacca was crushed by a planet. That’s why they didn’t adapt the terrible EU books.
Well, that happens LONG after the events of the Thrawn trilogy. The Thrawn trilogy is actually really good, but yes the original EU was an even mix of good stuff and idiotic and sometimes “was the writer on drugs?” garbage.
Honestly, Chewie’s death wasn’t my issue with New Jedi Order, mine was it was fucking nineteen books long! I got to the halfway point and had to stop for my sanity’s sake.
Like, yes, the Yuuzhan Vong were cool, but this shit did not need to be drawn out that long, for fucks sake.
Not to mention a bunch of plot threads go nowhere due to constantly switching authors, and nothing comes of the major set-up for Anakin Solo due to Lucas deciding against it as he didn’t like people confusing him for his grandfather (who the hell would be reading a book this far into the timeline and make that mistake? For fucks sake, Lucas!). Which also changed their plans for Jacen, which then ultimately lead to his character being flushed down the drain in the next book series.
So yeah, at that point, the original EU was dead to me.
They're saving that bit of casting for the main villain.Not one white male in the entire trailer.....what a fucking disgrace. Easy pass