But do we really NEED to know anything about Palpatine? If you just accept Star Wars as a morality story aiming mostly at kids, then the more grey you throw at the villain, the less successful the story becomes. Personally I'd rather they just move past this Sith "there is always two" evil thing entirely and just have an invading evil alien race, conquering Mandalorians, or just about ANYTHING other than "they are evil because they follow the Dark Side". As a tale of Anakins rise, fall, and redemption the PT+OT work pretty well, but all the Palpatine shenanigans are superfluous, really. Heck, even Snoke in TFA was fine, but of course TLJ had to mock him and then ROS just shit the bed with it all. Even Thrawn is getting pulled down by showing him too much. As a "tactical genius" the Ahsoka show has COMPLETELY clowned him because we are no longer allowed to have truly evil villains and heroes who actually suffer at their hands.