I don't know. It might break Philip.Think he'll kill her?
I don't know. It might break Philip.
He doesn't realize how close they are I think.Gabriel definitely didn't expect that at all.
Low key ending. I wonder if Martha will begin to play Philip.
Edit: Gabriel didn't know just how close his team had become.
He doesn't realize how close they are I think.
For sure. If he needs to exert pressure now he may have to use more insidious means to do so.Definitely not. I think he was really relying on kind of pitting them against each other while also helping them to accomplish what he wanted. Wonder how their next conversation will go.
What? No, bong. The bong is in my dormroom. Bomb! That would be silly.
Alternately, more like Agent Maad. I'll be here all week.
Shoutout to these posts among others. TheAmericans-GAF bringing the laughs tonight."We have our own way of doing this."
*Puts tire around mail robot; sets it on fire.*
Low key ending. I wonder if Martha will begin to play Philip.
Edit: Gabriel didn't know just how close his team had become.
So what does Martha think Clark is? Are we supposed to assume that she knows he's a spy but is still continuing the relationship? Surely, Phillip cannot find that tenable.
Oh my god, the title of next week's episode:
"Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Oh my god, the title of next week's episode:
"Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Mail bot feeling inessential after losing those confidential files, keeping that mail for itself.
Oh my god, the title of next week's episode:
"Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Just so we're clear, those tweets I posted earlier were made up. Sepinwall didn't really call this "the best episode of television ever produced", although that some of youthought he really did just goes to show you what a problem this whole critic twitter hype thing has become!seemingly
"Best episode title ever or best episode title ever?"- your fave critic
Oh lol, I guess I didn't go back far enough in that conversation. Just saw Cornballer's post and didn't process it I guess.
Yeah, same here. Should have paid attention to who posted them!Oh lol, I guess I didn't go back far enough in that conversation. Just saw Cornballer's post and didn't process it I guess.
In this installment about the eighth episode, “Divestment,” Alison Wright, who stars as Martha, joins script coordinator Molly Nussbaum and executive producers Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg to discuss poor Martha’s point of view.
Plus: Ever wonder who constructs the car crashes, fires, and fist fights on the show? We have an interview with stunt coordinator Ian Mclaughlin.
For a high-tension thriller about sex, spies, and audiotape airing on FX, The Americans spends a substantial portion of time translating complicated themes to viewers in Russian. As the saga of undercover agents Philip and Elizabeth Jennings slow-burns its way through its third season, how do the shows writers decide when to use Russias mother tongue over English? And what is it like working so often in another language? We asked creator Joe Weisberg and his co-showrunner Joel Fields to reveal their rules of engagement.
Behind the camera. In front of the camera. Noah Emmerich reveals the challenges of directing his first episode of The Americans.
Of course Martha's a Brit.
,- The tire immolation was crazy. Apparently it's called Necklacing
- That SA kid helping them got spotted. It won't end well for him
- Phillip knows what he has to do
- Keri Russell looked amazing in the white sweater <3
How'd they bring Reuben to Vinter's attention again? I thought they set up a meet between Reuben and the SA college student but do we know how that was made possible?
Hey, you watch this too!part of me wants Nina to fail
That's crazy. I'm surprised he was willing to do the scene.Jeez, apparently Neil Sandilands, who played Venter, is South African and had witnessed necklacings.
- Promo for next week's episode (please spoiler tag any discussion)Does Nina have what it takes to complete the impossible? Go behind the scenes with the cast and crew for a look at the mission that may save her life.
Every scene involving Martha this episode is so stressful our hearts just go into our throats. So is that going to be the case for all Martha scenes now?
Well, its officially the worst time in her life right now, between last week and this week everything is caving in for her. Shes confused and unsure about everything. In ["Divestment"], shes held it together overnight, she managed to stay on her own [she told Clark to go home in last week's episode] so she could at least just think. And now you see that she does have an interview with [investigator] Walter Taffet (Jefferson Mays). So theres a moment here, like, kind of a last chance that maybe shes gonna be alone with this guy in the room and he can say, Clarks on our team. We know that you put it here. Were doing this for something else. Or this is being explored for another reason. Shes hoping that theres a slim chance that he might reveal that he does know who she is, and that he does know who Clark is. And that doesnt happen of course.
So now shes thinking, if Clark has lied to her about his job, why would he lie? And of course if he lied to her about that, has he lied to her about anything else? Has she been set up? Is she gonna be in trouble is she a patsy for something? This is truly terrifying for her anything that shes possibly thinking of is a horrible, horrible idea. Her mind has done the math on all the possibilities, and all of them are extremely unpleasant. And now shes really been forced into action. Shes gonna have to live in reality and essentially watch her life disappear.
Were you doing cartwheels when you read that Martha finally asks the $64,000 question: Who are you? Who are you, Clark?
Yeah [breathes a sigh of relief]. These two episodes for me, I was just so excited when I read them. I was like, Here we go. Now we can get to work here. Now I can sprint. Thats what it felt like.
Its easy to say, Oh, whats wrong with her? How could she not have known that this was going to end badly? But this speaks volumes about her character she is so lonely. Do you think she would believe anything Clark would tell her because shes got no one else? Also, when you see that final shot of Clark and Martha in bed, with Marthas eyes wide open, its like the trust is starting to slip away.
Right, because he doesnt give her any answers. When she asks, he just assures her, says Lets not even talk about that, I love you, I love you, Im sorry, Im your husband. Shes not pushing him to say, Who are you then? What are you doing? She let herself be talked back into denial in that moment. Even if denial is just not thinking about it or not dealing with it. And she needs to focus on what he tells her, and she just needs to focus on what she has with him, and thats more important than this bug.
Theres also a part of her thats angry with herself. Shes got this psychological conflict, like, berating herself for not seeing the truth, or suspecting that anything was wrong there, versus not being able to conceive of such a thing even being possible. So shes going back and forth between those things. And also, it almost made me think of Philip and Elizabeth (Keri Russell), when theyre in bed, and theyre divided. That scene felt like that to me when I was doing it. And it felt like there may be a level of secrecy, now there are things that she will keep to herself. She may not trust [Clark] with everything.
Actress Natalie Morales joins Andy to discuss the taut third season of 'The Americans' and her roles on 'Parks and Recreation,' 'Girls,' and 'Trophy Wife'.