It was actually a job application that she threatened to put Clarke's name on, but Elizabeth came over as Clarke's sister and seemed to defuse the situation. Unless you're thinking of something else?
How would you react upon discovering your entire life was a lie? Go behind the scenes to explore that moment wed all been waiting for.
Seems weird that the show makes such a big deal when Elizabeth sleeps with someone, but when Phillip does it it's no big deal (except when dealing with a minor). They're both badass soviet spies, aren't they.
I Am Abassin Zadran
Martha hosts an unexpected guest; Philip and Elizabeth must work a formidable Mujahideen commander; Paige acts out.
What do you most admire about Martha?
ALISON: I admire her ability to see the good in people and her positive loving nature. She is quite fun. Shes up for having fun and a laugh and trying to do the right thing. Shes the everyday woman in a lot of ways. I think she has a certain innocence that perhaps no one else on the show has not even Paige (Holly Taylor) anymore at this point. I think Martha is a good woman.
For you, what has been the most fun portraying Martha?
ALISON: Right now where we are getting to and where we have been in the past few episodes. Its been really interesting to me to start investigating women in different states of denial and how that happens. Ive been concentrating a lot on the wives of serial killers and the wives of men that were doing these shady things for years, how they behaved and what they thought they knew or what were possible alarm bells or how they justified that. So that and thinking about unconscious fears and subconscious behavior that has been super exciting for me to delve into as research. As an actress, thats the stuff that I like.
Then what is the hardest part of portraying Martha?
ALISON: [Laughs] Sometimes looking in the mirror when Im in make up and costume is very hard. But theres really nothing hard about it. Its all been amazing, just fantastic.
Lol Henry just sitting there....
Lol Henry just sitting there....
Dammit, live stream quit and came back (Comcast dammit), what happened after Phil picked up the phone and before they just left Henry at the house?
Dammit, live stream quit and came back (Comcast dammit), what happened after Phil picked up the phone and before they just left Henry at the house?
Dammit, live stream quit and came back (Comcast dammit), what happened after Phil picked up the phone and before they just left Henry at the house?
Holy shit imagine Phillip in disguise walked in....
Based Hans. He didn't even have to murder anyone this time.Hans to the rescue lol
Ummmmmm I'm getting sopranos vibes on that Hans...
"Did he say anything about his neighbor? The one with the bitchin' car?"
Maybe they should give Paige some of those sedatives
Where would they even go....?