New ep title on TBGWT
''Pokemon GO back to Africa''
God bless Karen, i love her Nintendo analysis .They dismantle the fuck out of Nintendo in that episode. And their marks.
1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries is the only history one I have that isn't the absolute obvious (Stuff You Missed In History Class, Hardcore History). It's pretty wide breadth, years wise. Got some more obscure stuff in there that isn't generally covered by other podcasts.
As for folklore/myth stuff:
Astonishing Legends
Folk Brothers
Monster Talk (more a critical analysis on the science of legendary animals than anything, from Big Foot, werewolves, the like)
Cryptids are my shit, first thing i did as a kid when i got my liberty card was check out every book on Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, etc. That was back when they had to give you a carbon copy receipt instead of just scanning the barcode