Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
More superb 2D platformers! With this and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, it's so great. Awwww I want this.
I am stupid I guess I am stuck in the first puzzle of the game.
Playing as Knight,Scientist, Adventurer, I am at this part where you are supposed to get souvenirs for the gift shop and there is some dragonlike creature that kills me when I get near and a claw hand machine going down over the pit of bones, I am trying to put the hot dog there to lure the dragon but its not working and I have no other ideas. What am I supposed to do?
Put the hotdog on the spike, ring the bell, and activate the machine. Make sure to plug-in the battery for the machine to works.
Damn...thefate in the Knight's area was pretty gruesome for me.princess's
Didn't expect them to show the. :/dragon chewing her
Was surprised to see chuck in the game but not as a plant.
Anyone knows how to get this without the time traveller?
Anyone knows how to get this without the time traveller?
ok guys, the time traveller is driving me crazy, i do not want any of you to tell me what to do, but some of you guys said there's a bug on the Wii U version, just tell me if i'm missing something or is the bug in action:
in the past there's a huge rolling boulder and the water cannot get into the crack.
i try to hold it with one of my characters, but when i go into the present the boulder is laying in the middle of the room like if i didn't do anything in the past.
when i move back to the past the boulder is indeed back in the middle of the room again.
do i need some object to hold it still or is this some bug?
Just beat it, kinda dreading having to do some of the puzzles again, I'll probably put in just one more playthrough at least, but I'm satisfied with it. I mean, having to beat this game 4 more times to watch all the endings is kind of too much.
Really felt guilty for what I was doing all game long and the endings I got for the characters were pretty rewarding. I liked the puzzles, a couple had a few technical annoyances about them, but for the most part they were fun and were solved logically, within the confines of the adventure genre, 'course.(like in the Time Traveler's section, having to be actually holding the rock instead of being able to just block it)
+ Dark storyline, Psychonauts-esque stories in pictures, humor is a bit hit or miss, but it's definitively a positive
+ It's gorgeous
+ There's a good chunk of fun (if a bit easy) puzzles
- Backtracking... this game desperately needs a "rally on me" button
- Replayability and adventure games just doesn't seem like not such a good mesh, though the puzzle skipping is a decent workaround having to play the same puzzles over and over again
- Not enough music... I'd normally say it's perfect as a design choices to make a game quiet but for a few moments I had to check my volume because it was dead silent... also, the music's great when it's there, why not more?
- A bit glitchy, though it was completely excusable for me
More, by the end of that scenario, whenthe King goes to get the princess, if you follow him you'll also see him get chewed.
I messed up, I feel really stupid. Time Traveller puzzle.At the end of the minecart puzzle I never took the bucket with me, I think I needed it for the oil in the future or to stop the leaking in the caves, can I continue without it?
I also dropped excalibur after the mine carts fell down, it got stuck in the water and I couldn't get it back, I just keep losing everything lol.
I messed up, I feel really stupid. Time Traveller puzzle.At the end of the minecart puzzle I never took the bucket with me, I think I needed it for the oil in the future or to stop the leaking in the caves, can I continue without it?
I also dropped excalibur after the mine carts fell down, it got stuck in the water and I couldn't get it back, I just keep losing everything lol.
Heh, don't worry. You haven't been able to make a game-ruining mistake in a fun graphic adventure since about 1989.
It's not a direct comparison, merely an observation that I'll likely enjoy the game more if I'm not rushing to get everything done. Both games seem to be games best served by being savoured, that's all.AW: American Nightmare reused three environments three times over just to finish the game once so I don't think that's a fair comparison.
I think I hit a showstopper bug on xbox by unlocking the game when one of my characters was jumping into the water.
Playing the trial version - after you get past the creature with the hot dog and come to the cliff, I jumped into the water and the "buy it now" screen came up - so I decided to buy it and then clicked continue. When it went back the character is off screen but the camera didn't pan down. This is the part with the city and UFO in the background. I can't select the other 2 characters or control the one that jumped into the water. Quitting and reloading the save doesn't help.
Anyone else have this happen? Feels like it's because of the timing I unlocked the trial. Stupid xbox live always seems to screw up arcade games if you unlock the trial and keep playing.
I downloaded the demo on Wii U and plan on paying for the full version.
Will i have to download the whole game or does it work like Xbox live and I can unlock the full version from the demo?
How do I do thepuzzle for the knight? I can see it has to do with theexcaliburbutdynamitebefore I can get there.it blows up![]()
How do I do thepuzzle for the knight? I can see it has to do with theexcaliburbutdynamitebefore I can get there.it blows up![]()
How do I do thepuzzle for the knight? I can see it has to do with theexcaliburbutdynamitebefore I can get there.it blows up![]()
More superb 2D platformers! With this and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, it's so great. Awwww I want this.
Damn, the Time Traveller's puzzle was your least favorite? It was by far the most ambitious one. (Even if it's just a snack-sized version of Day Of The Tentacle.)
I enjoyed them all to varying extents, I'd say my least favorite was the Adventurer. The concept was barely a puzzle, really. But nothing was terrible or anything.
Same thing happened to me too. I jumped down, aiming to the right, and started jumping to the right side blindly, and when the character finally got on the platform, the camera followed. I'm on my 4th walkthrough, the bug never came up again.
You think The Cave is a superb platformer? I thought the platforming was mind-numbingly easy, it's the adventure aspects, humor, and its world that keep it interesting.
Could you hear the character splashing around or anything? I can't seem to get it and pressing a doesn't appear to do anything. Holding triggers to kill myself or trying to switch characters doesn't help.
Finished my first run, no spoilers but opinion following:
I'm actually really disappointed. The stories (twins, Time traveller, adventurer) weren't that interesting and the images were a pretty crappy way to show them. The actual ending was a bad joke, but I honestly didn't expect a cool or interesting ending with the method of "storytelling" in this game. While I really liked the gameplay in parts, the presentation of it all was absolutely boring, I didn't care for any character or NPC, the game had one or two scenes with nice black humor, but nothing to bring it home in the end.
I'm honestly not even sure if I'm interested enough to try the other characters, after all they will be super-short and not engaging at all, and to play through all the non-character puzzles again isn't really motivating either.
So yeah. While I like the gameplay idea, but am not completely sold on it, I really wasn't too fond of the overall experience. Why is it so hard to actually create an intriguing and fun adventure without dumbing even the story down at the end? Why did those people create amazing games 20 years ago, but come up with a freaking 3 minute storyline told in 6 still images, which are not even drawn very good.
Actually I think the ending, including the absolutely annoying end at the ladder and the "press b to next screen" credits killed the whole game for me.
Yeah. Short version, I really did not like the ending and the overall experience.
Did your travelers learn anything from their adventure? Did you know there are two endings for each character?
Does the WiiU version allow 'on gamepad', ie, no TV play?