sinky72 said:Any other tips the experts can give? i.e when to use cloud or normal sword?, are the gun, chainsaw worth using?
sinky72 said:Any other tips the experts can give? i.e when to use cloud or normal sword?, are the gun, chainsaw worth using?
Papercuts said:I barely got to play this so far but I see Yuki has the up + Y chainsaw move which was insanely good in the first game.
I've been using down + Y quite a bit with the chainsaw. It's really useful on bosses and thePapercuts said:I barely got to play this so far but I see Yuki has the up + Y chainsaw move which was insanely good in the first game.
Smision said:I hope he releases an updated version of Zombie Smasher X. It's River City Ransom with punks and zombies and nazis and the internet and all kinds of awesomeness.
mujun said:Is that Charlie Murder? I hope he releases Charlie Murder to XBLA (or XBLIG).
sinky72 said:Many thanks for the help. Managed to kick his backside good and properUsing that R stick made such a difference.
When you buy certain items at various times throughout the game like health and things, does it improve your health then or can you decide to use what you have bought if/when needed (like when your health is low). I've had a look but cannot find anything which says anything about it. basically, can you go into a menu system in middle of fighting to improve health or not is what i'm trying to say
are you playing on normal? game gets really hard later on, i switched to easy.derFeef said:Bought this today, it is awesome so far!
I am already stuck on the boss in the 3rd level though, heh. Will try again later.
Ohh nice, thanks. Can I just restart the level on easy?S1kkZ said:are you playing on normal? game gets really hard later on, i switched to easy.
but: you keep all the upgrades, weapons and pearls when you switch to a different difficulty.
just switch the difficulty in the main menu (single player- story mode- easy). you have to start from the beginning, but like is said, you keep everything (this also the other way around. get upgrades on easy and then start playing on normal).derFeef said:Ohh nice, thanks. Can I just restart the level on easy?
(I am not ashamed playing on an easier difficulty when I die often and get frustrated)
yes but its not a problem, game plays fine with the stick (since you only use it for left/right).CadetMahoney said:You can't use the d-pad on this game even though it's not used for anything else can you?
Awesome, thank you. Love what I've heard of the soundtrack.Tokubetsu said:You can now get the score for all their games here:
Broadbandito said:I played the trial for this and fell in love with it. Do I need to play the first one first? I just picked up a points card
acidspunk said:I don´t understand how such a good game can be so massively overlooked. It´s an amazing game and a steal at 800 msp.
Stat Flow said:Seriously. I just barely found it (I was browsing the arcade and thought the cover looked cool, I never actually heard about it). And wow, only 800msp.
Go get this game, people.
Decado said:Saddened by the lack of activity in this thread
Along with the first The Dishwasher game, this is easily my favourite XBLA title. Disappointed it didn't come out with more fanfare as I badly want another one (with more rpg elements, pls). I've never played or heard of a 2D side scrolling game that has a combat system this good with the possible exception of Viewtiful Joe...but The Dishwasher crushes it due to its visceral nature, IMO.
Charlie's Murder also sounds quite awesome (won't be out for a while, though).
I've already finished it once on normal, once in co-op on normal and am currently playing through it on Ninja in SP.
Game is a little glitchy, though, and it could really use the option to "reset" characters as sometimes you just want to play through one fresh.
Game is much easier than the first, but that's probably just as well 'cause my friend was getting slaughtered in the first game.