when you post your analogy juuuuuuuuuuuuust right
I have to chuckle every time
when you post your analogy juuuuuuuuuuuuust right
hate to be reductive but so far for me this is just Battlefield in 3rd person
hate to be reductive but so far for me this is just Battlefield in 3rd person
hate to be reductive but so far for me this is just Battlefield in 3rd person
So going through a lot of the same stuff again, my doubts about this concept holding up over a full game and beyond are still there. Mostly because of mission variety. I have this lingering fear that the DZ will be the real star of the game with the rest being kinda lackluster.
That doesn't even make any sense.
Lol what?
think about it
So many disconnects and errors - didn't have this much of an issue with the closed beta. Guess it might pay to wait until tomorrow to jump in.
for me personally, that is ok.
I played the DayZ standalone for like 200 hours and that doesn't even have zombies or any kind of worthwhile mechanics apart from "shoot other dudes" in it.
I feel Division will give me enough playtime for my money.
the tutorial video never popped up for me...just put me on the menu and I went from there
"Very High" Local Reflections may be a new graphics sertting on PC (at least I don't remember it being there before...thought "High" was the most for that))
think about it
hate to be reductive but so far for me this is just Battlefield in 3rd person
Ok wtf this game is simply amazing woow
I can't believe it yet.
The graphics are insane and it's really fluid, my only complaint is that UI is kinda confuse but it's a RPG so I guess it's on purpose.
So many disconnects and errors - didn't have this much of an issue with the closed beta. Guess it might pay to wait until tomorrow to jump in.
I played up to level 7, then went into the dark zone and got my ASS HANDED TO ME. Over and over I could never get anything out of there. For everything I did good I would die. Every time I went up a level, I would die and level down.
I think campaign and co-op is gonna be the way to go for me unless I can get some friends with mics to go in with me. Several groups would roll around, four people just ruining everyone in sight.
Anyone else playing on Xbone? GT: PooBone
They play nothing alike, other than you use a reticle to aim a gun in both of them.
I just feel like I ma being set up for another Destiny experience, in the sense that I see these great parts, but then they also do so much wrong. I'd like to be as positive as you are, but I just can't but what I am given here. This game continues to be on my list of titles that will need reviews and impressions of the full game to be considered.
constant disconnections
Just like Destiny, the game is "shoot men and get some loot too".
And you do it with friends.
And if you have no friends,in this one you can matchmake every single activity.
Apart from that, stealing people's loot just because you can and getting your own stolen or just in general PvPing doesn't really get old super fst because of the proximity chat and text chat meaning just like in DayZ you can hear people whine.
That human element is important.
I don't really see how the game needs "more impressions" when you can literally play it right now. The full game is just gonna be "a bigger map with more missions" and a "bigger DZ".
I laughed so hard hearing people debating about why I was following them, they finally decided I was going to go rogue so they killed me rofl it was great.
There are still lots of potential points of failure. If you don't see them good for you, I guess?
people talking in open mic proxy chat about how they will kill you once you have loot is pretty funny
my only complaint is that UI is kinda confuse but it's a RPG so I guess it's on purpose.
Guys I have a quick question. If a friend completes a few missions but I haven't at all, and then we do co-op, how does it work? Will we start the story from the beginning?
How are you guys playing kb & m or controller?
Normally I'm controller all the way for 3rd person however I can't really think of a time I would have played PvP on PC and had the option for kb & m.
Also does it seem that there are more rogues this time round? At the start of the closed beta everyone seems to freak out and shoot first, this time people seem to wait until your back is turned before putting you down, even if you don't have loot. Yeah I know don't turn my back.
Guys I have a quick question. If a friend completes a few missions but I haven't at all, and then we do co-op, how does it work? Will we start the story from the beginning?
Which points you got?
- Mission design isn't particularly great in the beta.
- Secondary activities. All of them are bad or uninteresting in the beta.
- Loot ramp. We don't know how that will work in the full game, because I doubt the beta is an accurate representation
- Enemy variety. I don't know if what they have will be interesting enough.
- I am also still not sure about how good their end-game will be.
So yeah, I don't think this beta is enough for me to make a decision to buy this on day 1. So far only the DZ has me completely on board. The basic gameplay and skill stuff as well I guess.
What's up with the snow? It's so dense now.
I don't recall it was this dense in the previous beta. Nice addition, tbh.
What's up with the snow? It's so dense now.
I don't recall it was this dense in the previous beta. Nice addition, tbh.