Good to know. I just ran it on default and never paid any attention.
You get a guaranteed "blue" drop from the end boss on hard.
Good to know. I just ran it on default and never paid any attention.
Will I be able the transfer my dude to the full game?
Will I be able the transfer my dude to the full game?
Looks like updatin drivers was a bad idea
Servers dying for anyone else (PC)?
Looks like updatin drivers was a bad idea
When your Computer finds juuuuuuust the right time to fuck up
I really hope there's some good face and hair options for female characters when the game comes out, these random ones look awful. I know it's supposed to be just a tiny part of the apparently massive options the full game will have, but the randomiser is shit, just jumps between these 3 races and each has two locked hair styles, like, why?
I almost always go with a female when given the choice, but I have to go with a dude again because the faces just don't look very nice at all.
What happened?
just got a beefy computer, saw the open beta started today. got SUPER PUMPED. then saw it wasnt on steam, only on uPlay.
Fuck I hate everything.
just got a beefy computer, saw the open beta started today. got SUPER PUMPED. then saw it wasnt on steam, only on uPlay.
Fuck I hate everything.
Well driver install failed (god knows why) and installer wizard kept looping turning my GPUs off and essentially"bricking" them.
Fixed it thanks to window 10 installer.
Thank fucking god that exists. Seems 3D is disabled by default in this driver cause nVidia control panel wont fucking open and im not installing that POS driver EVER again.
No fucking way sir.
Damn! Glad your GPUs failed at their attempted suicide.
just got a beefy computer, saw the open beta started today. got SUPER PUMPED. then saw it wasnt on steam, only on uPlay.
Fuck I hate everything.
so you....install uplay?
There is a download link on the steam store page for the open beta about half way down.
I mean, you could also use Uplay. Fairly easy to close out of it when done playing.
It's on steam though..
Check the store page and you'll find the open beta banner below to install the game.
hate to be reductive but so far for me this is just Battlefield in 3rd person
Are there any stashes in the safe houses? I thought there is.
It's on steam though..
Check the store page and you'll find the open beta banner below to install the game.
Thank you for the spoilerholy shit i almost cried with laughter when me and two of my teammates discovered the higher level contaminated area in the Hospital, and all tried to get to the chest at the end, and all died right next to each other.
the way you just fucking drop is hysterical![]()
thankfully as long as you get the chest open and loot it, you get to keep it, even if you die
Thank you for the spoiler![]()
Insane Metal
Dispensed Internet Salt
get over it lmao
Really like that new mission but its a shame you can only do it on normal :/
It will still require uplay to play.
Too easy!
Computer can't handle uPlay!
Really like that new mission but its a shame you can only do it on normal :/