You can stealth past the murder squads. I was using concealment like a mad to avoid being spotted by their pings. I would monitor their movement and slip by them, group up with the other non ron-rogues and we would all move in on them and light them up. We didn't always win but we got a few good runs on them and I got my stuff backI know how much it sucks being routed over and over. Use the spawns to put distance between the griefers and you and make sure your abilities fit your situation as best they can. It's entrely possible to succeed even with jerks trying to kill everyone.
i regret buying the pakhan..... I mean I bought the liberator first I'm not an idiot.
but I still regret buying the pakhan, now I have to farm more credits before I can resume the checkpoint carousel.
LMGs just seem bad in this game.
Add them to your friends list.How can I play with other GAFers (PC)?
I think that's the whole point. DZ is supposed to be an MMO open world hard mode of Division. That punishes you a lot more if you die (losing currency), and not a PVP warzone. At least it feels like that to me.
The game is lagging like hell. Was working perfectly fine yesterday. I know it's not my connection.
Loving the hell out of this game! Wasn't sure before, but now I'm gonna have to get it when it drops.
My one complaint is one that's been mentioned quite a few times already - while in the dark zone, it's much too easy to become Rogue.
Earlier, I was shooting at an enemy AI player, and some guy runs into my line of fire, turning me rogue almost immediately.
I think it should take a few shots to turn someone rogue. Shooting one or two bullets at someone by accident happens way too often. I think it should be 4 or 5. Also, while you're shooting those four or five shots, the damage against the player is reduced until you're actually rogue, and they're your actual enemy. Then, damage should return to normal.
Actually they seem good for surpressing, but the need for that mechanic in beta is quite limited and i can easily see it become something you´ll need to use in harder encounters amongst other stuff.
@ Jaroof Problem is there is no guarantee on how many shots it takes, sometimes i can hit them a couple of times before it turns you rogue, others it´s enough with one hit, seems it depends on a certain amount of dmg done and not amount of shots, now i can be dead wrong but that is how it feels when i think back on it.
Add them to your friends list.
Also this game don't feature clips at all I think.
Only magazinerinos
im probably doing the same
yeah that's a good way to describe it...too many people are calling Dark Zone the pvp area but it's not really's mostly just a loot collection zone with stronger enemies and possible pvp...all the hours I've played the Rogues have been a small percentage of the overall DZ...unless something changes in the final release and Rogue groups become the cool thing to do
Don't forget that the Dark Zone will be drastically bigger in size in the final game, but the player count will be the same. Not to mention the DZ's will be split into several tiers, spreading people out even more.
So the chances of running into grief/gank squads will be much smaller. The DZ is mostly a meatgrinder now, but I expect the final game to be much more "relaxed" in that regard.
I love playing this solo more than in a squad funnily enough. Basically I make it my mission to troll rouge griefers like some kind of DZ superhero.
There's nothing better than coaxing one of them away from their pack and murdering him leaving the rest of them thinking wtf is going on. Then, slowly follow the rest around from a distance until the poor sap you murdered comes running back. From here I like to fire off warning shots or break a few windows close by to freak them out ultimately waiting for them to again go rouge. This is where I begin the trollage.
I have the whole pack either follow me underground (my home turf) or into one of the many mob packs in the DZ. I run straight through the mobs, dropping my turret in the process. While they're all busy dealing with the mobs, I'll pick them off one by one or throw flash bangs in to troll further. One will get downed and then one of his mates will try revive which means it's grenade time. Once they're gone, mop up the other two and any remaining mobs and collect the loot if any.
I don't stop there. I'll head to the nearest safe spawn and wait. They usually come out together and head back to where they were owned but I'll sit back, following, waiting for them to go rouge once more and repeat the process.
My game of the year for sure.
What time does the beta end?The game is lagging like hell. Was working perfectly fine yesterday. I know it's not my connection.
What time does the beta end?
Yes. Its like 3-4 seconds late.Do you shots take time to register?
What time does the beta end?
Thanks.Q: When does the Beta end?
A: Monday, Feb 22 1pm CET | 7am EST | 4am PST
Nobody reads the first post in a 63 page OT thread for a 3 day beta. And if you say you do, you're the first post
Well if people did it would save us 50% of the pagesThanks.
Nobody reads the first post in a 63 page OT thread for a 3 day beta. And if you say you do, you're lying.
Thanks for the response, anyways. Took you two seconds. Could have just answered my question initially.
Nobody reads the first post in a 63 page OT thread for a 3 day beta. And if you say you do, you're lying.
Thanks for the response, anyways. Took you two seconds. Could have just answered my question initially.
Nobody reads the first post in a 63 page OT thread for a 3 day beta. And if you say you do, you're lying.
Thanks for the response, anyways. Took you two seconds. Could have just answered my question initially.
I hope Ubisoft/Massive keep posting these after launch.After dispatching several of the Cleaner leaders, its time to use this brief window to better equip yourself. With the Cleaners in disarray after you collectively took out 11.8 million of their leaders, we have an opportunity to head into the Dark Zone and claim some highly valuable equipment. As a reward for reaching yesterdays goal, every agent now has multiple Dark Zone keys that can be used to access locked crates throughout the area. One agent, josechutorechu, took it upon themselves to see the Cleaners organization dismantled and took out 82 of their leaders. As a reward, this agent will receive a unique reward for the outstanding effort. Not everyone was successful while extracting, however. Some ran into issues with NPCs or other agents who were overcome by the possibilities of looting that precious contaminated loot bag. alfabale11 was unfortunate enough to meet his end 10 times while trying to extract loot.
They do if they want to know when the beta ends.Nobody reads the first post in a 63 page OT thread for a 3 day beta.
My friends and I tried getting manhunt status a few times and failed. We finally succeeded eventually and hauled up in the subway. People keep trying to rush us so much that we got Manhunt status a second time and manged to ride it out, was tons of fun.
Note to self. NEVER use turrets in the DZ.
They mark you as rogue if they accidentally fire upon players. Or if players intentionally walk in front of one.
They just shoot at your turret and you turn instantly rogue.
Nobody reads the first post in a 63 page OT thread for a 3 day beta. And if you say you do, you're lying.
Thanks for the response, anyways. Took you two seconds. Could have just answered my question initially.
Oh yeah, last night me and Deo survived what? 3 or something manhunts against like 20 people.
It was amazing.
Got like 5k credits each time too!
So... i cant extract things cause it says my stash is full. Can i rearrenge my stash without losing my itens?
Isn't the stash seperate from your inventory? Can you not just empty your stash box and carry them ?
Perks, Abilities, Skills, Skill Mods
Lol come on. Could they make this any more convoluted?
When i try to leave dz it says my items are going to be destroyed![]()
You need to extract them first
Wow that's nice!Just noticed that a long press of the start button takes you straight into your inventory.
They just shoot at your turret and you turn instantly rogue.