Still an awesome OP, Smash. I would give you Darkzone credits if I could![]()
Technically you can, as me and deo found out
Still an awesome OP, Smash. I would give you Darkzone credits if I could![]()
That's his problem basically. He can't extract his DZ loot because his stash is full. I wonder if putting a stash in one (if not all) of the safe houses will help address this. I also ran into the same predicament but thankfully the loot I got were not as good as what I already have in my stash.
Where is the info about only 25 players in the Dark Zone at a time? As in the ENTIRE Dark Zone? Im still really on the fence about the game but that would push it to a no for me. I've been enjoying the high density of players in an area.
By the way - if you're solo how does one change DZ instances?
I keep hearing stories like this, then I go to the DZ and it's nothing but murder squads looking to fuck over everyone for the lulz.
That's a thing?! Man im going to be framing and killing a lot of unaware players!
I wonder how many different Dark Zone maps there will be. I can just see where they are going with this game an it brilliant
Going to be a huge and addictive game
Just like how people were shooting eachother when they saw red health bars in the closed beta, i'm sure this will be patched. Doesn't look like anyone's been complaining about being confused now that health bars don't turn red on 1 or 2 hits.
After playing nearly non stop since friday I think I'm done with the beta D:
Just encountered a bug or cheat and someone shot us through a wall
There will be 6 zones total.
Ran into some hackers on PC last night. They were two-shotting everyone lol but we eventually overwhelmed them with numbers. Hope they're making strides in fixing that shit for launch.
I wonder how many different Dark Zone maps there will be. I can just see where they are going with this game an it brilliant
Going to be a huge and addictive game
Ran into some hackers on PC last night. They were two-shotting everyone lol but we eventually overwhelmed them with numbers. Hope they're making strides in fixing that shit for launch.
That's a thing?! Man im going to be framing and killing a lot of unaware players!
Ran into some hackers on PC last night. They were two-shotting everyone lol but we eventually overwhelmed them with numbers. Hope they're making strides in fixing that shit for launch.
So am i crazy or are the ragdoll physics locked at 30fps?
We 2 hit people too in the end.
The right weapons + mods + perks do wonders![]()
I think I came across as total cheat to some random player last night. I was watching map when he attacked me just for.. reasons? I cancel out from the map and I have lost barely any HP, he has gone rogue so I take my pump action shotty and shoot him to head once. It's OHK and quite literally OHK, from standing to spawning without crawling phase between.
That gear difference + insane shotty damage == get rekt
Shotguns are good? I found them utter useless vs players in CB
How could you possibly call effortless two-shotting a lackluster cheat in a game that normally requires at least half a magazine of bullets take someone down? LolHackers or just way better geared than most in that instance? 2 hit killing other players seem kinda... lackluster cheat, why not to OHK?
Yeah it was already 4am and we were tired so admittedly we weren't coming up with any hot strategies lolWe 2 hit people too in the end.
The right weapons + mods + perks do wonders![]()
Wish I coulda played more this weekend. Fingers crossed for instant release after beta.
Shotguns are good? I found them utter useless vs players in CB
How could you possibly call effortless two-shotting a lackluster cheat in a game that normally requires at least half a magazine of bullets take someone down? Lol
And by "everyone" I meant the entire server, dude. They were hackers I tells ya!
had my fill already
I dont want to get too invested before the full game hits lol
Loved it way more than I thought I would. The mechanics, rpg elements, mission flow and dark zone. SIde misssions...
Plus I LOVE me some Co Op goodness
THe gunplay felt really good as well. Not sure why there are big DPS counters on everything. Its very misleading and weird since most gunfights end before DPS comes into play
SHould just show the base damage of the weapon.
Loving the Beta but there's a few things I hate.
Armoured hoodies, boy those AI's in hoodies can seriously soak up bullets. I see many people compare the AI's to the ones in Destiny but the lower level ones in Destiny can be killed with a couple of shots to the head from a low level weapon.
Rogues, some people go rogue for no reason at all. They kill people who have no loot so they have nothing to gain. 2 Rogues waited near a checkpoint and just shot players as they came through the checkpoint. I now don't bother with loot, I just wait near extraction points as you can almost guarantee some one will go rogue to gain loot. I then hunt down the rogue as you get great XP for killing them. I've played the Beta on PC PS4 and XBone and people going rogue is more prolific on the PS4 compared to the PC and XBone. I also dislike the fact that when you're in a group and one player in the group goes rogue the group goes rogue.
AI's spawning in from nowhere. You are just merrily running along when suddenly a load of AI's spawn in and start shooting you.
2 out of the 3 issues I have can be sorted, not sure what can be done about people going rogue because they like it LOL.
It has restored some of my faith in Ubisoft after they destroyed the Rainbow 6 franchise with Siege.
Looking forward to release day.
But imagine defending the ladder with a shotty... *u*
Get better gear ! = AI drops in a few shots! Problemo solved!
People go Rogue because there is nothing else to do in the beta. Tec and me killed whole servers just for the thrill of being manhunted.
I just return from vacations
is the open beta better that close beta?
any improvements??
a little resume for this lost agent?
Managed to sink a few hours into this yesterday - very impressed.
A couple of questions for people in the know though:
Do we know if this will have "instances" in the MMO sense? I liked coming across bosses in the DZ but are there more traditional dungeon type experiences planned?
Will there be missions and events in the DZ (like in the normal zones) or is it just NPCs and people in emergent, player driven stuff?
Just noticed that a long press of the start button takes you straight into your inventory.
About instances, we don't know yet. I think replaying missions on different difficulty settings is meant to fill that slot. We should hear more about endgame PvE plans before launch of the game.
DZ supposedly will have missions and objectives for players to complete. Another thing that devs are yet to fully explain and show to players. At least DZ has a lot potential for story stuff considering it's basically wild west ran by gangs where they can hide and do their stuff.
Edit: Why on GAF developer studios under Ubisoft umbrella get referenced as just "Ubi" while ones under e.g. EA get referenced by their right name like DICE?
It's the same+ one more mission, improved performance, no more cheaters, more ai, new endbeta gear.
Basically the same but better.
Play it for fancy jacket in full game!
Well, going solo in the DZ isn't recommended, but I had some great fun helping some randoms out with extractions...and shit, those encounters are intense!
Also found out that taking on a gang of 5 AI on my own with crappy load out (still l8 blues) wasn't the best idea I ever had....
yuuuuussss, going to preorder now.
Have you seen the yellow enemy snipers?
I had 2 of them hit me at the same time.
Guess what happened :|
Note to self. NEVER use turrets in the DZ.
They mark you as rogue if they accidentally fire upon players. Or if players intentionally walk in front of one.
Have you seen the yellow enemy snipers?
I had 2 of them hit me at the same time.
Guess what happened :|
You deflected the bullets with you Katana?
You deflected the bullets with you Katana?
Confusing as hell when you guys have basically identical avatars <.<
Confusing as hell when you guys have basically identical avatars <.<
Rogues, some people go rogue for no reason at all. They kill people who have no loot so they have nothing to gain. 2 Rogues waited near a checkpoint and just shot players as they came through the checkpoint.
Love reading about all these people that want to baby up the DZ.