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Jacket is the open beta reward and cap is closed beta. Wearing both on the official stream right now.
Meh gonna go with my special outfit.Jacket is the open beta reward and cap is closed beta. Wearing both on the official stream right now.
Jacket is the open beta reward and cap is closed beta. Wearing both on the official stream right now.
Do you get them by just login on the retail version?Any action prior getting the game on 8th?
I took part of both.
Makes senseI bet you get them from the rewards vendor
Makes sense
Hm. I played the Beta with a friend and think it was kinda underwhelming. Shooting doesn't feel that good and thanks to all the cover objects (in combination with the space bar function) it plays like some rail-shooter from time to time. No free jumping, no free crouching. Animations look really good but if you sprint from cover to cover and want to interrupt that it just feels clunky and unnatural. Inventory management is a mess but maybe one can getting used to it. I think the game would benefit from some stealth elements like TLoU. Shooting all time isn't that great. I had really high hopes (it's Massive after all) but after the beta I don't see my buying it Day One anymore.
Should I just delete the beta or is there a chance the full version will use the same files?
Have you ever tried taking down someone stealthily from behind?Yeah, I think I would have enjoyed it more if you could go for a stealth build. To me it felt unnatural sneaking up to a group of guys with their backs to me and not being able to take them down stealthily.
Hm. I played the Beta with a friend and think it was kinda underwhelming. Shooting doesn't feel that good and thanks to all the cover objects (in combination with the space bar function) it plays like some rail-shooter from time to time. No free jumping, no free crouching. Animations look really good but if you sprint from cover to cover and want to interrupt that it just feels clunky and unnatural. Inventory management is a mess but maybe one can getting used to it. I think the game would benefit from some stealth elements like TLoU. Shooting all time isn't that great. I had really high hopes (it's Massive after all) but after the beta I don't see my buying it Day One anymore.
Yeah, I think I would have enjoyed it more if you could go for a stealth build. To me it felt unnatural sneaking up to a group of guys with their backs to me and not being able to take them down stealthily.
FashionVision agreesSheesh that beta participation outfit is ghastly.
Yeah, I think I would have enjoyed it more if you could go for a stealth build. To me it felt unnatural sneaking up to a group of guys with their backs to me and not being able to take them down stealthily.
There was a stealth kill move in the game but they cut it.
Am I one of the few who'll be getting The Division as mainly a singleplayer experience?
Darkzone seems like chaotic fun, but I got a massive kick out of just exploring the city, doing side activities and finding new apparel.
I loved the Dark zone and co-op, but am also looking forward to RPG'ing it solo.
I turned off the way point marker, meaning I have to set a waypoint, look at my map and work out cross streets, etc, then in game count blocks and look for street signs to guide me. Especially good at night.
I loved the Dark zone and co-op, but am also looking forward to RPG'ing it solo.
I turned off the way point marker, meaning I have to set a waypoint, look at my map and work out cross streets, etc, then in game count blocks and look for street signs to guide me. Especially good at night.
If people haven't noticed yet, the game actually has a "last known location" thing going on for enemies.
If you go into cover and they shoot at you and then you sneak along the cover somewhere else and you run from cover to cover without them seeing you, they will still go for your last known location and try to flank it until they see you in your new spot.
Magic all knowing AI the game has not.
Well sometimes they don't even see you when you stand in front of themIf people haven't noticed yet, the game actually has a "last known location" thing going on for enemies.
If you go into cover and they shoot at you and then you sneak along the cover somewhere else and you run from cover to cover without them seeing you, they will still go for your last known location and try to flank it until they see you in your new spot.
Magic all knowing AI the game has not.
All previous game betas have had new files to download. And the beta will haunt your library forever!
If people haven't noticed yet, the game actually has a "last known location" thing going on for enemies.
If you go into cover and they shoot at you and then you sneak along the cover somewhere else and you run from cover to cover without them seeing you, they will still go for your last known location and try to flank it until they see you in your new spot.
Magic all knowing AI the game has not.
Adding a 1HKO stealth kill wouldn't cut it. You'd need to be able to move away the bodies, or it will be quite pointless. I'd have liked to see that the AI was a bit more logic. When I throw a sticky bomv and nobody reacts until I blow it up, they know immediately where I am. Of course they would be "alarmed" but how did they find out what myexact position is? Did Alex tell them? This might've been a big issue, too when they decided to remove stealth kills. Imagine they find a body and know immediately where you are, because the AI isn't programmed for a stealthy approach. I like stealthing, too. But it would be garbage if it's being half assed with a skill tree that doesn't really work with the AI...
Magic all knowing AI the game has not.
Idk, TLOU didnt have corpse moving and it still had great stealth. If they find a body they break patrol pattern and search for you.
The Division shouldnt be a deep stealth game - stealth should just be a low-level tool, something to thin the herd before you break into combat. Would work great like that - a halfway house.
Not all knowing but they can tell where you are when you blow up a sticky bomb, even if they didn't see you placing it. I find that quite annoying.
Rogue central in the dz right before shutdown. Seems everyone turned evil before the end of the world heh
I think they do that on purpose because it would be too easy to exploit.
Basically,if you damage an enemy, they get alerted to your position.
Sheesh that beta participation outfit is ghastly.
Man looking at that stealth kill gif reminds me how much of a huge hit the game's lighting took.
I only realised late last night that the situation board gave out encounters (Attack the Stronghold etc.)
Were these randomly generated or was there just a specific set for the beta?
Yup, seriously awful. Looks like Marty McFly in Back to The Future ll
There was a stealth kill move in the game but they cut it.
I only realised late last night that the situation board gave out encounters (Attack the Stronghold etc.)
Were these randomly generated or was there just a specific set for the beta?
Why? In one of the missions I tried to stealth kill a guy from behind but I just bashed him with my weapon. I thought it would do a stealth kill animation automatically.
Specific set
They were set![]()