I wonder why they cut the stealth kill move for?...seems like it would fit the game perfectly with no negative side effects
terrible decision to cut it. also terrible not to have dedicated crouch button. would improve the game immensely
You have to use your imagination to work out why.
There's a Medical Wing side mission where you go down a long, closed alleyway and there are two enemies at the end. One enemy is a regular level 7 dude, the other is a special Yellow level 7 dude.
If you could use stealth, you would simply hide in a garden to the side, backstab the regular dude, then backstab the Yellow dude. Very easy. There are a
lot of hiding places in many of the game's environments, and you can move around so easily/safely, that the difficulty level of an encounter like that one would reduce to almost nil.
As the game is, without a full stealth system, I had to wangle close to the two enemies, get my shotgun ready, pop the regular guy dead with one shot, fall the fuck back away from the Yellow guy, then engage against him at long range, otherwise I'd be dead immediately. It was a hard, fun encounter that was really satisfying to complete.
Full-stealth options would water down the gameplay too much I think

i.e. make it easy to OHK nearly every enemy before any action starts
Acquire the portable cover skill and you can crouch/cover wherever you want.
Is that like you have to drop something, though? It's not just a straight up crouch?
Being able to straight-up crouch is important, e.g. when you're backing away from cover but you want to stay hidden. The way it is now, you'll back away but automatically stand up and be seen. Using 'portable cover' to drop some wouldn't help in that context. Unless you can walk
with it? (I'm not sure how it works.)
The Last of Us did it perfectly but no other game takes the same approach... I think Quantum Break is. You can crouch and move around freely while popping out of cover if you aim. The perfect cover mechanic.
Seasonal events already confirmed for the Dark Zone.
Yeah, but I meant like... The entire city. A special event where nowhere is safe, every single district goes Dark. The entire city becomes a true warzone.