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The Double Toasted team AKA the best film reviewers out there


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Holy shit, this is so surreal. Didn't even consider this as being the reason for Tommy's absence.

My god, that poor woman.
Okay, the show is wrapping up right now. Basically, they won't be mentioning Tommy or anything about his situation past this episode. They also suggested that people not try to set up GoFundMe or any other similar things since there are multiple parties involved and since it is an ongoing legal battle. Pretty much, just leave it alone. I definitely agree. It's a messy situation...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Okay, the show is wrapping up right now. Basically, they won't be mentioning Tommy or anything about his situation past this episode. They also suggested that people not try to set up GoFundMe or any other similar things since there are multiple parties involved and since it is an ongoing legal battle. Pretty much, just leave it alone. I definitely agree. It's a messy situation...

That sounds like the best decision. Much probably can't or shouldn't be said for legal reasons, and a gofundme for this type of situation would be a bad look.
Okay, the show is wrapping up right now. Basically, they won't be mentioning Tommy or anything about his situation past this episode. They also suggested that people not try to set up GoFundMe or any other similar things since there are multiple parties involved and since it is an ongoing legal battle. Pretty much, just leave it alone. I definitely agree. It's a messy situation...

Thanks for the update. Damn..really like that dude. So fucked up.
Fuck... I was wondering why this thread was lighting up.

I can't imagine how Tommy must be feeling right now. And even moreso for the family who lost their loved one. What a fucked up situation for everyone involved.

Is this the last we'll ever see of Tommy? :(


Man I would have never guessed thats what happened in a million years. Just started listening to the Roast and Toast to start my day and looked up the article to figure out what they were talking about.

I dont even know what to say, this is such a swerve to wake up to

Tom Nook

Fuck... I was wondering why this thread was lighting up.

I can't imagine how Tommy must be feeling right now. And even moreso for the family who lost their loved one. What a fucked up situation for everyone involved.

Is this the last we'll ever see of Tommy? :(

It seems so. :(

Danielle is full time co-host on these shows now.
Naah, the best is Chris Stuckmann followed by JeremyJahns, except when it comes to comic book movies which they generally overrated far too much.

Chris does know his stuff (that SW Ep 7 analysis was pretty good), but I feel he gets too fanboyish. Jeremy's okaaaaaaaay.

None of these reviewers are particularly good i think. But just for sheer entertainment value these doubletoasted guys are the best

Yep. At least the Double Toasted guys are funny. Can't stand Chris Struckman. Even his thumbnails annoy me.

Chris Stuckmann is alright. But Jeremy Jahns? Trash. He prides himself on how he's a regular joe reviewing movies, and that makes for really boring critiques, plus the whole Youtuber overly excited and jump cut editing (because sentences are hard) shtick is tired for me. I don't watch either of them regularly, but Double Toasted is a must no matter the movie.
Never heard of these guys but Im always down for good movie reviews....but, Im 5 minutes into the Zoolander 2 review and dont have any information on why the movie is bad other than "it looks cheap and expensive at the same time".

Not off to a great start.

EDIT: Got to the 10minute mark with no real discussion on exactly why the movie is bad other than "Ben stiller is high","nobody wants to be in this movie" and "Ben Stiller is old and irrelevant".

Sorry, but Im going to pass on these guys. I appreciate in depth reviews but its just these three guys making fun of the movie and not actually reviewing it.
Never heard of these guys but Im always down for good movie reviews....but, Im 5 minutes into the Zoolander 2 review and dont have any information on why the movie is bad other than "it looks cheap and expensive at the same time".

Not off to a great start.

EDIT: Got to the 10minute mark with no real discussion on exactly why the movie is bad other than "Ben stiller is high","nobody wants to be in this movie" and "Ben Stiller is old and irrelevant".

Sorry, but Im going to pass on these guys. I appreciate in depth reviews but its just these three guys making fun of the movie and not actually reviewing it.

It's Zoolander 2. How criticality serious do you expect it to be?
It's Zoolander 2. How criticality serious do you expect it to be?

It doesnt have to be serious but I would expect them to tell me at least something about the movie. Theres some basic info thats required in a 'review' of something and I just didnt see any of it in the first 10 minutes of a 21minute "review".

Its like they already expect the viewer to have seen the movie and now they're just all sitting around clowning on it, which is fine but it aint a review.
What movie is that?
Never heard of these guys but Im always down for good movie reviews....but, Im 5 minutes into the Zoolander 2 review and dont have any information on why the movie is bad other than "it looks cheap and expensive at the same time".

Not off to a great start.

EDIT: Got to the 10minute mark with no real discussion on exactly why the movie is bad other than "Ben stiller is high","nobody wants to be in this movie" and "Ben Stiller is old and irrelevant".

Sorry, but Im going to pass on these guys. I appreciate in depth reviews but its just these three guys making fun of the movie and not actually reviewing it.
Check out their other reviews like Fifty Shades of Black. Zoolander 2 just doesn't warrant any merit of an in-depth analysis.


If Tommy is found guilty (second degree felony) then he's going away for a few years..minimum. But because he's a black man I expect a longer sentence.
Oh, please. Their review was spot on. The gushing about this film is so over the top.

LOL if you say so. Like I said before they are poor critics but great entertainment.

Pretty much gush over almost anything involving comic books as well. Can't really come to YouTube movie reviewers for decent objective criticism. But I'm glad these guys are at least funny. Jahns and Stuckmann....scust
LOL if you say so. Like I said before they are poor critics but great entertainment.

Pretty much gush over almost anything involving comic books as well. Can't really come to YouTube movie reviewers for decent objective criticism. But I'm glad these guys are at least funny. Jahns and Stuckmann....scust

Ding ding ding.
It's weird that he went to work? Or do you mean that so much time passed between the incident him being booked?

I think he means weird that Tommy went back to work with a public persona and seemed like his usual self, knowing he hit a person with his car.

Not to mention the prosecutor is probably going to use footage as evidence.


Yeah that's what I meant. You would think Tommy would want to stay off camera considering what happened.

D i Z

I think he means weird that Tommy went back to work with a public persona and seemed like his usual self, knowing he hit a person with his car.

Not to mention the prosecutor is probably going to use footage as evidence.

We have so little information about how this happened and why it took so long. He might have felt or was led to believe that he should continue with his life with a measure of comfort. By comfort, I mean that things were not going to proceed to this state for him. Who knows.
Did anyone catch the new live spoiler show hosted by Will? Judging from the comments left on the chat, it was a complete disaster and it seems Korey even took down the page for it. I doubt it was as bad as everyone was saying it was.

EDIT: Turns out Korey really did take it down.
Will on Children of the Toast said:
Hey everyone,
So as many of you have guessed, Korey decided to pull the episode we aired last night, and the entire show for the foreseeable future. I was hoping to be able to cultivate it and mold it, but that's not a luxury we can afford right now due to multiple factors. So it looks like that won't happen. Anyway, it is what it is. I just wanted to be upfront with everyone now, so there was no confusion or speculation in the coming days. Thanks for tuning in.

That sucks.
Fuck Korey though, watching Double Toasted for as long as I did is starting to influence my typing/speaking habits lol. It happens every time I watch a show for a long time, I'll pick up on a person's way of talking, it's almost like when you play Tetris for so long that you can't close your eyes without seeing the patterns.

Nah I love you Korey


I'm shocked about the whole accident thing with Tommy :( I don't even know what to say. Condolences to the family of the victim.

Not that DT is bad but you're not the only one. Although, someone posted the link to the entire spill podcasts in one of the forums of double toasted. I'm currently listening to "Let's do this" from 2008.

Do you have a link to that post? I'd like to check it out. I discovered Spill like 2 months before it shut down. Been following Korey ever since.
I'm shocked about the whole accident thing with Tommy :( I don't even know what to say. Condolences to the family of the victim.

Do you have a link to that post? I'd like to check it out. I discovered Spill like 2 months before it shut down. Been following Korey ever since.

I don't have a link to the post it's but I have a link download the files, mind you its a torrent site.
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