Black Deatha
Was I so completaly wrong in assuming that when I bought Driver 3 that I would be able to at least on occasion be able to derive ENJOYMENT from the game?
I don't know how many of the rest of you are playing this game considering how dissapointing it is. But I mean, this is pathetic. Mission after mission is just completaly made up of nothing more than trial and error gameplay. Now I usualy don't mind with games like Splinter Cell and such. But this is just redicoulas. I HATE these damn missions where you need to chase some prick or another in the game. I have never played a game that's so unforgiving and at the same time so blaintently buggy that it hurts gameplay so much.
On evry single one of those chas missions I have had to restart them at least 35 times each. Only to have the game screw me one way or another, like oh, he's just a block and a ½ ahead, but FAIL!! Or what happend to me several timer erlier. I was after this one guy who flees to his base or something. Well about 5 times I was after him but was on a street parallel to him, and I would get to the corner to turn towards him and get closer to him. Than he would drive in his base or whatever and I would attempt to follow him only to be greeted by failur once again. I fianaly realized it seemed the only way NOT to fail was to follow his exact path.
Now I am on this other mission where I am chasing Caltia or whatever her name is. And holy hell, this is deffinatly the most mind boggelingly frusturating mission yet. I would immagine the next time I try again it will be attempt #70 or more.
Well anyway I suspose I am just venting. So anyone else who is going though crap with this game, share your stories here.
~Black Deatha
I don't know how many of the rest of you are playing this game considering how dissapointing it is. But I mean, this is pathetic. Mission after mission is just completaly made up of nothing more than trial and error gameplay. Now I usualy don't mind with games like Splinter Cell and such. But this is just redicoulas. I HATE these damn missions where you need to chase some prick or another in the game. I have never played a game that's so unforgiving and at the same time so blaintently buggy that it hurts gameplay so much.
On evry single one of those chas missions I have had to restart them at least 35 times each. Only to have the game screw me one way or another, like oh, he's just a block and a ½ ahead, but FAIL!! Or what happend to me several timer erlier. I was after this one guy who flees to his base or something. Well about 5 times I was after him but was on a street parallel to him, and I would get to the corner to turn towards him and get closer to him. Than he would drive in his base or whatever and I would attempt to follow him only to be greeted by failur once again. I fianaly realized it seemed the only way NOT to fail was to follow his exact path.
Now I am on this other mission where I am chasing Caltia or whatever her name is. And holy hell, this is deffinatly the most mind boggelingly frusturating mission yet. I would immagine the next time I try again it will be attempt #70 or more.
Well anyway I suspose I am just venting. So anyone else who is going though crap with this game, share your stories here.
~Black Deatha