The Elder Scrolls 6 Teaser Is Now 6 Years Old — and Even Todd Howard Paused to Say, ‘Oh Wow That Has Been a While’



Remarkably, The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser trailer is six years old, an anniversary that made even Bethesda development chief Todd Howard pause for thought.

Bethesda teased The Elder Scrolls 6 at E3 2018 with a brief announcement video, below, that gave little away about the studio’s plans. Six years later and fans are still in the dark about what to expect from the hotly anticipated sequel, which won’t release until 2028 at the earliest.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Teaser - E3 2018
Howard hasn't given much away since, and made typically vague comments in an interview with YouTube channel MrMattyPlays, but did reflect on the huge gap between The Elder Scrolls 6’s teaser and release.

“Now, it's the sixth anniversary of us releasing the teaser for Elder Scroll 6 — might be today — so that did make me pause and say, ‘oh wow that has been a while.’ And now that we're working on Elder Scroll 6 and we get to see it here in the studio, you know you do miss it.

“We appreciate all of those thoughts, and are with the fans on that. We’re working hard on it. And one day we’ll have it for everybody.”


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I dont really count it as a real announcement since it was clear at the time its not really starting until Starfield is done. No title. No confirmation of the region even. Just a little reminder that its now associated with MS 1st party. Even less expectations of an immediate game than the Outer Worlds 2 one that literally was making a joke of it.


I feel like the Bethesda modding scenes are slowly drying up from lack of new blood.

From 2006-2015 we got five Creation Engine games in nine years (Oblivion, F3, NV, Skyrim, F4.) Nine years after F4, we got official mod support for the first Creation Engine 2 game, Starfield.

I hope Bethesda can turn things around with the long term Starfield support. But I'm expecting the CE2 platform to get completely outcompeted by other mod platforms.
It seems like most modern games are announced with a JPEG (Metroid Prime 4) or CGI by an outside studio. Just wait until you can at least show 30 seconds of gameplay. They can’t even hit that low bar…


The Elder Scrolls VI will take the throne from TES IV: Oblivion as the greatest role-playing game ever made. Inshallah.

Don't rush The King.

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demented waffle

Gold Member
Every sequel Howard has made has been a dumbed-down version of its predecessor. I'm not expecting much at all with this. Especially with the creation club. I'm expecting it to be half-baked to get people to get the paid mods to complete it. Hope I'm wrong.


Microsoft should let Obsidian and inXile together work on Fallout 5. So that we a) don't have to wait till 2050 for it and b) actually has a chance of it being not worse than Fallout 4.


I think bethesda massively undercut thinking starfield would fill elder scrolls void . Like no not even close. Starfield doesn't have enough to keep people interested for months let alone years until es6. If it had not ben their plan all along with starfield being the game that would fill in the wait we would have probably seen es6 way sooner. It's hard to change course with development times etc now. I think Howard knows that
I would rather Elder Scrolls 6 never be released than get a woke Elder Scrolls 6. Since they put woke shit in Starfield, we can conclude Bethesda is infected with the woke mind virus.

There is no doubt that the DEI lunatics there are dying to make Bethesda’s biggest game their new platform to pour shit on gamers from and to ultimately destroy the franchise.

I hope Todd Howard has some of his old young idealistic self still living inside him and that he prevents this nightmare from happening.
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Again tho it has to be said within context. Which is what matters most. They announced ESVI that early because at that time they were announcing their next big game was Fallout 76, online game they knew wasn’t what people expected from them, so to make it abundantly clear that Bethesda was still making giant sprawling open world RPGs, they announced a very far out road map to reassure people.

But of course you’re gonna get people that tunnel vision “it was announced too early”. Well you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t sometimes 🤷‍♂️


I would rather Elder Scrolls 6 never be released than get a woke Elder Scrolls 6. Since they put woke shit in Starfield, we can conclude Bethesda is infected with the woke mind virus.

There is no doubt that the DEI lunatics there are dying to make Bethesda’s biggest game their new platform to pour shit on gamers from and to ultimately destroy the franchise.

I hope Todd Howard has some of his old young idealistic self still living inside him and that he prevents this nightmare from happening.
Im also thinking the same... I hope it will long enough, to the point when DEI is gone
Im also thinking the same... I hope it will long enough, to the point when DEI is gone
BGS is not comprised of the people (for the most part) who would let this happen. It's mostly white males in their 40-50s that work there, since many people are still there from the 90s golden era.

So I really wouldn't worry about it.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Aw yeah, Skyrim but woke, dumbed down even further and without Jeremy Soule for the music. What could go wrong?

Frustrated Steve Harvey GIF
I think summer 2025 we'll get a big update and it will come out in 2026
That's way too early. 2027 at the earliest we'd see anything of substance. Release late 2028. And that's just realistic but just slightly semi-optimistic. It will be an early next-gen Xbox game at this point, to be practical about it.

They *just started production late last year/ early this year. Even if you're going with the fastest production timeline possible (which I would say isn't likely given the scale of this game), that would put it at a late 2027 release. But I think with how long these games take nowadays, that would really be pushing it. They'd have to change their pipeline and have other studios make parts of the game to hit a target like 2027.
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That's way too early. 2027 at the earliest we'd see anything of substance. Release late 2028. And that's just realistic but just slightly semi-optimistic. It will be an early next-gen Xbox game at this point, to be practical about it.

If they realeased the game on 2027 or 2028 is because they are gonna need a lot more time to make a native version for the Xbox next gen console (rumored to be out on 2026), and they're not going to take advantage of the new hardware at that point anyway. Financially speaking it's going to be better for them to release the game as a native Xbox series design right before the launch of the next generation, with only a 60 or 120 FPS mode on the new console on his launch, and on a much later date make a paid enhanced edition with new dlc and expansion pass included.

I'm sure they are now almost near feature completed for gameplay systems. Most of the work from now on will probably focus on creating, adding, and testing content.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I would rather Elder Scrolls 6 never be released than get a woke Elder Scrolls 6. Since they put woke shit in Starfield, we can conclude Bethesda is infected with the woke mind virus. There is no doubt that the DEI lunatics there are dying to make Bethesda’s biggest game their new platform to pour shit on gamers from and to ultimately destroy the franchise.

I hope Todd Howard has some of his old young idealistic self still living inside him and that he prevents this nightmare from happening.
What do you even think would be woke about Elder Scrolls? It's always been largely lore driven, sexless, systems-based. They actually already had one of the first black male leads with their Redguard game.
I find it funny that some people have a problem with the reveal being too early. Skyrim launched in 2011. We got the teaser in 2018. The game is said to be the next one from Bethesda, but we may be looking at a release closer to 2030 than most of us would like. And all of that should have been obvious to Bethesda in 2018. How can you see this timetable and not accept that talking about a game a decade(slight exageration) before launch is not too early?
So when we get the next Elder Scrolls game, nearly 20 years will have passed since the last one. Wow. 20 years.
From the PS3 to maybe the next gen Xbox. 3 generations of consoles. Maybe enough time for Star citizen to launch squadron 42. I was a young man fresh from high school when Skyrin launched and may be 40 by the time we get Elder Scroll 6. How will they adapt the series for the new generation?


Gold Member
From the PS3 to maybe the next gen Xbox. 3 generations of consoles. ... I was a young man fresh from high school when Skyrin launched and may be 40 by the time we get Elder Scroll 6. How will they adapt the series for the new generation?

Might as well call it a series reboot at this point...

p.s. I was 50 when Skyrim released. By the time we get the next Elder Scrolls game, I'll be nearly dead, lol. This is my last Elder Scrolls game, Todd! Make it good you bastard!
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So when we get the next Elder Scrolls game, nearly 20 years will have passed since the last one. Wow. 20 years.
Holy crap… that is crazy.

Has there been an attempt by anyone to modernize the older ones with mods? I tried to do it with morrowind but it didn’t want to work for some reason. I assume I’m just doing it wrong. I’d love some super easy way to work mods into the older ones.


Again tho it has to be said within context. Which is what matters most. They announced ESVI that early because at that time they were announcing their next big game was Fallout 76, online game they knew wasn’t what people expected from them, so to make it abundantly clear that Bethesda was still making giant sprawling open world RPGs, they announced a very far out road map to reassure people.

But of course you’re gonna get people that tunnel vision “it was announced too early”. Well you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t sometimes 🤷‍♂️
They could have just used Starfield for this. Which was teased at the same show and 5 years away from release instead of probably 12.
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Holy crap… that is crazy.

Has there been an attempt by anyone to modernize the older ones with mods? I tried to do it with morrowind but it didn’t want to work for some reason. I assume I’m just doing it wrong. I’d love some super easy way to work mods into the older ones.
Dunno about modernizing as that doesn't matter so much to me, but there are amazing projects out there like Tamriel Rebuilt in which they are adding entire landmasses to the game world. I know, for example, a lot of the Morrowind province is done now so you can walk across from the island of Vvardenfell (well, swim or whatever) and hit the mainland. The areas/quests/npcs/zones the players have created are massive and amazing. I know there are some large teams working on Cyrodil and Skyrim provinces for Morrowind now with more than substantial progress. The eventual goal is to build all of Tamriel in the engine. So perhaps not exactly modernized, but forward in another way. I like that engine like it is though. There are also similar projects for other TES games like Bruma (early portion of Cyrodil province) for Skyrim in which the same goals are had.
Might as well call it a series reboot at this point...

p.s. I was 50 when Skyrim released. By the time we get the next Elder Scrolls game, I'll be nearly dead, lol.
Remember that a family called their child Dovakin to have free Bethesda games for life. The baby is now 12, and may be in high school by the time we get Elder scrolls 6. No idea how they will make it work, but a new engine would be nice.


BGS is not comprised of the people (for the most part) who would let this happen. It's mostly white males in their 40-50s that work there, since many people are still there from the 90s golden era.

So I really wouldn't worry about it.
Papa microaoft will make sure it has plenty of sweet baby influence. Doesn't really matter what a bunch of white guys will want in the end.
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