You can be Thane of every city with no conflicts if you want.
Okay, awesome. Thanks!
You can be Thane of every city with no conflicts if you want.
Finished the Companions quest line. Overall it had an interesting story with likeable characters, I hope the other major quest lines are as good as this one. Getting to the final area was pretty epic too. It was the first time I had traveled that far north and I had no idea what to expect. It was a bit hard to navigate due to all the steep mountains and the blizzard blocking the view of the distance. I was on a horse and decided to just tail it when I ran into a frost troll. I tried to run past him but then all of a sudden a huge ice blast almost hits me. Turns out a dragon is right behind me. Normally I'd jump at the opportunity, but I just wanted to get to where I was going. So a dragon is attacking me right on a cliff with a frost troll coming at me, so I decide to see if I can jump to the next cliff with my horse. I jump and... completely miss it. I land maybe a hundred feet below and my horse dies from the fall but I survive. I keep close to the cliffside but the dragon is still following me and he lets out another frost attack. Eventually he gets bored with me and I manage to get to the tomb.
This game is amazing, bravo Bethesda. Though you could have made it crash less.
Disagree.Thieves Guild was a HUGE letdown, there was barely any actual thieving and it was pretty much just filler for another quest line.
Thieves Guild was a HUGE letdown, there was barely any actual thieving and it was pretty much just filler for another quest line.
Care to elaborate? What was so good about it? They were literally all randomly generated go here and steal x from y person quests, only the first one involving the meadery was good.Disagree.
Yeah a shit load of 'infinite quests' as Beth likes to call them, if that's what you think makes a good Theives Guild I suggest you go back and play Oblivion, now THAT had some crazy heists.Did you complete all the quest? Im doing a shit load of stealing and heist quest right now just to get the last quest.
Care to elaborate? What was so good about it? They were literally all randomly generated go here and steal x from y person quests, only the first one involving the meadery was good.
Yeah a shit load of 'infinite quests' as Beth likes to call them, if that's what you think makes a good Theives Guild I suggest you go back and play Oblivion, now THAT had some crazy heists.
I played oblivion from the day it was released till the day Skyrim dropped, ill pass.
Care to elaborate? What was so good about it? They were literally all randomly generated go here and steal x from y person quests, only the first one involving the meadery was good.
Good work completely missing the fucking point.
The problem is you don't have point, i said the thieves guild was my favorite faction so far, and i don't need to explain shit to you.
I don't have a point? So my point about the Thieves Guild being better in Oblivion isn't a point?
Thanks for letting me know.
That's the problem, how is that thieving? In what way does that fit the guild? Like I said it was just filler for that quest line, which has nothing to do with the Thieves Guild other then some poorly thought out tie to 'luck'.I haven't finished, but I'm finding them to be very good so far. The extensive search for whatserface in that one dungeon and how it all played out was great. I'm only a few past that, but they are fun to me. *shrugs*
Surely you can't be this dumb? I compared it to Oblivion because OBLIVION DID IT BETTER. What's next, are you going to tell me I can't make that comparison?When the fuck did i even mention Oblivion's thieves guild?
The Thieves Guild Heist quests aren't just infinite. Do enough of them andafter about 20 of them they unlock further proper 'Special Job Request' missions that further the Thieves Guild story.
The Thieves Guild Heist quests aren't just infinite. Do enough of them andafter about 20 of them they unlock further proper 'Special Job Request' missions that further the Thieves Guild story.
Does it rain or thunder storm? Or just snow?
The Thieves Guild Heist quests aren't just infinite. Do enough of them andafter about 20 of them they unlock further proper 'Special Job Request' missions that further the Thieves Guild story.
Thieves Guild was a HUGE letdown, there was barely any actual thieving and it was pretty much just filler for another quest line.
Oh, okay. Yeah, those quests are tedious. But you can't say they don't involve thievery.Yes and I did them all and restored the guild fully. Not worth it at all.
Does it rain or thunder storm? Or just snow?
Did you know about this, 3chopl0x?
it rains. dont know about t-storms though, would be super cool.
actually i think it t-storms when dragons appear somtimes
;_; I'm a sucker for weather effects, the storms in Oblivion were great, I was hoping they'd be even better in this.
Yes and I did them all and restored the guild fully. Not worth it at all.
Loving my mage so far.
Only level 7, with basically just the first level spells, but I find myself staring at my favorites list unsure of how I want to approach battles. So much versatility.
I kinda wish conjured weapons damage was based on conjuration, but yea. It's not like I have to put perks in one-handed or whatever. I still find the bound weapon spells really cool. Though it seems I'm gonna level up really quick if I'm getting skills up in most magic trees and a few weapon trees through bound weapon spells.
Oh, okay. Yeah, those quests are tedious. But you can't day they don't involve thievery.
I've never seen a game more active than this on Steam before, and I imagine it was even higher launch week.Code:Current Players Peak Today Game 119,409 226,089 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Maybe Portal 2?
The Bound weapons are more useful for the two excellent utility perks attached to them than for outright damage-dealing, though they can be nice to get some decent shots in while waiting for mana to regen.
Soul Stealer is one of the most useful perks in the entire game for obvious reasons, and Oblivion Binding is also fantastic since it one-shots anything that's a summon. It renders enemy summons completely trivial (and helps you easily deal with an enemy turning one of your summons on you).
It also turns enemy zombies against their owners though I haven't a chance to try that out yet.
Wow, I just checked those out. Sounds awesome. Will definitely have to get those. Is the Soul Stealer a normal 60s effect?
Does it rain or thunder storm? Or just snow?
For anyone who completed the dark brotherhood quest storyline, who felt that Oblivion's was better? I think Oblivion's had more fun and creative quests compared to Skyrim's and please let me explain before I get flamed to OblivionI like the ideas that they had in Skyrim's DB storyline
but the way that your character would pull it off would leave not much freedom during the actual quest. ex. both quests I just mentioned had no special thing to it tbh. It was simply go up and do the job. Sure, you had to sneak around, but that gets easy when you have a high sneak level and have an intelligence above a small child's. I mean, you wouldn't have the courage to look at me straight in the face (through your monitor) and tell me that that one DB quest in Oblivion that had you try and kill 6 people in a locked house was not more fun than any of the ones in Skyrim.Assassinating the emperor is freaking awesome, as is murdering someone at their own wedding
Essentially what I'm trying to say is: Oblivion= meh ideas, good storyline, great execution. Skyrim= great ideas, good/great storyline, poor execution. Skyrim's ideas look beautiful and seem fun to do on paper, but once you actually go out and do it you see that it is quite linear. The chef thing, for ex, was totally scripted. And having X (you know who) just sitting there waiting for you doesn't make it as great as if X was unsuspecting of you. Also, there were fewer quests than in Oblivion. I think it took me about 4 to 5 hours to do them whereas Oblivion took closer to 8-10. One more thing: the characters you met in the sanctuary in Oblivion were much more fleshed out. I remember doing side quests for Ocheeva and reading up on how the vamp assassin hated the blonde one because she would put garlic in the food. It seemed more lively tbh. Anyone agree?
For anyone who completed the dark brotherhood quest storyline, who felt that Oblivion's was better? I think Oblivion's had more fun and creative quests compared to Skyrim's and please let me explain before I get flamed to OblivionI like the ideas that they had in Skyrim's DB storyline
but the way that your character would pull it off would leave not much freedom during the actual quest. ex. both quests I just mentioned had no special thing to it tbh. It was simply go up and do the job. Sure, you had to sneak around, but that gets easy when you have a high sneak level and have an intelligence above a small child's. I mean, you wouldn't have the courage to look at me straight in the face (through your monitor) and tell me that that one DB quest in Oblivion that had you try and kill 6 people in a locked house was not more fun than any of the ones in Skyrim.Assassinating the emperor is freaking awesome, as is murdering someone at their own wedding
Essentially what I'm trying to say is: Oblivion= meh ideas, good storyline, great execution. Skyrim= great ideas, good/great storyline, poor execution. Skyrim's ideas look beautiful and seem fun to do on paper, but once you actually go out and do it you see that it is quite linear. The chef thing, for ex, was totally scripted. And having X (you know who) just sitting there waiting for you doesn't make it as great as if X was unsuspecting of you. Also, there were fewer quests than in Oblivion. I think it took me about 4 to 5 hours to do them whereas Oblivion took closer to 8-10. One more thing: the characters you met in the sanctuary in Oblivion were much more fleshed out. I remember doing side quests for Ocheeva and reading up on how the vamp assassin hated the blonde one because she would put garlic in the food. It seemed more lively tbh. Anyone agree?
I haven't actually gone through Skyrim's DB storyline, but I have doubts that it could top the one in Oblivion. The DB Oblivion storyline was the highlight of that game, for me.
Essentially for me Oblivion did Guilds infinitely better than Skyrim but Skyrim did everything else better.