OK so I finished the Thieves Guild questline and I have a question:
Wheres the damn Skeleton Key? I know I had it for that one particular Nocturne mission, but I cant remember if I actually got to keep it. I couldve dropped it or sold it also by mistake. I could be totally wrong but does anyone know how to obtain it?
Yescan I get some companions in this game?
Is there also someone I can talk to about removing all the damn hay and spider webs?
Oh wow, the create a new character/auto save bug is just awful.
Where the hell do I buy ebony ingots? I just unlocked ebony smithing yet I haven't got any raw materiel to make it with.
Where the hell do I buy ebony ingots? I just unlocked ebony smithing yet I haven't got any raw materiel to make it with.
There are two ebony veins on the peak of High Hrothgar.
They become available at Blacksmiths once you hit a certain level. I'm lvl 33 and they have heaps of them most of the time now.
They are removed **mostly** if you fully upgrade and decorate your house.
Is dragon armor light or heavy?
nice, can you be more specific? I don't care if it's spoiler.Yes
An early one can be attained by doing the main story quests.
Ah, I see. Mining it is.
Both. There's light Dragonscale and heavy Dragonplate.
I was fighting an undead mage of some sorts at the bottom of an island near that town at the base of throat of the world. I was attacking him and my weapon just disappeared! I spent like ten minutes wandering around the room thinking he knocked it out of my hand or something before I gave up. What the hell happened?
Anybody? Spell/bug?
Guys, I need some advice on how best to proceed. Basically, I'm around level 9-10. At first I was levelling up one handed combat, blocking and smithing. But what I'm finding is that generally it takes too long to kill enemies, and second, blocking doesn't really do much. Still taking crap loads of damage and dying more than I'd like. Especially against meaner enemies like.the vampire leader from the Companions mission
I'm a bit lost as to why I'm taking such a bashing given how all my armour (steel and Orkish) is all forged up to Superior levels. I'm finding that with the redundancy of slashing and blocking, I'm having to switch to healing magic mid way, along with constant use of healing potions which totally breaks up the very flow of combat and my one hand sword one hand shield set up. Which in the middle of battle is beyond messy with no real structure (imo the swordplay in this game isn't very polished).
Any advice? Also, does anyone know what ingredients make healing potions?
Many thanks![]()
So I have 500g+ of goods stolen for a quest yet I can not complete it.
I am in the correct town too.
is it me or does navigating through the perk tree suck ass? it never goes to the perk i want.
if someone sees you it doesn't seem to count, so make sure.
I think it's the reward for the 3rd or 4th quest. I'm pretty sure it's the reward after completing the very first combat-centric main quest.nice, can you be more specific? I don't care if it's spoiler.
Curious whether the coming patch will have balance tweaks..
level 23 with 24k septim, what to spend it on?
also anyone who has completed Dark brotherhood quest lineIf you saves Cicero you can use him as a companion but how? I dont see him anyway.
If you tell the guards to fuck off after they tell you to stop "shouting" do they stop coming up to you asking for you to stop?
Get's fucking annoying after awhile.
Thanks for the answers guys. Think I'm just going to soldier on with the block/one hand sword build.
he is chilling in the old sanctuary when you move there. Dunno why you'd want him as a companion though, I'm considering killing him afterall just so I wouldn't have to listen to his voice.
No, i did that the first time it happened, but that didnt stop one of those guards to (companion quest spoiler)barge in during the funeral of the harbinger and interrupt the whole ceremony just to tell me to stop shouting!
From what I understand, this move can cancel an enemy's strong attack. Combine this with the shield perk that slows down the game when an enemy is starting a strong attack and you should be in good shape.Thinking about it now, I think I'd do shield bash ASAP since it'll add an attack to your shield arm. I'm guessing it pushes people back and gives you some breathing room to backpeddle.