Man, all the ritual stones are kinda useless except the Steed Stone.
Along with the extra pockets perk, high stamina, and a follower, I'm never over-encumbered and I'm making a shitload of money.
Lovers stone is neat
Man, all the ritual stones are kinda useless except the Steed Stone.
Along with the extra pockets perk, high stamina, and a follower, I'm never over-encumbered and I'm making a shitload of money.
How far along in the Thieves Guild quest line am I?
I've justbecome a Nightingale and am going after what's his name the betrayer. Just cleared out the bandits from the entrance.
Yeah, well I'm not planning on getting everything from these trees. Just getting things I want from each tree really. I am planning on focusing more on armour and weapon though. For block, I've actually been using wards from the restoration tree, I'm not actually sure if they are any decent compared to blocking. It just saved me having to use perks in the blocking tree.
Man, all the ritual stones are kinda useless except the Steed Stone.
Along with the extra pockets perk, high stamina, and a follower, I'm never over-encumbered and I'm making a shitload of money.
The Lord and the Atronach stones are fucking ace.
Haha. I thought the same thing when I first bought it. I was so excited and having spent pretty much every cent I had on it, I had high expectations. Walked in and...........severe disappointment. Looked like shit.
However, fully upgraded(which doesn't cost that much), its a pretty nice place. I'm pretty happy with it, but I could use more bookshelf space.
Buy upgrades from the same person you bought the house from.
Pretty much.Black souls are always Grand which beats out one that can hold Petty to Grand. Lets you always get Grand Souls without much effort since, really, what the hell do you need Petty to Greater for besides skilling up?
Sometimes the musics sounds just like Fallout 3.
Anyone know anything about the random drops to the desktop in the PC version? Happened twice today, no errors either.
It wouldn't work out well for you as a melee character. Wards get dramatically more expensive to cast and while they do block magic attacks, they offer no passive armor and otherwise have no utility. You have enough perks that investing into Block would be a better idea even if you had to take them from Restoration. The actual healing spells in Restoration by comparison are much easier on the magicka pool and will allow you to take more health and stamina on level gains. Plus you can get some very powerful utility moves via the Block perk tree that will be more useful to a melee-oriented character.
How do you absorb souls anyway, i have 0 idea on how to do this lol.
It's a Bethesda game, dude.
Is it actually useful though? Otherwise, I'll keep my precious money for other stuff. I just needed a place to stash 1000 pounds of crap.
The Lord and the Atronach stones are fucking ace.
I know, but did they recycle the music or just use the same composer?
I know, but did they recycle the music or just use the same composer?
CHEEZMO;32838786 said:What's the Lord stone do?
Not seen it.
Yeah you're probably right lol. I kinda just wanted to make a warrior priest type of character. Was thinking of enchanting my armour to get the restoration cost down, plus have powers against undead but it probably might not work out well.
Gives you 50 points of damage resistance and 25% magic resistance.
Lovers stone is neat™;32838786 said:What's the Lord stone do?
Not seen it.
Made a wrong turn today and had to turn around in some guys driveway, saw through his window driving away him fighting a dragon :lol.
100 smithing, i can finally get dragon armour.
O_OGives you 50 points of damage resistance and 25% magic resistance.
To be fair the "type" of music used in Elder Scrolls games always sound to same to me. It has a very specific medieval orchestra vibe.
So, is anyone high enough level to tell us if you find high-end armour (dragon, daedric) in the wild at some point?
So, is anyone high enough level to tell us if you find high-end armour (dragon, daedric) in the wild at some point?
Heavy Dragon isn't the best Armor, though it's easier to get the materials for than Daedric. Doesn't help that both Dragon options don't look that great either. Actually, I don't like the way most the Light Armor looks as well so my Archer pimps street clothes; Defense be damned!
...but I wish there was a faster way of harvesting souls. I've just been loading up on Soul Gems (by stealing them from merchants) and venturing out into the wilderness to kill things, but the Black Star only holds one human soul and killing one dude and then fast traveling to an Arcane Enchanter to enchant a weapon won't get me anywhere fast. I'm thinking about using the console to get a bunch of duplicate Black Stars.
Damage reduction is capped at 80%. If you are wearing all four pieces of armor, this occurs at 567 displayed armor rating. If you have 100 skill and all relevant armor perks, this requires a smithed armor rating of about 135. You can increase your smithed armor rating by 1 roughly every 2 points of Smithing with the appropriate perk, or every 4 without. Therefore, at 100 Smithing you will need 85 base armor with the appropriate perk, which is not achievable with Light Armor (though Dragonscale comes close at 82 for the set) and requires at least a Steel Plate set for Heavy Armor. With Fortify Smithing apparel you can boost Smithing even further, which can potentially allow any material for which a Smithing perk exists to reach the cap. At the extreme end, you will need about 126 Smithing to make Steel Armor hit the cap, and about 154 Smithing for an Elven set. Unfortunately, Fur, Hide, Studded, Leather, and Iron armors are not affected by any Smithing perks and so cannot be improved as much.
Spells and the Lord Stone can reduce the base armor required to hit the cap even further, but these require more management.
i dont fully understand this whole gem thing
when you are enchanting a weapon, is there any benefit to use a higher level gem? and i figured out how to trap souls into gems, but whats the point? what does that accomplish?
With all the bonuses in the end light armor will cap out close to the max defense.
As far as I can tell, higher level gems/souls give more power to your enchantments. And the point of trapping souls is so that you can enchant in the first place.
Gives you 50 points of damage resistance and 25% magic resistance.
Man the house in Whiterun sucks, it's so tiny. I've got a huge pile of Dragon Bones and Scales in the Alchemy room, my table is full of spare weapons, my bed is full of spare armor, now I've got nowhere to put all the loot I've been finding.
Gonna need to make Solitude my hometown very soon, hope the house is worth that 25K...
EDIT: I've still got 4 of the main cities that I haven't even visited, maybe I should check those out first...
Well for arrows you actually have to get shot with more arrows. Then they should disappear. For the sickle,er, try the same thing?I have an arrow and a frostbite sickle through my characters body and they get annoying to look at, anyway to get rid of these?
You should check the city that starts with Riften