I haven't bothered with any of these, do you find anything of worth?
The chests certainly have some good loot in them, but it is fairly randomized i'd imagine to keep up with your level.
I haven't bothered with any of these, do you find anything of worth?
If you want to abuse a glitch for max speech there's a glitch with some guy named Ungrien in Riften. I did it till I was 50 in speech...I would of done more but I don't want to raise my level through non-combat skills too much.
I'd also like to express appreciation for real treasure maps in this game. No waypoints there!
CHEEZMO;32844827 said:Treasure maps?
You can find treasure maps that actually have little dotted line paths and picture views on them in order to navigate.
CHEEZMO;32844827 said:Treasure maps?
just wandering around a mountainside and i stumble upon two bears outside a cave, kill them with lots of help from Erik, loot the Khajiit they killed, then continue into the cave..
Where 3 more fucking cave bears are waiting to tear me the fuck apart
tell me this glitch you speak of...
tell me this glitch you speak of...
Theres a bandit marauder with a battle axe is ten times more powerful than any dragon I've come across. There is nothing I have that can kill this son of a bitch. He is a god.
All I want from the patch is for them to fix the frame rate in towns.
That and please fix the random closing to desktop.
Wtf is Rockjoint? Because whatever it is is taking off 25% of my melee damage.
Wtf is Rockjoint? Because whatever it is is taking off 25% of my melee damage.
I thought I was the only one. It alt tabs me every 15 minutesish and i am 10 feet away using a controller...
Haven't heard many good things about destruction but I've seen more than a few people talking about blowing through the game using nothing but conjuration.Is any of the master level magic worth using, because the master level destruction and conjuration spells are pretty much useless.
Haven't heard many good things about destruction but I've seen more than a few people talking about blowing through the game using nothing but conjuration.
Is any of the master level magic worth using, because the master level destruction and conjuration spells are pretty much useless.
Over 35 hours in and I've just now finally retrieved the horn for the Greybeards lol
Damn this game
Anyone else get headaches playing this game? Something about the graphics makes it hard to look at sometimes. I think the subtitles aren't helping, them being so bright compared to the rest of the world mess with my head. I can't play for more than a little while before my head starts hurting. Gonna try turning off the subtitles, maybe lowering the graphics since it really hurts me head when the game has some slowdown. Am I the only one though?
I started the main quest with the intent of getting pretty far through it. Suffice it to say, I'm only a little past where you are with the main quest and I'm 36-39 hours in.
I have never been this addicted to a game in a long time. It's somewhat refreshing and scary all at the same time.
Wait wait..(companions spoilers)I just became a werewolf like 3 missions in and became a circle member..was that supposed to happen so soon? I thought it was supposed to happen at the end of the quest line?
Theres a bandit marauder with a battle axe is ten times more powerful than any dragon I've come across. There is nothing I have that can kill this son of a bitch. He is a god.
I did the Speech glitch and got to 100 so I can sell my stolen goods and invest in sellers. Worth it already. I love looting and pickpocketing so being able to sell all my shit to a ton of different ppl has made a big difference for my cash flow and off loading dead weight. This game is so addicitng. Can't wait for a proper binge during Thanks Giving weekend.
Oh yeah, also renamed my enchanted Dwarven bow , Dwavid Bowie.
What's the speech glitch?
If you want to abuse a glitch for max speech there's a glitch with some guy named Ungrien in Riften. I did it till I was 50 in speech...I would of done more but I don't want to raise my level through non-combat skills too much.
IIRC, you can select the persuade option infinitely with him. not sure how to get that option to show up, but i know thats the glitch with some dudes.