So can someone explain this smithing/alchemy/enchanting exploit to make insane weapons and armour?
My enchanting is about 50, my alchemy about 20 (I have hoarded every alchemy ingredient I have found in a box in my house so I can boost in massively in one go) and my smithing is at 100. My character is lv 40.
I have a full set of daedric armour - and every other heavy armour

- will this already mean I have reached the armour cap, or should I enchant one of my sets of armour with a load of smithing enchants to make a new set of more powerful armour (I assume going over 100 skill level in smithing is possible and is the point of this exploit, correct?) - also If there is no cap for weapons I think I should at least make a new daedric bow and axe as well