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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition |OT| Winter is Here


God fucking damn it Bethesda. So there's an Argonian in Riften named Wujeeta who you need to talk to in order to start the questline for the jarl in order to become Thane. Well apparently she must be dead or glitched as I can't find her anywhere in her supposed locations. So I can't become Thane or purchase Honeyside (Riften's house). Grr....

Edit: Well crisis somewhat averted, I managed to find her a number of saves back, so I'm only going from level 29 to level 25 now. Unfortunately I'm going to have to grind out those Thieves Guild jobs once again to become Guildmaster... again... *Sigh*


So I'm level 7 in Skyrim and decided to finally go up the steps on Expert difficulty. I guess this was a wrong move? The Frost Troll literally 2 shots me the moment I get in close and I do no damage. Should I just try and do other things for now?


So I'm level 7 in Skyrim and decided to finally go up the steps on Expert difficulty. I guess this was a wrong move? The Frost Troll literally 2 shots me the moment I get in close and I do no damage. Should I just try and do other things for now?
Just run past the troll. Getting shouts into your arsenal is important early on, with increased difficulty. You'll want to really focus on survival skills/perks for a few levels. Up your attack and armor by 40% asap via a few perks, smith and enchant some new gear, get Unrelenting Force to level 3.

With the harder settings, there WILL be fights you cannot win, at first. Pick and choose them carefully, and circle back later if you can't beat something. I did a few big posts on playing on master difficulty a few pages ago, if you want some tips.



Just run past the troll. Getting shouts into your arsenal is important early on, with increased difficulty. You'll want to really focus on survival skills/perks for a few levels. Up your attack and armor by 40% asap via a few perks, smith and enchant some new gear, get Unrelenting Force to level 3.

With the harder settings, there WILL be fights you cannot win, at first. Pick and choose them carefully, and circle back later if you can't beat something. I did a few big posts on playing on master difficulty a few pages ago, if you want some tips.


Alright. I will say though I did decide to just go do other things for a while and come back. 6 levels later, much improved gear and weapons and while he couldn't kill me as easily and I did a bit more damage... He was still really annoying. So I kept using my weak fire against him and then eventually used a scroll to summon a lighting Atronach and that was able to finish him off.

Alduin mahlaan!

That's the main quest finished. Still so much fun. I kinda gave up my 'no fast travel'-rule for the last few quests, since they require you to do so much goddamn back-and-forth trips. I'll do the same with the Imperial questline, before settling back into my standard routine with Dawnguard and Dragonborn.

I managed to get my Smithing up to 100 right before I fought Odahviing. Which is amazing, considering I can't craft anything above Steel quality, thanks to Morrowloot. I basically grinded out the last few levels by forging Iron Daggers and resmelting them, spending a lot of leather strips in the process. But it was worth it - I traveled to the Skyforge and came back with a spankin' set of brand new Dragonplate armor. With that, I traveled to Skuldafn to bring the fight to the dragons.

Hidden in the depths of Skuldafn, I found another boon - The Dragonbone Cuirass. An artifact from Morrowind, the mod creator didn't bother giving it an unique look for Skyrim. Its effect, however, is fantastic: complete negation of any and all Fire damage. As I approached the portal to Sovngarde and defeated Nahkriin, the very sight of my new armor seemed to have stunned the resident Dragons into inaction. Perched atop pillars overlooking the battle, two Ancient Dragons chilled out and let me do my thing. In turn, I let them stay where they were.

When Alduin came swooping down and realized his Fire attacks weren't doing much, he switched to Frost breath to try and take me down. Fortunately, my Nord Blood and Spellbreaker's Ward effect made sure that didn't affect me much, either. Playing on Master difficulty, it took a few minutes of fighting to finally vanquish the beast, but I felt like a goddamn badass while doing it.

Sun's Dusk is thus a month of celebration in Skyrim - the streamers and flags have already been hung. Alduin has been defeated.

Can't wait to delve into Dawnguard and Dragonborn again. Definitely going to take a break after that, but I'm pretty sure I'll be playing this game for years to come.


Fuck I was exploring with my boy Shadowmere and jumped off a cliff and homeboy died hard.

I fast travelled and he didn't show up so I continued to play for 10 hrs before missing him again.

Is he dead for good or can I go back to the black pond and have him reform?


Fuck I was exploring with my boy Shadowmere and jumped off a cliff and homeboy died hard.

I fast travelled and he didn't show up so I continued to play for 10 hrs before missing him again.

Is he dead for good or can I go back to the black pond and have him reform?

He reforms after something like 10 days. So you're horseless for a bit.


Gold Member
That's the main quest finished. Still so much fun. I kinda gave up my 'no fast travel'-rule for the last few quests, since they require you to do so much goddamn back-and-forth trips. I'll do the same with the Imperial questline, before settling back into my standard routine with Dawnguard and Dragonborn.


Can't wait to delve into Dawnguard and Dragonborn again. Definitely going to take a break after that, but I'm pretty sure I'll be playing this game for years to come.

Good stuff.

You might find yourself rethinking the "no fast travel" rule during Dawnguard. I'm playing that right now, and there is a lot of travel involved.

Speaking of Dawnguard, I am playing through that for the first time. It's not bad. I skipped it 5 years ago, because I wasn't in the mood for a vampire story. But I like it. Serena is one of the better companions.

I have several games I "ought" to get to (e.g., TLG, Uncharted 4), but I can't seem to detach myself from Skyrim.


Hello everyone,

So, since it is christmas and all, I figured it was the perfect occasion to play Skyrim again (and maybe finish it, for once?). However, the Special Edition is out now. So, I am left to wonder what to do exactly: should I buy the SE or stick to my Vanilla Skyrim? I have a few questions (I play on PC, using Mod Organizer):
  • Considering a LOT of mods are available for Vanilla Skyrim compared to the SE, is it worth it to switch to the SE when I guess a lot of mods won't be available?
  • Are modders still working on Skyrim in general, are they sticking to the Vanilla version of the game, or did they switch to the SE?
  • I am honestly lost. I haven't played Skyrim in ages, and I am a little afraid to start again from scratch in regards to mods, especially since making sure that everything works is a pain in the arse (ironically, it is also the fun aspect of modding itself: struggling with making things work, and feeling bliss when it finally clicks).
  • Vanilla Skyrim question only: is Dragonborn good? If I stick to Vanilla Skyrim I may as well finally buy the add-on. However, I am a little wary of mods conflicts, and I guess I should begin again from scratch, so I want to know if it is worth it.


Gold Member
[*]Vanilla Skyrim question only: is Dragonborn good? If I stick to Vanilla Skyrim I may as well finally buy the add-on. However, I am a little wary of mods conflicts, and I guess I should begin again from scratch, so I want to know if it is worth it.

I can't answer the other questions, but I'll answer this one: yes. It's very good. A bit of Morrowind nostalgia to start things off, a big new landmass to explore with plenty of little sidequests, a new race (I really liked the Skar), a new companion or two, and then venturing through various netherworlds with new enemies, lots of loot, and a final confrontation that is pretty memorable. At the end, you also get the ability to reset your perks. I enjoyed it quite a bit.


I thought Dragonborn felt shorter main quest wise compared with Dawnguard. I would also have appreciated one or two new joinable factions like the Dawnguard and the Volkihar Vampires have been.

That being said I love the small nostalgia trip I felt during my playthrough. I really want to return to Morrowind once again, visit the new capital of Blacklight, join House Sadras or the new temple of The Reclamation or generally explore the mainland. It's just so more interesting than the faux nordic esthetics of Skyrim. I would be totally fine with some other studio taking care of it in form of a spin off.
Good stuff.

You might find yourself rethinking the "no fast travel" rule during Dawnguard. I'm playing that right now, and there is a lot of travel involved.

Speaking of Dawnguard, I am playing through that for the first time. It's not bad. I skipped it 5 years ago, because I wasn't in the mood for a vampire story. But I like it. Serena is one of the better companions.

I have several games I "ought" to get to (e.g., TLG, Uncharted 4), but I can't seem to detach myself from Skyrim.

Eh, I've beaten it several times without fast traveling, that's fine. Though I might skip some of the trips to Fort Dawnguard. :lol


I've just noticed I am having some sort of stacking/emptying bug with my soul gems.

I was going to do some Enchanting and was taking out filled soul gems in my chest (in house), and I noticed it is taking some of the filled soul gems, turning into empty, and stacking them as part of my empty inventory except one.

For example, I took out 5 filled Petty soul gems out of the chest, then went to take out 5 filled Lesser soul gems.

But when looking at my Misc inventory, all 5 of the filled 5 Petty soul gems are there, but only 1 filled Lesser soul gem. The other four Lesser soul gems magically emptied themselves and added them to my stack of unfilled Lesser soul gems already in my inventory. (Originally I had 8, but now I have 12).

And it seems this happens with whichever type of soul gem I take out second from the chest. So if I took out the Lesser soul gems first, they would be ok, but then all but one of the Petty's would magically empty themselves.

Has this happened to anyone else? I exited out of the game completely and reloaded and I am still having this issue.

Does anyone have an idea how to resolve this? I guess I can just take one stack of one type of soul gem at a time to the Enchanter, but is a bit of a pain. And hope this doesn't become an ongoing issue.

Edit: Update.

It actually ended up being worse than I originally thought. It wasn't as simple as taking a stack a a time. When I came back to take that second stack of Petty's, I couldn't take any of them out without emptying. Same with the other stack of Lesser's.

Apparently it affected specific stacks of soul gems in my inventory. I had two different stacks of soul gems of each one up to Common (because of differing prices). One stack of Lesser at 3, the other at 5. Although the bug only affected the stack of 5, where the stack of 3 I could take in and out of my chest as many times as I wanted.

What I finally did was just take them as a complete stack (if I took one out at a time, that one automatically emptied) as taking them as a stack at least one would remain filled.

Even though it appeared to affect certain stacks, I will always need to keep all my soul gems on me now as I don't know if or when this will happen again. Very annoying.

Ended up losing 1 Common, 4 Lesser and 4 Petty.


How does Load Order for mods work? Is what's on the bottom what gets prioritized?

Kinda. Assuming you are using Mod Organizer, the mods at the top of the list will me loaded first, the mods at the end of the list will me loaded last. Thus, some mods at the bottom of the list can have files which may overwrite files from mods of the top of the list.
You have the "Flags" column which will alert you if that is the case (a lightning icon with a minus sign indicates that this mod have files overwritten by another mod; a lightning icon with a plus sign indicates that this mod overwrites files from another mod ~ you can click on the mods in question to see which are the mods affected).

You can use a tool named "LOOT" to help you determine what would be the best load order (or, at least, help you to prevent issues). I am not familiar with it, sadly, so I can't say more.
Now, you want essential mods to be loaded first, or else your game will have quite a few issues and may become unplayable. You need to respect that order (the 5 first ones aren't visible on Mod Organizer on the Mod list, but they are visible on the plugin list, and should always be listed that way):
  • Skyrim.esm
  • Update.esm
  • Dawnguard.esm
  • HearthFires.esm
  • Dragonborn.esm
  • Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp (if you are playing "regular" Skyrim with all of its add-ons; not applicable for the Special Edition, or Vanilla Skyrim)
  • [Other ESM files]
  • Etc.
As a general rule, you want to load mods which alter graphics first, and mods which alter gameplay last.
I may complete that post later, it has been ages since I modded Skyrim, and people more up to date will be able to give you better advices.
In any case, you need the Skyrim Script Extender installed manually (SKSE) in you data folder. This is not optional: it is mandatory to make mods work.
Is there a way of reducing dragon spawn on PS4?

I'm getting a bit annoyed as I'm having to travel to new places on the map, but I just seem to encounter dragons every 5 minutes.


Gold Member
Is there a way of reducing dragon spawn on PS4?

I'm getting a bit annoyed as I'm having to travel to new places on the map, but I just seem to encounter dragons every 5 minutes.

Dragons Be Gone mod on PS4:


Note that it will eliminate all randomly spawned dragons, rather than just "reduce" them, as you requested. I might install that mod myself, since the random dragons are getting a little old.

I finished Dawnguard. I liked it overall, although it was padded at times.


Gold Member
Me so ronery. No one wants to marry me. First game, I had a wife and several other women who wanted to marry me. This time around, no one could give a sh*t. I want to marry Serena, but she won't give me the time of day (er, night). Even Ysolda gives me the cold shoulda. I'm rich, I'm powerful, and I'm famous, and I still can't get me no love. I do look a little scary, I'll admit. And I'm probably not going to win "Tamriel's best parent" award any time soon, with my pair of badly neglected and knife-toting 6 year olds.

p.s. To clarify, I'm just joking. I wasn't interested in marriage and didn't pursue it. I saw what it offered in my first playthrough -- basically just a wife standing around saying a thing or two occasionally, nothing more -- so I didn't bother with it on my second run.
Tell me about it. From what I've read, they don't spawn till close to lvl.70

I am leveling things I never leveled before in Skyrim. I just hit 66 and probably legendary resetting enchanting and blacksmithing to enter the Magical Iron Dagger Business again just to make a dragon spawn.

I know how ridiculous it sounds rereading it.
Picked this up digitally today as part of the Xbox One sale and wow is this game still atmospheric and a joy to play.

I played it originally at release on PC, my Assassin Archer will be reborn.


Regarding the Sideways trophy... I understand that you need to complete 10 side quests, and after researching several sites, I think I now understand how to determine which quests fall under that category. So when I handed in Blood on the Ice, I was pissed that it didn't credit my total side quests- however, for some reason it did credit my total quest count twice - the message that I completed it even popped up on screen twice. I know there were lots of problems with this quest last gen, and maybe they still haven't ironed out all the bugs, but just wondering if this happened to anyone else? Seems as though actual side quests are rare, so where I need 10 of them, this one not counting worries me.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I thought the crashing was done with after I updated my Nvidia drivers earlier this month. I'd had drivers from July and updated to the most recent at the time, and it didn't seem to crash much after that. It's starting again and I just don't know why. The most recent time my monitor went black and kept flashing "Input Not Supported." Apart from that, but as with every other time, I couldn't do anything with the keyboard alt+tab or ctl+alt+del wise, but the PC was still alive enough that it toggled the caps lock led if I pressed it, and my mouse lit up upon movement. The music was still playing just fine as well. Anyone else been troubled by similar crashes?
Playing this game again has been such a great experience. I'm really close to the Platinum. Just gotta get the bounty in every hold trophy and the platinum is mine :).


Gold Member
I agree, runs fine and looks better. When I switched from OG PS4 to Pro, it was easily evident how much better Skyrim looked, and if there's a downgrade in performance, I haven't noticed.

I agree. I went from playing on the PS4 to the Pro, and the visual upgrade was easily noticeable.

There are some occasional framerate dips, but, as usual, these things get blown out of proportion. I notice a few seconds of framerate dip maybe once every hour, typically when there are a lot of magical effects in the air. It doesn't bother me at all or detract from the game.


Gold Member
I had to send Serena packing. She started giving me vampirism at random intervals. I didn't ask her to do it. She just took it on herself to make me a vampire, whether I liked it or not. It was annoying. If I want to be a vampire, I'll tell you.

She also had a bad habit of conjuring the form of whatever we were fighting against. So if we were fighting bandits, she'd summon a bandit; if we were fighting spriggans, she'd summon a spriggan. I told her this made things confusing in battle, but she kept doing it. I think she was being passive aggressive.

Anyhow, much as I enjoyed her company, I had to say goodbye to Serena.
I had to send Serena packing. She started giving me vampirism at random intervals. I didn't ask her to do it. She just took it on herself to make me a vampire, whether I liked it or not. It was annoying. If I want to be a vampire, I'll tell you.

She also had a bad habit of conjuring the form of whatever we were fighting against. So if we were fighting bandits, she'd summon a bandit; if we were fighting spriggans, she'd summon a spriggan. I told her this made things confusing in battle, but she kept doing it. I think she was being passive aggressive.

Anyhow, much as I enjoyed her company, I had to say goodbye to Serena.

I just can't get rid off her as she's too good. I have her kitted out in full DeathBrand armour with the Atherium Shield and Mace of Molag Bal.

It's a shame she can't be married.


I had to send Serena packing. She started giving me vampirism at random intervals. I didn't ask her to do it. She just took it on herself to make me a vampire, whether I liked it or not. It was annoying. If I want to be a vampire, I'll tell you.

She also had a bad habit of conjuring the form of whatever we were fighting against. So if we were fighting bandits, she'd summon a bandit; if we were fighting spriggans, she'd summon a spriggan. I told her this made things confusing in battle, but she kept doing it. I think she was being passive aggressive.

Anyhow, much as I enjoyed her company, I had to say goodbye to Serena.

Flee. She wants to control you. She doesn't care about you. It has all the marks of an abusive relationship. Dump her: becoming a vampire is your choice, not hers to make. If she can't understand that, you need to leave her, for your own good.


Been awhile since I played an elder scrolls game (since the release of shivering Isles back on the 360) but I got the SE for Christmas.

Decided to do the Dawn guard DLC at around level 10. It's really fun being a vampire lord lol. Seems I killed a riften guard or something as I have an 1000 bounty in the Rift. I assumed as long as I was in Lord mode I would've been in the clear.


We need more data here in order to help you.

Are you playing on console (which one?) or PC? What is your version of Skyrim? If you play on PC, did you download and install the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch? Did you install any mods?

I'm on Xbox One. I think it's version I have mods installed. I thought maybe the Open Cities mod may have been causing it, but I disabled it and it's still crashing. The frame rate also lowers whenever I start a conversation.
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