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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition |OT| Winter is Here

I'm on Xbox One. I think it's version I have mods installed. I thought maybe the Open Cities mod may have been causing it, but I disabled it and it's still crashing. The frame rate also lowers whenever I start a conversation.

You can't just disable Open Cities once it's in your saved game. It alters the world considerably. I'd start by reenabling it and working from there.


A word of caution: the way saves are handled in Skyrim makes it very dangerous to uninstall mods. Keep in mind that once you activate a mod, you can't uninstall it in most cases without taking a risk. Mods that modify textures can be installed/uninstalled without having to worry too much. Mods which integrate scripts and/or alter gameplay in a significant way are much more inclined to induce instability and crashes if removed (depending on the mods and the conditions of the removal).

If you uninstalled a lot of mods and tried to continue with the same save, chances are your game will not be very stable with that save.


Gold Member
A word of caution: the way saves are handled in Skyrim makes it very dangerous to uninstall mods. Keep in mind that once you activate a mod, you can't uninstall it in most cases without taking a risk. Mods that modify textures can be installed/uninstalled without having to worry too much. Mods which integrate scripts and/or alter gameplay in a significant way are much more inclined to crashes.

If you uninstalled a lot of mods and tried to continue with the same save, chances are your game will not be very stable with that save.

That's an aspect of mods that I didn't understand. Thanks for pointing that out.


Gold Member
I agree. I went from playing on the PS4 to the Pro, and the visual upgrade was easily noticeable.

There are some occasional framerate dips, but, as usual, these things get blown out of proportion. I notice a few seconds of framerate dip maybe once every hour, typically when there are a lot of magical effects in the air. It doesn't bother me at all or detract from the game.
Excellent. Going to get couple of copies as New Years presents.


A word of caution: the way saves are handled in Skyrim makes it very dangerous to uninstall mods. Keep in mind that once you activate a mod, you can't uninstall it in most cases without taking a risk. Mods that modify textures can be installed/uninstalled without having to worry too much. Mods which integrate scripts and/or alter gameplay in a significant way are much more inclined to induce instability and crashes if removed (depending on the mods and the conditions of the removal).

If you uninstalled a lot of mods and tried to continue with the same save, chances are your game will not be very stable with that save.

This isn't entirely true. You can clean your save games from orphaned scripts using a game save cleaner like this


They should work fine after using that.


Well, I caught the "Chillrend constant noise" bug. It took me a while to realize that this bug was going on and that my save was screwed (well, unless I decide to remove the sound altogether). I was able to reload a previous save, but still lost several hours. Urg. I really, reaaaaally hope I won't trigger similar bugs in the future. It drives me nuts, really.

And to think Bethesda never fixed that bug since the game's release... Among several others. Can't really brush it aside and just say "meh, this is Bethesda, as usual" anymore.

Oh well, the sword is gonna rust on a weapon rack ad vitam aeternam.


Gold Member
Yeah I get super anal about these bugs too.

Unofficial Patch helps a lot but my all time most hated skyrim bugs are the ones that either break or get weapons stuck in racks/ display cases. I wanna display stuff but it also is risking losing the item forever.

Anyone know if there's a fix for these somewhere on Nexus?


Gold Member
I just can't get rid off her as she's too good. I have her kitted out in full DeathBrand armour with the Atherium Shield and Mace of Molag Bal.

It's a shame she can't be married.

I agree, I had my Elixir of Lasting Potency ready and everything.

Maybe I'll try her again later. It was a glitch, so maybe it will reset after a time, and she will stop randomly turning me into a vampire.


Gold Member
This game on a PS4 Pro looks so clean.

It does. Looks nice, especially for a 5-year old Bethesda game.

and so much lower than 30fps!

It'll dip occasionally, but it's nothing major. I'll notice it once every half hour or so. I guess if someone really needs a rock solid 30 fps or bust, they should avoid the Pro version. To me, it's not a big deal, and the upgraded visuals more than make up for it.


Finished up the majority of the quests. I've still got some misc. stuff to do. I'm level 96 or something. I feel like the game is starting to wind down.

I'm poking around areas of the map I haven't explored. It's surprising what you'll come across, sometimes. I've stumbled on some huge areas (e.g., Torvald's cave), cool quests, and interesting scenarios (e.g., mage stuck in a spiders web), just wandering around.

I keep scrounging stuff and selling it, even though I've got 350K or so and have no use for it whatsoever. Just habit, I guess. I bought a second house so I can get away from the kids. I gave you a dagger; go play in the streets. I may get married, just for something to do.


Back from vacation, I've wrapped Companions (remembering how weak the story line is), and been cured of the beast blood, which I shunned. I'm a Nord, though and through.

Today I finally moved far enough in the main quest to get to Blackreach, via the superb Aftland Dwemer ruin. I'd forgotten how strange and alien it was, how perfect Soule's ethereal music is to the location. And how utterly freaking HUGE the place is, holy shit. Two hours of exploration done and I've barely scratched the surface. 0_0

My plan is to wrap the main quest, the Mage's guild (which I just started) and finish gathering the Dragon Priest masks (3 down, 5 to go), then go back to a stealth archer for DB, Thieves' and Dawnguard. I'm leaning toward re-starting one on Master, since I enjoyed that so much with this sword and board build. She'll build three houses for the Hearthfire achievements as well.

Then onto a final character, who will immidiately become a wereworlf, with one mission: eat all the Stormcloaks in Skyrim as part of resolving the civil war. Then she'll ship off to Solstheim, which I haven't visited yet.

One downside of splitting content across multiple characters is I can never get all the stones of Barenziah. I have 10 on this character, but I'd need to do all content on one in order to find them all. Which I've never wanted to do. Bummer.

I'm going to be playing this until summer, at this rate. :lol
Back from vacation, I've wrapped Companions (remembering how weak the story line is), and been cured of the beast blood, which I shunned. I'm a Nord, though and through.

Today I finally moved far enough in the main quest to get to Blackreach, via the superb Aftland Dwemer ruin. I'd forgotten how strange and alien it was, how perfect Soule's ethereal music is to the location. And how utterly freaking HUGE the place is, holy shit. Two hours of exploration done and I've barely scratched the surface. 0_0

My plan is to wrap the main quest, the Mage's guild (which I just started) and finish gathering the Dragon Priest masks (3 down, 5 to go), then go back to a stealth archer for DB, Thieves' and Dawnguard. I'm leaning toward re-starting one on Master, since I enjoyed that so much with this sword and board build. She'll build three houses for the Hearthfire achievements as well.

Then onto a final character, who will immidiately become a wereworlf, with one mission: eat all the Stormcloaks in Skyrim as part of resolving the civil war. Then she'll ship off to Solstheim, which I haven't visited yet.

One downside of splitting content across multiple characters is I can never get all the stones of Barenziah. I have 10 on this character, but I'd need to do all content on one in order to find them all. Which I've never wanted to do. Bummer.

I'm going to be playing this until summer, at this rate. :lol

It's the sole reason I've never completed that quest. I've always played Skyrim with several characters:

- a character who tackles the Main Quest, Civil War, Dawnguard and Dragonborn stories
- a character who becomes Harbinger of the Companions
- a character who rises to become Archmage of the College of Winterhold
- a character who restores the Thieves Guild to its former glory
- a character who rebuilds the Dark Brotherhood and assassinates the Emperor

It feels more real to me than one character doing everything. Also gives me the opportunity to start with a fresh slate. Thanks to the 'Live another Life'-mod, I can have my characters start wherever I want: my Dark Brotherhood Dunmer starts off as a refugee in Solstheim, before traveling to Windhelm and stumbling upon Aventus Aretino. Thanks to the 'World Walls Relocated'-mod, my Dragonborn character can actually learn all the shouts now, too, without some being locked behind a faction wall.

I like to imagine all those stories happening at the same time, with my characters only barely missing eachother every time.

I just started the Dawnguard questline with Wulf. Once I'm done with Dragonborn I imagine I'll be taking a break - I've still got a crapton of other games to beat and/or replay. Life is Strange has been burning a hole in my backlog, and Dishonored 2 and Titanfall 2 are in desperate need of a replay. I've got the Ezio Collection on my PS4 waiting for some more nostalgia, and bought the Metro games during the last sale. I've played them before on PC, but they were too good a deal to pass up on Xbox One. Same with the Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC.

Given that Horizon comes out early March, I'm going to have to hurry. Not to mention that I'd like to slot in a replay of the Mass Effect trilogy on Xbox One before Andromeda comes out.
Damn, I had no idea.

Skyrim has you do a lot of crazy shit. I remember stealing an Elder Scrolls was pretty much the epithome of craziness in Oblivion, and then you go and find three of those in Skyrim's main quests.

"The Ultimate Heist" was great, though. I should replay Oblivion now that it's BC. Fuck, there's not enough time.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
One last trophy left for all the expansions plus main game..

Mothering Effing Legendary Dragon to spawn.

My White Whale!

You might want to consider just taking advantage of the levelling glitches to get to like level 80, which is when they will start spawning.


I'm barely playing the game because I keep taking screenshots










(Running with ELFX + Climates of Tamriel + Re-Engaged ENB shader + a boatload of other mods)


Skyrim has you do a lot of crazy shit. I remember stealing an Elder Scrolls was pretty much the epithome of craziness in Oblivion, and then you go and find three of those in Skyrim's main quests.

"The Ultimate Heist" was great, though. I should replay Oblivion now that it's BC. Fuck, there's not enough time.

Oblivion remake in their current engine would be dope <3

And I'm not talking about Skyblivion, Akatosh alone knows when it's finished
TESRenewal should have put all the resources behind Skywind anyway...


I gave up. Again. The game crashes randomly (no CTD - it freezes frequently when I zone; simply zoning out of Breezehome can cause it, right after loading the save), and a couple of crashes (CTD) when using F5 to Quicksave. I don't know if it comes from the mods I installed or if the game itself is just that unstable, but at this point I just don't care.


So I'm all invested in this again. Added forgotten city, enhanced destruction magic,and the unofficial patch. Loving it all over again. Just hit level 16 running a dark paladin but slacked on conjuration in the beginning. A ton of fun has be yearning for a new elder scrolls any word on that
Bought this a week ago in the PSN sale and wow, it really has it's hooks in me again. Played it on PS3 for countless hours and platinumed it, so I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it as much as I did, but boy was I wrong. Playing on PS4 Pro and I'm pleasantly surprised how good it looks. Good stuff.
I also keep getting side tracked by all the beautiful vistas and recording it. This is going to be a huge time sink once again &#128517;
Here's a vid I did:



The remaster really made the kill cams look better. Falmer getting his face smashed off:


It is incalculably satisfying to waltz into the Black-Briar lodge and make all the mercenaries fight to the death while I watch from the second floor balcony.


Frenzy remains one of my favorite things in gaming.
edit: Nvm. Went down to my cellar and then back up and seems to have fixed it.

2nd edit: Lol that's weird. Exited my house to get attacked by 3 bandits. Killed two of them and the third one fled into my house. Went inside and couldn't find him anywhere.
edit: Nvm. Went down to my cellar and then back up and seems to have fixed it.

2nd edit: Lol that's weird. Exited my house to get attacked by 3 bandits. Killed two of them and the third one fled into my house. Went inside and couldn't find him anywhere.

I've had them enter a couple of times. Once they even followed me into my basement, so I threw their corpses onto my smithy.


Gold Member
I can get some funny scenes sometimes with slow-motion archery and a freeze/paralyze effect. For instance, a bandit will charge me, talking about how he'll skin me alive or whatever. I'll go into slow-mo, fire an arrow, and then watch as he tumbles past me, paralyzed in mid axe-swing, and then falls to the ground like a statue. Sometimes their momentum carries them over cliffs ("waaaaa...").


Welp was firing an arrow at a draugr when he hit me with his battleaxe and I ended up hitting him in the crotch.

Same kind of things happen to me sometimes, as well. Unintentional shots, that is.

Just the other day I was in Wolf Skull cave, and was lining up to shoot one of the mages at the top of the tower inside, and Valdimar stepped right in front of my shot...after I fired. I actually killed him and had to reload.
Well, yesterday was random. First I traveled to Windhelm, from which I would strike out to recruit Gunmar for the Dawnguard. As I entered the city, I heard an ominous rush of wings overhead. Before I had time to react, my first Ancient Dragon swooped down to rain fire over the city.

I forced the beast to land using Dragonrend. It set down behind Candlehearth Inn. There, Agrenor Once-Honored stood waiting. A war veteran, he called himself. Now, he lived on the streets. I'd given him a few coins on occasion, never paying him much heed.

Now, Agrenor charged the dragon with a ferocity I'd never seen before. As his knuckles struck dragonscale, he let out a triumphant roar.

The next moment, the dragon snatched him between his jaws and sent his lifeless body flying.

The dragon was dispatched of easily. Afterwards I was approached by a Courier, who apologized for the grim tidings he was bringing: a letter of inheritance. Agrenor, who lived on the streets, had somehow set aside 100 gold coins, which he was now bequeathing onto me. I laughed, then I cried.

Off to Dragon Bridge. I'd somehow managed to beat the main quest of the game without ever setting foot inside Markarth. As I'm exploring the rocky region, I come across a band of Stormcloaks duking it out with Thalmor. As I'm not a fan of either, I take aim and let them all taste my Fire Breath. The game informs me I've incurred a bounty. I mop up the stragglers with Dawnbreaker, but no 'last witnesses killed'-message appears.

Not good.

I approach Kolskeggr Mine, where a group of Forsworn are attacking Markarth City Guards. I try to help them out, but the guards turn hostile immediately. I clear out the Forsworn while dodging their attacks and then sheathe my sword to signal surrender, but they're not having it. Remembering a story Ghaleon posted, I run towards the city gates. Sure enough, there's a passive guard waiting for me there. I talk to him, he informs me there's a 40 gold bounty on my head. I pay it off and get taken to Cidhna Mine.

Once I'm a free man again, I believe my troubles have subsided. The Forsworn Conspiracy plays out like it should, until I come upon the corpse of Eltrys, surrounded by city guards. I tell them they're not takinf me to prison alive. They oblige me by sending dozens of guards after me, until I finally croak and have to reload. I let them take me to Cidhna mine.

Something has apparently gone terribly, terribly wrong, as the Orc prison guard starts wailing on me. Unarmored and unarmed, I didn't stand much of a chance. Reload.

It seemed I still had a bounty on me, so I find another guard outside. He takes me to Cidhna Mine to search. I then go back to the Shrine of Talos, where I'm taken to Cidhna Mine again. I kill Madanach, escape, and go on my merry way.


Gold Member
Odd that you kept getting sent back to the mines, even though you had already paid your fine and done your time. A glitch of some kind, I suppose. I like the effort you guys are putting into telling your stories.


Got myself some shiny new Stahlrim armor and weapons this evening. I had been wearing Daedric armor most of the game, which was bugging me, because it looks so evil, and I'm trying to role-play as a generally nice fellow, despite my criminally neglectful parenting and occasional human sacrifice. I would have shifted to Dragonbone armor, but I just didn't like the look of it, and it's less powerful.

Although some of the Stahlrim gear is funny-looking (e.g., the warhammer looks like a stick with a big block of blue ice attached), I like it better than the daedric. It's not nearly so evil. The color is a nice change from all the blacks and browns. And it's actually a little more powerful than the daedric stuff, at least with the potions and smithing gear I was using.


I'm unable to join the thieves guild bc Brynjolf won't leave the tavern. Some combination of mods is causing the market in Riften to not function. Nobody is there during the day


I'm unable to join the thieves guild bc Brynjolf won't leave the tavern. Some combination of mods is causing the market in Riften to not function. Nobody is there during the day

time to deactivate each one and activate it.

Hope you're using Mod organizer. Good lord is that a pain to do using NMM. (I don't even want to think how that feels if you're doing it on console. Good grief).


time to deactivate each one and activate it.

Hope you're using Mod organizer. Good lord is that a pain to do using NMM. (I don't even want to think how that feels if you're doing it on console. Good grief).

I'm on xbox. i disabled everything and used restore vanilla settings, but still can't get the guy into the market.


Gold Member
I'm on xbox. i disabled everything and used restore vanilla settings, but still can't get the guy into the market.

Are you using any mods that change the behavior of NPCs? i.e. Immersive NPCs

Are you using any mods that alter the layout of cities? i.e. Project Hippie

Do you have a handle on load order and how it affects your game?


Gold Member
time to deactivate each one and activate it.

Hope you're using Mod organizer. Good lord is that a pain to do using NMM. (I don't even want to think how that feels if you're doing it on console. Good grief).

Actually modding on consoles is incredibly streamlined and simple assuming you're comfortable manually sorting your load order. With a 5 gig dl limit this is hardly difficult.

It's very nicely implemented albeit difficult to customize to the degree were used to on PC. At the end of the day it's easier to spend more time playing and less time triaging your system.
I'm unable to join the thieves guild bc Brynjolf won't leave the tavern. Some combination of mods is causing the market in Riften to not function. Nobody is there during the day

I'm not using mods and I'm having this issue. Except I can't join because his only dialogue now is "hmmm?"
Sucks as it's one of the last things I need for the platinum.


Are you using any mods that change the behavior of NPCs? i.e. Immersive NPCs

Are you using any mods that alter the layout of cities? i.e. Project Hippie

Do you have a handle on load order and how it affects your game?

Yeah. I'm using an order I found on reddit and everything was running pretty smoothly except for Open Cities which I got rid of. Had immersive citizens and TPOS running and the Riften market was empty. Disabled those and the market came back to life except for Brynjolf.

My mod order is here if you wanna check it out. I disabled some weather ones as they're not compatible with each other I learned.
I'm not using mods and I'm having this issue. Except I can't join because his only dialogue now is "hmmm?"
Sucks as it's one of the last things I need for the platinum.

Odd. Is he just standing in the doorway in the tavern all day for you too?
Odd. Is he just standing in the doorway in the tavern all day for you too?

Nah, he stands in the market all day instead of meeting me in the Falgon.

I've gotten him to actually follow me there by attacking him and then waiting but he still only says "hmmm?" after I get him to calm down.


The game looks really good. I know its a remastered and supposed to be that way but I didnt expect it to look this good.

The only thing that sucks is Sony not allowing external assets for mods.

I didnt finish Skyrim last gen and dont remember most of what I played so I am really enjoying it this time.


Gold Member
My mod order is here if you wanna check it out. I disabled some weather ones as they're not compatible with each other I learned.

I'm no expert but my money is on either Populated roads etc. or better quest objectives. Those are both notorious for not always playing well with others. At least on PC.

Also, I assume you did but it bears mentioning, make sure you cleaned your game cache after uninstalling Open Cities.

Best of luck!


I'm no expert but my money is on either Populated roads etc. or better quest objectives. Those are both notorious for not always playing well with others. At least on PC.

Also, I assume you did but it bears mentioning, make sure you cleaned your game cache after uninstalling Open Cities.

Best of luck!

Got it working. Had to enable open cities again which allowed me to advance the quest. then after a few tries I was successfully able to uninstall it.
Well ran into that thieves guild hood/vampirism glitch. If it weren't for the fact that I'm using this character to get all the thieves guild/dark brotherhood achievements, I'd put on the unofficial patch to see if that fixes it.
So I just booted this up yesterday and may have a problem. I got peeped stealing a book in the first town you go to after the intro and a dude named Hod eventually started attacking me. I wasn't sure who he was so I iced him. I don't think anyone seen it because no one else attacks me, but upon googling his name I see that you can eventually sell firewood to him and that he may be involved in later stuff with the Stormcloaks.

Only thing is I'm too far removed from the event and all of the auto-saves are now for after that happened.

So is he important enough that I should re-start? Is he needed for anything super important, and is there anyone else I can do the firewood thing with?


Patch 1.05 on PS4 is up, cites general stability improvements and fixes an issue with the slow time effect.

anyone tested this on a Pro? I'm wondering if Bethesda is now following the rules where Pro games aren't supposed to perform worse than the base model.


Gold Member
So I just booted this up yesterday and may have a problem. I got peeped stealing a book in the first town you go to after the intro and a dude named Hod eventually started attacking me. I wasn't sure who he was so I iced him. I don't think anyone seen it because no one else attacks me, but upon googling his name I see that you can eventually sell firewood to him and that he may be involved in later stuff with the Stormcloaks.

Only thing is I'm too far removed from the event and all of the auto-saves are now for after that happened.

So is he important enough that I should re-start? Is he needed for anything super important, and is there anyone else I can do the firewood thing with?

You're fine. He's useless except for a radiant quest and unless you're playing a survival playthrough the firewood thing is mostly useless as well. And yes pretty much every farm has someone to sell wood to.

Don't give it a second thought (though you may have a bounty in whiterun now).
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