ginger ninja
Most beautiful 2d game ever.
RIP Epic Games Launcher.
Most beautiful 2d game ever.
Hmm, Halo icon and posting an extremely low res photo. Both look great but come on.
Oh wow look some dark statues and cobblestones! Dat art direction!
Two can play at this game.
All people who never played the game obviously. He talks plenty.
That wasn't Kyle. That was Liquid Bosman with a wigKyle Bosman and Bud Light... what a sellout.
Oh...well, ain't getting a Bone so...maybe Epic on PC from here on out.Because Shadow Complex 2 is most likely coming in 2016, and this is a primer.
You. Like most of the others shitting on Bloodborne probably never played the game.
All people who never played the game obviously. He talks plenty.
As The Witcher 3 and Mario Maker have already received their awards, it's now a 3-horse race between MGS V, Fallout 4 and gonna win goty now? (lol)
You. Like most of the others shitting on Bloodborne probably never played the game.
Did Phil just hustle those dudes off stage?
You. Like most of the others shitting on Bloodborne probably never played the game.
great jokes, everybody
Robin is my life.
As The Witcher 3 and Mario Maker have already received their awards, it's now a 3-horse race between MGS V, Fallout 4 and Bloodborne.
And Kojima is in the house... so...
Wasn't everything in Ori totally hand painted? That's a huge accomplishment. Bloodborne was a worthy nominee but Ori is the kind of game that will look good for years, maybe decades.
Stop embarrassing thyself.Oh wow look some colorful trees and water! Dat art direction!
There's more thought put into the mouth of Cleric Beast then entire levels of Ori.
Ori is beautiful. But art direction is about more to me then a bright color palette
That wasn't Kyle. That was Liquid Bosman with a wig
You. Like most of the others shitting on Bloodborne probably never played the game.
I don't think you understand what "art direction" means.