O OricWindstar Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,051 I thought the friends were going to be Nintendo with a Smash reveal of Snake coming back.
A AbrahamGiggles Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,052 Jesus, that's pretty low, even for Konami. That callout, though... The booing felt so good.
F Floody Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,054 Thought he was under a non-compete clause and Konami would be Konami.
Gun Animal Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,055 good on the dorito pope for doing something to acknowledge Kojima. Brqan said: Fuck kojima Click to expand... typo?
good on the dorito pope for doing something to acknowledge Kojima. Brqan said: Fuck kojima Click to expand... typo?
T Tambini Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,057 Thought Kojima was gonna come out on stage under a cardboard box or something
D DannyDanger Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,072 Geoff is a gangster!!!!! Hideo is a God! Konami is.... A f*** boy!
S Seven Force Banned Dec 4, 2015 #8,076 #FUCKKONAMI Good shit on Geoff for calling them the fuck out.
D Dot-N-Run Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,080 Dang Konami, that's cold. Cool thing for Geoff to call them out on it live.
C ClearData Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,087 Yo FUCK KONAMI The man can't accept his award for the game he created!?!
Hexa Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,091 The industry has completely given up on Konami if Geoff is downright shitting on them. Nice to see Kojima still has support though.
The industry has completely given up on Konami if Geoff is downright shitting on them. Nice to see Kojima still has support though.
B Big Green Anus Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,092 I'm selling MGS 5. It's already a shit game, so I'm not losing much.
J Jopie Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,095 p3n said: LOL the Konami shaming! Click to expand... That was great. Geoff is amazing.
T Tryxx Member Dec 4, 2015 #8,098 There is no possible way he would of said that, seems so fake. Surprise Kojima coming out at the end with some kind of announcement. There is NO fucking way Geoff just pretty much opened up and stated all kinds of legal stuff like that.
There is no possible way he would of said that, seems so fake. Surprise Kojima coming out at the end with some kind of announcement. There is NO fucking way Geoff just pretty much opened up and stated all kinds of legal stuff like that.