Popular yes, but not to the extent of Smaug's popularity, neither the significance of its effect on the narrative.I would argue that the Balrog in Fellowship (and Two Towers!) was very popular.
I think the CGI holds up especially well today too.
That tower looks epic. And friggin huge!
Edmond Dantès;55649484 said:"... so that what he made was naught, only a little copy, a child's model or a slave's flattery, of that vast fortress, armoury, prison, furnace of great power, Barad-dûr, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength."
God.damn. So relevant it burns.
As always, I'm sure Tolkein spins in his grave here, and Mr Tolkein Jr is enraged, but Lego and LotR both inspire a childish glee for me that undercuts any adult cynicism. I am gonna be buying that Orthanc model and it will be fantastic.
I like to think of that quote above as an endorsement of a 6000 piece Barad-dur set. Get on it, LEGO.
The source material is the unshakable platform for boundless imagination. It's the heart of the fans, and they take it to new heights every day! So as long as Tolkien's writing isn't forgotten in its original form, it's awesome to see how people express their enthusiasm for it. Fantastic Lego sets are merely a facet of the much larger gem![]()
Edmond Dantès;55906252 said:Tolkien's Hobbit to be first book on library shelf in new Centenary building
The obvious choice from the Brummies.
Edmond Dantès;56123744 said:Trailer incoming in a few weeks.
Man of Steel most probably.Any word on if/when an EE will come out?
Already? Yesssssssssssssss....
What movie will it premier on?
Edmond Dantès;56128056 said:Man of Steel most probably.
But it'll be released before that on the net.
The extended edition will be released before Christmas according to the latest news.
That German Warner Bros press release was pretty vague, but yeah before Christmas probably means before TDOS as well.Certainly before the next movie for marketing purposes?
I expect October-November
Certainly before the next movie for marketing purposes?
I expect October-November
His love of the halflings' leaf has clearly slowed his mind.
That'll be dealt with in the extended cut to an extent.my only problem with the hobbit:an unexpectey journey is that none of the hobbits, except thorin oakenshield, kili, bofur, balin and dwalin had any real screen time... or lines for that matter.
this could be rectified in an extended edition, and i really hope it is. i do understand the difficulties in giving each dwarf screen time with dialogue... but i cant recall seeing bifur, gloin, oin, nori and bombur talk... well except bifur when he sayshe noticed bilbo slip away amidst being taken away by the orcs
Edmond Dantès;56138260 said:His love of the halflings' leaf has clearly slowed his mind.
Edmond Dantès;56138260 said:His love of the halflings' leaf has clearly slowed his mind.
A quick and easy way would be to compare the Arkenstone to the Simaril that Beren took from the crown of Melkor. All the trouble and strife that jewel caused would mirror the conflict the Arkenstone creates and the darkness it brings out inBeren and Luthien isn't really significant to the plot of The Hobbit though. It made sense to reference it in LotR, since Aragorn saw himself as a modern day Beren (though Arwen is certainly no Luthien IMHO), but I don't know where they'd insert it in the Hobbit
There's plenty of detail regarding the famous tale in Appendix A Annals of the Kings and Rulers: (i) The Númenórean Kings. As well as in the chapter; a knife in the dark. There wouldn't be an issue with the Estate. What would cause problems is if they tried to expand on what's mentioned in the main text of the novel and the appendices.Yeah, I guess there are parallels that could be made there. I wonder though. They only have rights to stuff that is in the Hobbit and LotR and drawing too strict a parallel could open them up to lawsuits since Beren and Luthien is straight out of the Silmarillion. Yeah, the Lay is mentioned in the LotR movies, but they were pretty vague, saying only that Luthien died. Nothing too explicit about the plot. They might have some room though, since Aragorn talked about the Lay a little bit in the book.
Edmond Dantès;56156820 said:I wonder if they'll sneak in another reference to Beren and Luthien in this trilogy.
It could be a clever nod to the Tolkien scholars around the world who know of its significance in The Hobbit.
did anyone feel that bilbos presence was pushed to the background from when he agrees to join the adventure? i didnt really notice it until. i felt thorin and gandalf had more screen time, but i doubt thats the case.bilbos encounter with gollum
TheI am really excited for film 2. I honestly don't know how film 3 could top it thinking through the events of the book
Super pumped for the new trailer, even if its just a short teaser.
Edmond Dantès;56305164 said:Thewill be the biggest Middle-earthBattle of the Five Armieswe've seen thus far. So that'll certainly be entertaining, plus the climax of the The Necromancer subplot as well as the big finale that'llbattle.induce tears in many
Peter and co will want to go out with a bang with There and Back Again as it's very likely to be the final Middle-earth film they produce.
They've said that they want to top all previousI just finished watching all of the LOTR:EE films one at a time each weekend (one movie each Saturday). I can't picture howthe battle of five armies can be bigger than pelennor fields considering what is at stake with Minas Tirith and the pouring out of mordor.
I admit though that I'm not as knowledgable outside of whats explicitly written in the hobbit.
In regards to the third movie, I hope the'Back Again' part is handled with care, as I expect it could be bittersweet and deeply moving if handled properly.
Edmond Dantès;56308492 said:They've said that they want to top all previousand with the added elements ofbattlesI'm sure they'll achieve their goal.Dwarven and Elvish armies, varying terrain, Beorn, and the extra elements not found in the book,
just read a comment on youtube. the person was "disgusted" because peter jackson shoehorned in gollum and the one ring to get people to watch the movie. he genuinely did not realize the ring and gollum were in the hobbit. or i've been trolled. smh.
What I found interesting when watching the Blu Ray I got recently is that Sir Ian McKellen is the first name mentioned in the credits, not Martin Freeman. I found that very odd...
did anyone feel that bilbos presence was pushed to the background from when he agrees to join the adventure? i didnt really notice it until. i felt thorin and gandalf had more screen time, but i doubt thats the case.bilbos encounter with gollum
With Bilbo, I'm reminded of Plinkett's TPM review, and why Anakin wasn't a good protagonist: "The things that are happening around him are pretty much out of his control or understanding."
Also, anybody else get a Top Gun vibe from that scene at the end whereThorin shouts at Bilbo, "YOU!!! ....you can be my wingman any time."