Not much meat there. Anyway, welcome back. Glad you're doing well. Has it been five months? Time flies when you're old.
But to answer your question (kinda), the first post should list recent games that are "worth" checking out.
Good to know you're doing well, Dash!
Welcome back, dash!
So many games.
Welcome back, Dash ! Never had the pleasure of reading your posts but I can tell from my time here that you weren't forgotten and that many gaffers must be glad of this comeback.
For real? That makes me even sadder that I couldn't access GAF at all and reading that my iOS buddies kinda missed me... I definitely missed you guys!
Thanks a lot for the kind words guys, it's good to be back!
aneibfmakshdbwjajjzhcbdnsskxbrhe I emailed you dash asking if you were ok and no response forever I thought you were dead jdbrnsodhwbwisjabwodifjebs
I wasn't kiddin'/exaggeratin' when I said I was not only GAF-less and iPad-less, but also internet-less!
I haven't read an email or surfed the web or accessed PSN/Game Centet for 5 long months! Sorry you were worried about me mate
Interesting comments regarding the iPad Mini as I've been trying to decide between the Mini and the 4th gen iPad for weeks now, it's been driving me crazy, form factor vs specs....., hard choice, I think after reading your post I'm veering more towards the 4th gen iPad now though.
It depends on where your priorities are, really. Both are good at what they do.
There's also a massive difference in price.
The Mini has the best form factor of any tablet I've ever used. For games playing, it's tremendous. (I haven't even noticed the slowdown on the Cave apps, but I'm obsessive about keeping no apps running in the background etc.)
I've tested everything with no apps running savestates in the background (not that it would make any difference anyway). It's impossibile NOT to notice a MASSIVE difference with DDP:R HD Lite versus DDP:R.
There's a world of difference, rock solid 60fps fpr the latter versus 30fps w/ constant slowdowns for the former.
Smartphone mode goes as far as being unplayable. Do the comparison yourself amd report back what your impressions are with the test.
Dash, you come back and you say something crazy like the iPad mini isn't good for games? What did they do to you while you were gone? JK, welcome back to the fold.
Yeah, Mini is by far the best tablet for gaming right now. Kinda weird hearing Dash state otherwise.
I think it's an amazing device prone to a few problems I wasn't anticipating and as such they've been bumming me out more than they should, that's it,
I mean, I was so happy to play Pinball Arcade on the Mini (it even as iCade support now!) and to find out it performed poorly (real Pinball tables + physics must be 60fps or bust), basically the same as an old ass iPad1, disappointed me greatly.
My biggest problems with the mini is the lack of retina, lack of an official Apple Smart Case (LOVE my Smart Case), and that it still has the A5. Fix those or at least 2/3 of those and I'd grab one.
I'm not concerned by the lack of retina (I use Kindle for books) and anything else is good enough for me with its screen size, although I'd wish for better dpi). Form factor is amazing and not being familiar with the "smart case" I'm don't feel I'm missing out

After going through countless covers and cases (up to a £39 model) in the end I've found a faux-leather notebook front/back cover which also protects the angles (which was were I botched my last iPad) and I'm pretty content with it... costed me £6, LOL!
wb dash!
that being said...
none of my friend bought an ipad mini so i couldn't check, luckily for me (not so much for you at this point...) you bought it and warned me that it sucks with gaming atm, so guess i'll pass

i was a bit conflicted about buying that (i already have iphone 4s, 5, ipad2, ipad3, ipod nano) since i have nothing in the ios family with that form factor :X

Nah, I feel I've been misinterpreted. My opinion is that the Mini far from sucks at gaming, in fact it's awesome and when the apps perform as intended (which is the *vast* majority) it's a bliss and much better than a regular iPad (also depending on how much you're affected by the lack of retina).
Too bad about performance tho, that concernes me even for support in the near future seeing as some (oldish!) stuff already struggles to run on the thing.
I dunno, maybe it's not a 1:1 minimized iPad 2 like I've been told and there's some downclocking involved with the processor? Another thing that bums me out is that battery life is much shorter than that of my iPad gen1 with cellular data/ON ! What the hell?!
I have a mini and i've compared it to my parents iPad with retina display and I really can't tell a difference.
No offense but you should have your eyes checked, stat!

I don't even see how it's a question, really. The mini is a smaller iPad 2, end of story. The 4 not only has the retina screen but is also a full proper-generation more powerful (because the 3 was a fudge that was probably less powerful than the 2 when you consider the screen).
I'm pretty biased though, I really can't see any reason in the mini at all. My phone is my mini iPad
And welcome back Dash! Check the OPs for the previous few threads for some good new games. Next thread's on you, yeah?
Ahah, let someone else have fun with it for a (long) while before I pick a month myself

I'd be more prone to get back with some iOS Challenge threads seeing as I'm still being contacted by devs/pubs about doing some offering swag and such for the competitions.
Also I'm pissed everybody's credited for something in the OP but me!!