Ok, back for good and I'm ready to handle the iOS membership LIST and iOS Challenges again...
come back to papa guys

Already spoke to Tunesmith and Fuu about the changes to do in the OP.
Anyway, let's do this:
I've been contacted by some devs already this past week but I'm not sure their games are suited for a fair challenge so maybe we could use them for the prizes/promotion, I need to see how that pans out.
GAF's iOS Challenge: discussion/prepping stages
We're at the suggestions stage, so let's choose our game.
To kickstart the challenges again I wanted to warm things up with a massively popular game, so I was thinking of having a laugh with 'ole Tiny Wings which we never used in the end. I know some vocal gaffers won't agree but we can pick a different, less popular and newer game for the next challenge after this one has helped make things pick up steam again. I have almost 200 gaffers with the game already, so the challenge would be epic.
You can still propose a different game of course, either for this one or the next challenge.
If you want to propose a game remember to follow these guidelines:
• popular game which doesn't cost more than $1.99
• score based with no IAPs to boost score/skills/etc
• reasonable time needed to chase an uber highscore (let's say 15 minutes)
• no separate HD and iPhone apps
Here we go.
Remember to add me (Dash Kappei GAF) on Game Center to be a part of the challenges but do so only if you agree with the rules posted in the 2nd (or 3rd?) post of this thread. Everything will be laid out in next month's OP anyway.