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What is Duke Nukem 3D?
Special Feature: Xbox Live Arcade Enhancements
Why is Duke Nukem 3D only on the Xbox Live Arcade?
From the Stick of Joy:
Release Date and Price
Special Feature: Duke Nukem 3d XBLA Interview
Team Xbox
Final Score: 8.5, Editors Choice Award

What is Duke Nukem 3D?
Duke Nukem 3D is a first-person shooter computer game developed by 3D Realms and published by Apogee Software. It was released on January 29, 1996. Duke Nukem 3D features the adventures of Duke Nukem, a character that had previously appeared in the platform games Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem II which were also published by Apogee. Duke is voiced by Jon St. John.
"Murderous aliens have landed in futuristic Los Angeles, and humans suddenly find themselves atop the endangered species list. The odds are a million-to-one, just the way Duke likes it!" "Its time to Kick Ass"
Taking on the role of Duke Nukem, players must fight through 28 levels spread over three chapters. (A commercial upgrade called The Plutonium Pak later added a fourth episode of 11 additional levels, some new enemies and one new weapon modified weapon from Shrinker, now with opposite effect, it expands enemies until they will explode.) As usual for a first-person shooter, players encounter a whole host of different enemies, and can engage them with a range of weaponry. As well as killing aliens to free the Earth, players must also solve puzzles to progress through the various levels. Some puzzles allow access to extra, hidden levels.
Duke Nukem 3D is set "sometime in the early 21st century"
Special Feature: Xbox Live Arcade Enhancements
* Eight-player cooperative and DukeMatch multiplayer: Play ranked matches in one-on-one or free-for-all for leaderboard spots. A playlist of levels keeps the game fresh, with levels rotating on and off the list. Play co-op with your friends, earning single player achievements or completing the game entirely. It's your choice how to play. By reserving private slots you can play with your friends or with strangers in any combination. Invite away.
* User clips: Every time you play a game, a user clip is recorded. View the clips any time in your theater or share with friends who own the game. Upload the clips to leaderboard spots if you complete a level in the fastest time, or if you have the highest score. Use these clips for tips on how to complete a level at speed.
* Painless death: Review your play from the start of the level right up until your death, and jump back in at any point. Go back 10 seconds or 10 minutes, the choice is up to you. You can still save and load your game at any point if you prefer.
* Gallery: Unlock achievements and Duke Nukem 3D concept art. Visit the Gallery at any time, view never before seen art, and learn more about the game.
* Xbox 360 enhancements: The inimitable Duke Nukem returns in updated and improved form on Xbox 360®. The game now features controller vibration, bilinear filtering, motion blur, Xbox LIVE® Vision camera support for DukeMatch, multiplayer, and more.
Why is Duke Nukem 3D only on the Xbox Live Arcade?
From the Stick of Joy:
X08: Duke Nukem 3D coming to XBLA 'sometime in September'
18 Comments by Xav de Matos Aug 21st 2008 2:56PM
In an interview with Xbox representative Jason Ing, it was revealed to Joystick that Duke Nukem 3D, developed by 3D Realms, has passed certification and is expected to release "sometime in September." The Xbox Live Arcade revival, which sports the same minimal graphical enhancements as Doom did on the service, is being published by Microsoft and is an exclusive release for the platform.
Release Date and Price
Duke Nukem - XBLA - Wednesday!
This Wednesday, lock and load as Duke Nukem makes his way onto Xbox LIVE Arcade. Save the ladies - oh, and the world as you battle across 39 levels including Hollywood, a moon base and a UFO.
Weapons are a guy's best friend with a Jetpack, Holoduke, Shrink Ray and Pipe Bombs in your arsenal.
Take on your friends in 8 player Dukematch over Xbox LIVE. Also, make use of user clips, unlockable concept art and rewinding time when you die.
With strippers and adult humor, this game is rated M for Mature. It can be yours for 800 MS Points.
Special Feature: Duke Nukem 3d XBLA Interview
When you look back on what were turning points in video games, one of them surely had to be the release of Duke Nukem 3D on PC in 1996and it was a key moment for a number of reasons. One was for how it contributed to the advancement of the 3-D shooter genre. Another was how it further solidified the Dallas area as a hotbed for game development. And, of course, theres the over-the-top, irreverent persona of the title character, as many game heroes (or anti-heroes) were relatively tame and humorless in comparison.
And now the word has gotten out that Duke 3D is coming to Xbox Live Arcade, so if you havent checked it out before, youll have a chance soon. If you have played it in its one of its previous incarnations, youll have some reasons to try it out againand its not just the 200 Gamerscore points that it offers to achievement hounds.
TeamXbox had a chance to talk to George Broussard, who is co-owner/president of 3D Realms. He was also the executive producer on the original Duke 3D game and project leader on the XBLA version. Note that we didnt say XBLA port or XBLA translation. Thats because theres a lot new under the hood. Well let Broussard explain all thatand then be sure to stop back tomorrow for our own hands-on preview of the game.
Duke Nukem 3D on Xbox Live Arcade...thats got to be pretty exciting. After a dozen years, are you expecting that youre going to get a lot of those who played it to revisit it or more likely introduce him to a new audience...or both? And how do you think Duke holds up over time?
George Broussard: We see a lot of old fans who want to play the game again or on a new platform. Id like to think that we can attract some new fans as well, even with it being a classic game. Id hope some new players get the game just to co-op or DukeMatch with their buddies. For a game the scale of an XBLA game, were pretty proud of the features we were able to put into it. I think it has a lot of value.
Watch your gameplay thanks to the game's replay feature, as well as restart from any point you've played!
Unlike many classic games brought to XBLA, you did a lot to freshen up Duke 3D and take advantage of the Xbox 360s capabilities. How did the hardware and some re-coding time enable you to buff up your heros world?
George Broussard: We definitely put a lot of work into the game. It would have been simple to just port it and ship it, but people kept suggesting cool ideas and we just had to do them. Some of it was hardware, as in being Xbox Live, you open the game up to really solid matchmaking, voice chat and multiplayer.
There are other things that we just did, because it was cool or the right thing to do. Small things like letting you remap every button on the 360 controller to larger features like the User Clip feature. There are small features like the concept art gallery or in-game achievement list that we didnt have to do at all, but we thought they were features wed like to see in games.
In the end I feel like we added everything possible within reason to update the game and keep it within a reasonable timeframe (a first for us!).
What are User Clips and what do you expect to see from XBLA players? Do you expect any surprises?
George Broussard: Every time you play the game (single player, co-op or DukeMatch), the game saves a game clip. You can view the clip later or share it with your friends. You can even jump into old clips and play the game (in single player). Your clip can also be uploaded to the leaderboards if you get a top spot. We have a Time Trial leaderboard that tracks how quickly you play a level. Its really cool to download peoples clips and see how they ran through a level, then try to beat their times. I think there will be some fun battles on the leaderboards due to this feature.
And Painless Death sounds like something everyone is going to want to know about. Tell us what thats about...and how long do you think it will be before other developers start copying it?
George Broussard: One of the core things that makes you stop playing a game is dying. Its frustrating. This is a feature that spun off the demo-recording mode that was already in the game. John Pollard, one of the programmers, said Hey, I can do a cool death thing with demo recording, look at this. Once we saw it, we had to pursue the idea.
What happens is that once you die, you are presented with a TiVo-style timeline of your play in a level. You can then scrub along the timeline and jump back into the game at any point during your play of the level. You can still quicksave your game, like 12 years ago, but you no longer need to. You just play. You never ever think about saving the game.
This worked well for a classic game where you dont want to replay a level ten times and you dont want to be bothered saving a game in a checkpoint world. Would this work in Halo or Call of Duty? Maybe, maybe not, but its a fun area in which to experiment and see where it takes us. Braid and Prince of Persia clearly show that the mechanic is a solid idea.
Heres a math problem for you: Solve for x in the equation D * 8 = x, where D = Duke. (In English, what do you get with eight-player co-op?)
George Broussard: Whats better than drinking beer on a Saturday afternoon and playing co-op shooters with your buddies? Simple as that. The old game supported it and were really excited to open it up over Xbox Live and the Internet for the first time (versus playing on a LAN).
Finally, Id be remiss if I didnt ask what everyone wants to know...whats up with Duke Nukem Forever?
George Broussard: Its going really well. There are several hours of fairly polished game to play. Were actively testing parts of the game and getting feedback from play testers and things are coming together. Its fun, its in focus, we know what bits are fun and which are not, and its just a matter of time now. Ive probably never been as happy or excited about the game as I am these days.
Team Xbox

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Duke Nukem 3D
Game Details
Xbox 360 Achievements for Duke Nukem 3DDuke Nukem 3D, headed soon to Xbox Live Arcade. It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
This game was developed by 3D Realms
This game was published by 3D Realms
Achievement Breakdown
There are 12 achievements worth 200 points
Single Player Achievements: 9
Multiplayer Achievements: 3
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Xbox 360 Achievement - Piece of Cake
1. Piece of Cake
Complete "L.A. Meltdown" on any difficulty or in co-op.
25 points
Single Player achievement
2. Let's Rock
Complete "Lunar Apocalypse" on any difficulty or in co-op.
25 points
Single Player achievement
3. Come Get Some
Complete "Shrapnel City" on any difficulty or in co-op.
25 points
Single Player achievement
4. Game Over
Complete "The Birth" on any difficulty or in co-op.
25 points
Single Player achievement
5. Duke's Mighty Foot
Step on 40 enemies after using the Shrinker on them.
10 points
Single Player achievement
6. Looks Like Cleanup on Aisle 4
Step in a pile of excrement.
10 points
Single Player achievement
7. Shake It Baby
Tip an exotic dancer.
10 points
Single Player achievement
8. Oomph, Uugh, Where is it?
Find 70 secret areas.
10 points
Single Player achievement
9. Alien Maggots are Gonna Pay
Finish the "Hollywood Holocaust" level in under 3 minutes.
10 points
Single Player achievement
10. Gonna Rip Em' a New One
Get 100 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).
10 points
Multiplayer / Co-Op achievement (2+ players)
11. See You in Hell
Get 250 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).
15 points
Multiplayer / Co-Op achievement (2+ players)
12. Hail to the King, Baby
Earn respect and get 500 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).
25 points
Multiplayer / Co-Op achievement (2+ players)
Final Score: 8.5, Editors Choice Award