I totally forgot how the "shoot and kick" combo does wonders.
Metalic Sand said:This game is truly the King, Looks great still and plays great unlike Marathon on XBLA.
Yeah, same here. :lolvoltron said:Games like this make me sad. Im playing it and memories of when I was 14/15/16 come flooding back. I was a different person... less cynical, tears
Rlan said:Still absolutely a fantastic game to play. All those great times of me playing this game are flooding back.
What I had forgotten was just how story driven the game was for the time. I mean, this is 1996 - the same year as Quake, and Quake practically has no story whatsoever - it's level to level. While Duke is simply "Aliens are here", everything goes from level to level seamlessly. You go from the elevator to starting in an elevator, you get captured and find yourself in the 'chair', find the end in the submarine, and you begin in the sub in the next level.
And it's so well thought out. You can change all the controls to your whim [I've found switching Y for "ducking" to Left Click works quite well], you can have the game show your metascore, the amount of hidden places you've found, and enemies to kill in a new HUD piece.
Good fucking work 3D Realms.
Now where's my Monster Bash XBLA port?
Annihilator said:So hows the online play? I've been reading on a couple of forums its really laggy??
Skilotonn said:Good Lord this game is fun - my first Duke experience despite being a huge PC gamer back in the Wolfenstein, DOOM, Prince of Persia, Quake, Unreal Tournament, and GTA 2D days...
I lost myself in the two levels of the demo, and reliving those days with the tons of hidden rooms and level designs... the game still looks great, plays excellent especially since I could set my sensitivity to the max like any other game on the 360 of course, but on top of that, every single button was fully customizable to my liking - awesome.
And on top of that, it has replays (which is really well-done when you die BTW) plus I can download and play other people's replays, even in 3rd person?
And 8-player co-op?
Yeah, this is getting bought tomorrow - I need to pick up points first, the only thing keeping me back right now...
P.S.: How could I forget the Duke's lines every now and then? "Come get some!"
TekunoRobby said:Ahh jesus. Game release days are torture for me. I'm going to have to wait until I get off of work to even play. I guess I'll be reading impressions all day. Don't let me down GAF!
Closing Comments
Duke Nukem 3D is yet another classic release that makes a wonderful conversion onto Xbox Live Arcade. Some might be put off by its convoluted, old school level design and predictably unattractive appearance but theres no doubt that its one of the fathers of the most popular genre in our industry. Toss in the new age additions like online co-op and a replay editor and most will find this to be more than a simple trip down memory lane.
IGN Ratings for Duke Nukem 3D (X360)
Rating Description See Our Glorious Home Theater Setup!
out of 10 click here for ratings guideGet Ratings Information
7.0 Presentation
Classic until the end. Those who played the original will recognize everything in the game. 4:3 ratio is disappointing.
4.5 Graphics
Identical to the original which is to say it's downright ugly by today's standards. Some effects are impressive considering when they were first developed.
7.0 Sound
Duke is hilarious and the sound effects fit the bill. Music is a little on the boring side.
8.5 Gameplay
It pioneered several of the mechanics that FPS games use today and did so very well. Fun gameplay that is tougher, and therefore more rewarding than todays variety, shines. Cool multiplayer.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
The replay editors functionality is great and the co-op adds a lot if you can find the right mix of players.
Coin Return said:I haven't played Duke3D for about 10 years. Played through the first two levels, and it still feels fresh and fun to play. I was grinning ear-to-ear finding secrets that I'd thought I'd long forgotten about. Awesome game!
Lé Blade Runner said:This is the best value one can get for 800 MS points. Absolutely frickin' rocks. Just played a few hours of LIVE co-op with a fellow GAFfer, and it was entertaining as hell. So many nostalgic memories surface, too...
I hosted a 8 player game with 8 players in it on the hardest setting and it was pure mayham, especially with respawning monsters. I did not hear anyone complain about lag or anything and almost all 8 players were playing for close to 20 minutes before someone quit.Annihilator said:So hows the online play? I've been reading on a couple of forums its really laggy??
Some would consider Mega Man 9 coming next week pretty major.Dead Man Typing said:No split screen makes me sad, and has made me reconsider purchasing the game. I'll sleep on it tonight, and probably give in and buy it tomorrow.
There aren't any other major XBLA releases coming soon are there? (got 900 points in the wallet)
Dead Man Typing said:No split screen makes me sad, and has made me reconsider purchasing the game. I'll sleep on it tonight, and probably give in and buy it tomorrow.
There aren't any other major XBLA releases coming soon are there? (got 900 points in the wallet)
cjelly said:Everyone turn screen size to 10, turn off the sidebar art, motion blur off and smoothing on 0.
Seriously.. and what's up with the Norway lockout. I used a Sweden VPN to get it :lol Damn you Sveriges_Xenon_ said:WTF this game is region locked? Whoever made this decision needs to be shitted down the neck.
What kind of lockout? I bought the game in Norway, and I've been playing online with my friend in USA. No sign of region lock for me.Joseph Merrick said:Seriously.. and what's up with the Norway lockout. I used a Sweden VPN to get it :lol Damn you Sveriges
what's your internet, buddy boy? I'm telenorSectus said:What kind of lockout? I bought the game in Norway, and I've been playing online with my friend in USA. No sign of region lock for me.
StefanTheMongol said:I still love the sound. The graphics are about what I remember. The free-look really magnifies how much this game wasn't made vertical look.
wikipedia said:The engine renders the world in a way that looks three-dimensional. However the sizing for perspective only depends on the horizontal distance (most noticeable as the fact that wall vertices are always straight vertical lines on screen). This can cause noticeable distortion when looking up and down and so most Build games restrict this to a fairly limited range of angles.
madmook said:Crap, I get motion sickness from playing this, like what Marathon did.
No longer buying.