Congratulations! I have to ask, like I have to ask anyone who finishes Ao... (Ao spoiler)Did Azure Demiourgos use the Great Space-Time Collapse on you?
Took a few tries before I got the preparations done. Tio's Master Art was helpful in that. I posted it before, there are quite a few things that are somewhat predictable (by sound logic) in trails. However it still has plently surprises and to me that's what makes it worth it going out of my way to play them for.
Now the long wait for Cold Steel 3 begins. I think I really like what they might do with Gaius. Maybe even beyond the Erebonia arc.
Wild predictions about Sen/Cold Steel 3 (All spoilers):
I'm guessing that Nord gets caught in quite a mess with Calvard. Not sure if Gaius develops a stigma or not. Whether there will be a thirteenth dominion (unprecedented!) or he takes someone's spot. He could also become a knight, enough possibilities.
Another thing on my mind is the frequent visits Barkhorn did. Besides being a travelling priest and guiding young Gaius, there might be another purpose. Namely the Sept Terrion of Wind
I saw the card of wind with, I presume, a hawk's eye. So that made me think about the hawk Zeke that watches over everyone and Gaius. Kinda like Zeit and Ragnard. Well and wind is often a concealing art, so the divine animal might hide its true form. Considering Nord worships the wind and Aidios, there would be a connection. There are also traces of pre-Collapse monuments such as the giant statue, stone pillars and the ancient quarry.
There's a big question mark hanging around on how much CS3 will touch upon these matters. However considering animism is also a big part of the Erebonia, we might get a glimpse or two.
And for my two cents: I believe the Sept Terrion of Earth is in Calvard. Retrieving the Blaze might accelerate Ouroboros' Orpheus plan. We're 7 games in and they only got one (officially). I like to see that crazy insane batshit when they gather all the dragon balls and summon shenron.
Another thing on my mind is the frequent visits Barkhorn did. Besides being a travelling priest and guiding young Gaius, there might be another purpose. Namely the Sept Terrion of Wind
I saw the card of wind with, I presume, a hawk's eye. So that made me think about the hawk Zeke that watches over everyone and Gaius. Kinda like Zeit and Ragnard. Well and wind is often a concealing art, so the divine animal might hide its true form. Considering Nord worships the wind and Aidios, there would be a connection. There are also traces of pre-Collapse monuments such as the giant statue, stone pillars and the ancient quarry.
There's a big question mark hanging around on how much CS3 will touch upon these matters. However considering animism is also a big part of the Erebonia, we might get a glimpse or two.
And for my two cents: I believe the Sept Terrion of Earth is in Calvard. Retrieving the Blaze might accelerate Ouroboros' Orpheus plan. We're 7 games in and they only got one (officially). I like to see that crazy insane batshit when they gather all the dragon balls and summon shenron.
Most is just wishful thinking of course. Either way CS3 might crack the series wide open again like 3rd and Ao/Azure did.
Sorry for the long post, I went from a short answer to writing this thing haha. That's what you get being hooked for life.