Explain? Maybe it's referencing something from the games but I don't get it.
It's a character from the Crossbell duology.
Explain? Maybe it's referencing something from the games but I don't get it.
One of the characters in Ao wears a penguin suit complete with a sign and a red bucket on her head.
One of the characters in Ao wears a penguin suit complete with a sign and a red bucket on her head.
It's a character from the Crossbell duology.
Should I get my hopes up?!
Programmer from Xseed
The KeA penguin's clearly based off the Super Service Day critter from Zwei II, but I won't deny this feels like they're ribbing us. It's a Trails stream after all, no surprise there.
She noted that it's been on her mind, just not worth committing to until now, likely because of how well the feature's been received.Durante a true Kiseki hero inspiring the turbo revolution.
The KeA penguin's clearly based off the Super Service Day critter from Zwei II, but I won't deny this feels like they're ribbing us. It's a Trails stream after all, no surprise there.
Ah dang, that does seem a lot more likely. They must've known though!The KeA penguin's clearly based off the Super Service Day critter from Zwei II, but I won't deny this feels like they're ribbing us. It's a Trails stream after all, no surprise there.
I'm betting early September, a week away from Ys VIII's launch if they're smart, since that still fits into summer and is far away enough from holiday season releases which destroyed Xanadu Next's sales.I was about to mention Zwei II, haha. Hopefully they're still on track for a summer release date of that.
Yeah there is a zwei II plush you can give to KeA.
If they would have shown Pom'tto then you would have gotten Ao.
That turbo mode in sky games seems nice tho~
Fast crafts man's fastest craft becomes even faster.
I'm betting early September, a week away from Ys VIII's launch if they're smart, since that still fits into summer and is far away enough from holiday season releases which destroyed Xanadu Next's sales.
Yup, from that doujin book Isao's putting together this winter for a friend. This artist just keeps getting better.Is that avatar who I think it is?
its fucking 3AM and I had to jump out of bed for something...and I see this shit![]()
Oh this feels like "a priest and a nun walk into a bar" or Agate's elbow something fierce...
What? I have never heard anything like this, or even the mention of the saga having "phases", and I follow this kind of stuff closely. Where are you getting this from? Are you confusing it with the conclusion of? We have no reason to expect Estelle, Joshua or Kevin to show up.the Phantasmal Blaze Plan, after which Ouroboros will move on to the next phase of Orpheus
The KeA penguin's clearly based off the Super Service Day critter from Zwei II, but I won't deny this feels like they're ribbing us. It's a Trails stream after all, no surprise there.
Using this to tease a game that is already coming soonish while knowing people will take it another way would be asshole trolling tbh.The KeA penguin's clearly based off the Super Service Day critter from Zwei II, but I won't deny this feels like they're ribbing us. It's a Trails stream after all, no surprise there.
CheatEngine. Use CheatEngine!Not going to lie, turbo for TitS is great news. 3rd is kind of a slog at times because I've grown used to the speed ups from CS and the Evo games.
They already are releasing Zwei II, what could they still be teasing for it?It's just Zwei II teasing.
They already are releasing Zwei II, what could they still be teasing for it?
Besides, it would be incredible trolling to use a KeA figure to tease something Zwei related, they know people are gonna think it's Zero/Ao And they wouldn't want that if it's not that
Besides I think Brittany would have said something about this not being a Zero/Ao teaser if it wasn't
They've always been wanting to not give people false hopes
Looking online, I guess the same penguin was also featured in Ao, but was pretty clearly labeled "Zwei 2 Penguin" when examined there, so... yeah... that was most definitely a Zwei II teaser!
(Incidentally, the Service Penguin is in Cold Steel as well, in
Millium's room at the Class VII dorm
-- though it can't be examined, so I guess a lot of you Kiseki super-fans probably just thought it was a reference to Ao no Kiseki. Which makes me sad, because Zwei II should never be overshadowed by a mere *Kiseki* game! Zwei II is the noble, you see, while the Kiseki series games are mere COMMONERS by comparison! Heheh...)
It's definitely Zweii, not Ao, assuming this is the thing in Ao that people are talking about: https://www.esterior.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/14.jpg. The text on the sign matches up with the Zewii penguin: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGb5jQUUwAAv1Mg.jpg, it's different on the Ao one.
Well that's it then, awful choice for a Zwei teaser
I guess they'll soon reveal the release date or something."its a teaser figure, for things to come" is vague enough that it could just mean Zwei, but saying teaser for something already announced is a little awkward. I will remain somewhat hopeful it means something other than Zwei II
Yup, from that doujin book Isao's putting together this winter for a friend. This artist just keeps getting better.
Oh sorry, I don't mean that there's an actual, official "Phase" like the MCU or anything. It's just that I internally always consider long form, planned narrative like Trails to be divided by two phases: one that piles up questions and one that answers them.
Toshihiro Kondo Cold Steel said that this game would progress the series in a major way, as well as starting to delve into mysteries like Ouroboros' motivation and the Grandmaster's identity, so I just automatically went "oh, so here comes the second phase".
Tom probably mentioned that it was related to Zwei II so no-one would falsely get their hopes up for Zero/Ao.
The problem isn't where the games are, right there Tom says the porting isn't the problem, there just doesn't seem to have enough interest in the Series for a game that basically requires you to have played 3 prior ones regardless of plataformsSounds like it's still a longshot to ever happen without Falcom releasing new versions of it.
The problem isn't where the games are, right there Tom says the porting isn't the problem, there just doesn't seem to have enough interest in the Series for a game that basically requires you to have played 3 prior ones regardless of plataforms
The problem isn't where the games are, right there Tom says the porting isn't the problem, there just doesn't seem to have enough interest in the Series for a game that basically requires you to have played 3 prior ones regardless of plataforms
The problem isn't where the games are, right there Tom says the porting isn't the problem, there just doesn't seem to have enough interest in the Series for a game that basically requires you to have played 3 prior ones regardless of plataforms
Is there an apple ice cream equivalent in Zero for making money? Asking now because thats how I played the trails in the sky games
Yeah, SC was around 20-30k during launch I think.Ignoring trails of cold steel for a moment, since it will probably still be a couple more days for the figures to become accurate, I've been keeping an eye on the sky games's sales on steamspy.
Trails in the sky fc has sold 287,591 copies (± 15,764), which is honestly pretty good. Interestingly, there have been 6,331 ± 2,339 players in the past 2 weeks, so some people are clearly still working through the game - I think the turbo mode update could be a big help in that regard. Players total, 198,058 ± 13,083, it's a steam game, shocking news.
SC has sold 43,410 ± 6,126 copies. This is a large drop off, and not ideal. BUT, I remember when the game first came out, and it was like thirty thousand tops? I think? Now there's probably a few people who bought the first game, and decided "might as well get the sequel at the same time", but it's still promising that the playerbase is still increasing. (Also, 3,391 ± 1,712 players in the past two weeks, which is a fairly sizeable percentage compared to the first game, and it's fair to say that these are committed players by this point.
...This is assuming that no one is currently replaying the game, but there's been a fair bit of new trails content recently, so super fans are PROBABLY busy.)
24,192 ± 4,573 players total, I can't remember the figures for when it first launched. I assume though that it wasn't as high, since it's pretty close to the original sales of the game. A game having almost 100% "played at some point" rate is pretty unlikely, no matter which game it is.
The third is at 14,470 ± 3,537 copies. Another drop off, but again at launch it was around ten thousand, and it honestly wasn't *that* long ago. 2,899 ± 2,006 players in the last two weeks, but the release is recent enough that I'm not going to put too much stock in it. Generally speaking, people are playing the game. Yay. 9,270 ± 2,831 players total, not too much you can really take from this aside from the current audience potentially either ready for zero, or ready to get ready in time for zero, if it ever happens.
This is all pretty long winded, but generally speaking whilst the figures aren't very good, they're also not completely dire long term. I have seen just as good games with worse numbers, unfortunately. I think given enough time (and an advertising push about the turbo mode update, COUGH COUGH), it's not infeasible for SC and the third's numbers to improve over the next year or so, especially now that the full trilogy is available. And the first game is basically a lock to reach 300,000 eventually, it's almost there.
Yeah, SC was around 20-30k during launch I think.
And yes, Xseed should absolutely promote the turbomode. Market it as a 'big update', put the games on sale AND, most importantly, MAKE A BUNDLE WITH FC+SC+3rd. (Complete your collection type that gives like an extra 10-15% discount when buying or something.)
I'd bet money that that would increase sales of SC and 3rd quite a bit.
People can start with Zero. It's not recommended because you'll spoil some stuff in the sky series. The story in Zero-Azure also has more impact when you played the sky games.
Still Zero has plently to offer on its own. The investigator side by solving cases one at a time. From small scale crooks to the big bads. The many barriers to overcome with newfound friends!
Ignoring trails of cold steel for a moment, since it will probably still be a couple more days for the figures to become accurate, I've been keeping an eye on the sky games's sales on steamspy.
Trails in the sky fc has sold 287,591 copies (± 15,764), which is honestly pretty good. Interestingly, there have been 6,331 ± 2,339 players in the past 2 weeks, so some people are clearly still working through the game - I think the turbo mode update could be a big help in that regard. Players total, 198,058 ± 13,083, it's a steam game, shocking news.
SC has sold 43,410 ± 6,126 copies. This is a large drop off, and not ideal. BUT, I remember when the game first came out, and it was like thirty thousand tops? I think? Now there's probably a few people who bought the first game, and decided "might as well get the sequel at the same time", but it's still promising that the playerbase is still increasing. (Also, 3,391 ± 1,712 players in the past two weeks, which is a fairly sizeable percentage compared to the first game, and it's fair to say that these are committed players by this point.
...This is assuming that no one is currently replaying the game, but there's been a fair bit of new trails content recently, so super fans are PROBABLY busy.)
24,192 ± 4,573 players total, I can't remember the figures for when it first launched. I assume though that it wasn't as high, since it's pretty close to the original sales of the game. A game having almost 100% "played at some point" rate is pretty unlikely, no matter which game it is.
The third is at 14,470 ± 3,537 copies. Another drop off, but again at launch it was around ten thousand, and it honestly wasn't *that* long ago. 2,899 ± 2,006 players in the last two weeks, but the release is recent enough that I'm not going to put too much stock in it. Generally speaking, people are playing the game. Yay. 9,270 ± 2,831 players total, not too much you can really take from this aside from the current audience potentially either ready for zero, or ready to get ready in time for zero, if it ever happens.
This is all pretty long winded, but generally speaking whilst the figures aren't very good, they're also not completely dire long term. I have seen just as good games with worse numbers, unfortunately. I think given enough time (and an advertising push about the turbo mode update, COUGH COUGH), it's not infeasible for SC and the third's numbers to improve over the next year or so, especially now that the full trilogy is available. And the first game is basically a lock to reach 300,000 eventually, it's almost there.
Ignoring trails of cold steel for a moment, since it will probably still be a couple more days for the figures to become accurate, I've been keeping an eye on the sky games's sales on steamspy.
Trails in the sky fc has sold 287,591 copies (± 15,764), which is honestly pretty good. Interestingly, there have been 6,331 ± 2,339 players in the past 2 weeks, so some people are clearly still working through the game - I think the turbo mode update could be a big help in that regard. Players total, 198,058 ± 13,083, it's a steam game, shocking news.
SC has sold 43,410 ± 6,126 copies. This is a large drop off, and not ideal. BUT, I remember when the game first came out, and it was like thirty thousand tops? I think? Now there's probably a few people who bought the first game, and decided "might as well get the sequel at the same time", but it's still promising that the playerbase is still increasing. (Also, 3,391 ± 1,712 players in the past two weeks, which is a fairly sizeable percentage compared to the first game, and it's fair to say that these are committed players by this point.
...This is assuming that no one is currently replaying the game, but there's been a fair bit of new trails content recently, so super fans are PROBABLY busy.)
24,192 ± 4,573 players total, I can't remember the figures for when it first launched. I assume though that it wasn't as high, since it's pretty close to the original sales of the game. A game having almost 100% "played at some point" rate is pretty unlikely, no matter which game it is.
The third is at 14,470 ± 3,537 copies. Another drop off, but again at launch it was around ten thousand, and it honestly wasn't *that* long ago. 2,899 ± 2,006 players in the last two weeks, but the release is recent enough that I'm not going to put too much stock in it. Generally speaking, people are playing the game. Yay. 9,270 ± 2,831 players total, not too much you can really take from this aside from the current audience potentially either ready for zero, or ready to get ready in time for zero, if it ever happens.
This is all pretty long winded, but generally speaking whilst the figures aren't very good, they're also not completely dire long term. I have seen just as good games with worse numbers, unfortunately. I think given enough time (and an advertising push about the turbo mode update, COUGH COUGH), it's not infeasible for SC and the third's numbers to improve over the next year or so, especially now that the full trilogy is available. And the first game is basically a lock to reach 300,000 eventually, it's almost there.