Tears of Nintendo
Man, never I was so amazed and at the same time so frustrated while playing a video game, which should not make you angry and frustrated at all by design and based on what it is and what it's trying to say and show you. It's like, one minute you're trying to pick up your jaw from the floor just cuz of how amazing the game looks (let's face it - for a PS3 game) when it comes to art, architecture of the world etc., how great the sense of place and scale is, how breathtaking the animations are of literally everything, how they even thought about making Trico's eyes shine in the dark, wet and dirty just like they are when it comes to cats in real life for example, to show you how sad he is and makes you care about him etc, even if he's dumb...
....and then you're fighting with absolutely abysmal camera and stupid Triko's AI which is refusing to help you and do what needs to be done to progress further into the game. The camera is probably your worst enemy in this game... after Trico of course. I hate it so much, It's very floaty, extremely annoying to control if not impossible at times cuz it'll just bounce of walls and various obsticles and there's almost nothing you can do about it except to fight for countrol as if you're fighting for your life. And Trico.... I swear, as good and as adorable he looks, he's AI is x10 times as dumb and stupid. It took me two complete reastarts of the game to make him rise and stand againts the wall for me to get where the game want's me to go. Even the fact that you can sort of tell him what to do is not working like 80% of the time and it's also no helping that you don't even know what you need to do at times to make him do something and at what place.
Honestly, this heavy reliance on Trico's stupid and dumb AI to progress through the game from a designt stanpoint sucks out if not all enjoyment ouf of the game, but diffinitely significant chunk of it for sure along with the camera issues. You can clearly see that devs tried to add options for the boy as well with various vines hanging from walls and stuff, but then someone came to their office, saw what the fuck they're doing and said that they should stop doing all this cuz Trico will be the only option to solve puzzles and progress through just about any obsticles / environment in the game.
I think Bluepoint needs to take their hands on this game and remake it for the PS5 on their engine, make Trico's AI smarter and scripts related to him work better, make more obvious what you need to do without showing and telling exactly what you need to do (it's not easy, but I'm sure they can think of something - visual cues, sounds etc.), fix goddamn camera, add Photo Mode etc. Not to mention that this game is an absolute nightmare for people with disabilities who can't play games like rest of the people can, so there also needs to be tons of accessibility options and QOL changes.
Fuckin' do it, Sony! Save this game from its original design hell, let more people play it and make it shine on your current console and maybe even PC. At this point I just can't see myself playing this game ever again (after I finish it) in a state that it is right now.

....and then you're fighting with absolutely abysmal camera and stupid Triko's AI which is refusing to help you and do what needs to be done to progress further into the game. The camera is probably your worst enemy in this game... after Trico of course. I hate it so much, It's very floaty, extremely annoying to control if not impossible at times cuz it'll just bounce of walls and various obsticles and there's almost nothing you can do about it except to fight for countrol as if you're fighting for your life. And Trico.... I swear, as good and as adorable he looks, he's AI is x10 times as dumb and stupid. It took me two complete reastarts of the game to make him rise and stand againts the wall for me to get where the game want's me to go. Even the fact that you can sort of tell him what to do is not working like 80% of the time and it's also no helping that you don't even know what you need to do at times to make him do something and at what place.
Honestly, this heavy reliance on Trico's stupid and dumb AI to progress through the game from a designt stanpoint sucks out if not all enjoyment ouf of the game, but diffinitely significant chunk of it for sure along with the camera issues. You can clearly see that devs tried to add options for the boy as well with various vines hanging from walls and stuff, but then someone came to their office, saw what the fuck they're doing and said that they should stop doing all this cuz Trico will be the only option to solve puzzles and progress through just about any obsticles / environment in the game.
I think Bluepoint needs to take their hands on this game and remake it for the PS5 on their engine, make Trico's AI smarter and scripts related to him work better, make more obvious what you need to do without showing and telling exactly what you need to do (it's not easy, but I'm sure they can think of something - visual cues, sounds etc.), fix goddamn camera, add Photo Mode etc. Not to mention that this game is an absolute nightmare for people with disabilities who can't play games like rest of the people can, so there also needs to be tons of accessibility options and QOL changes.
Fuckin' do it, Sony! Save this game from its original design hell, let more people play it and make it shine on your current console and maybe even PC. At this point I just can't see myself playing this game ever again (after I finish it) in a state that it is right now.
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