I think it's dead zones-not input lag. I got used to it after an hour.What's the level of input lag for this game?
It feels super high.
The kid barely responds when you try and move him precisely.
I think it's dead zones-not input lag. I got used to it after an hour.What's the level of input lag for this game?
It feels super high.
The kid barely responds when you try and move him precisely.
Finally playing through this game with the girlfriend after putting it off so long and I am loving it (except the camera which is garbage). This game is beautiful and engaging and just hits all the right buttons for me.
Quick question: We just finished the. How far are we into the game? We want to finish it tonight but I don't know if that is do-able!puzzle about getting out of the building after Trico falling and the kid being stuck in the tree
Finally playing through this game with the girlfriend after putting it off so long and I am loving it (except the camera which is garbage). This game is beautiful and engaging and just hits all the right buttons for me.
Quick question: We just finished the. How far are we into the game? We want to finish it tonight but I don't know if that is do-able!puzzle about getting out of the building after Trico falling and the kid being stuck in the tree
I started the game a few days ago and while I like it, it's really infuriating. The underwater section was awful and the section just after, the one with themade me question if this game was tested before being released to the public.rolling cell
The game should allow you to see what option does Trico have when you are trying to jump, because having to wait until the AI decides that you should move forward is not fun, and it's not a video game. It's a pain in the ass.
Yeah, this is my only big complaint about the game. I need to see each of those ONCE and no more, after that put it in the menus.How can I disable the HUD? Hours in, it does not need to show three giant prompts while on a ledge, I know the buttons.
How the fuck do you get Trico to dive?
Man, I love Ueda's previous games, and I want to love this. But boy is it an exercise in frustration. Yesterday I nearly gave up after an hour of hinky barrel physics, followed by another half hour of shouting at Trico trying to get him to jump in the back of that dark cave.
Currently, I'm stuck trying to get Trico to go through an underwater gate - I've opened the gate, I've figured out how to get him to dive perhaps one time out of every twelve attempts, but he won't pass through with me riding him. He will pass through happily by himself. But the moment I'm on him he treads water at the gate then turns around and comes back up.
This is typical of my experience of the game - every time you have a beautiful set piece or platforming section out in the captivating open air castle sections, it's quickly followed by an hour of numbing grappling with Trico or the game's dreadful physics, or the game's dreadful camera, usually in dark small rooms.
The frustration is never figuring out the puzzle, always attempting to overcome the controls to execute on the solution - and as in my current situation, it's usually unclear if you're dealing with a glitch or doing something wrong.
How the fuck do you get Trico to dive?
How the fuck do you get Trico to dive?
How the fuck do you get Trico to dive?
Just finished it. The controls could be infuriating at times, but that doesn't stop this from being one my favorite games....EVER. I will definitely be one my most memorable gaming experiences.
I'm in the water cave. How long before I beat the game?
Don't know exactly which part you are on but you probably are really early or early, in any case you have a lot of game ahead.
Only just encountered those guards with the glass shield. Had to charge at them with Analogue and square.
Hey guys, loving the game but am on a very tight time shedule nowadays -- curious as to how far I am, percentage wise.
Just reached the area where Trico jumps in the water for the first time, and there's a vent at the bottom of a deep pool that I can't seem to figure out how to reach.
Edit: Hmm... close to the part from the posters above, so maybe I'm at %50?
It's one of my favorite games in recent years, but by that point you're at I was in love with it, so maybe it's just not for you. A shame, but if you're not enjoying something there's no reason to suffer through it any more. And this is one very consistent game; I think puzzles get more interesting and finding different interactions one can have with Trico and the way the story continues made me enjoy the game more the more I played, but there's no big shakeup coming for you in terms of progression or mechanics. If you dislike it this much it would probably be wise to sell it and find something else you may like morei'm like 2 hours in and i can't stand it, i currently stopped atwhen Trico, washes his body in the water and then look up to see another Trico
it's so frustrating and boring, and it doesn't make sense, why would i crawl, climb and do boring horrible "puzzles" when i can just climb on Trico and he could take me everywhere
it pisses me off when after all this i just go to an edge and call for Trico and he jumps at me, WTF, why didn't you jump from the beginning and saved me from this shit
i made a huge mistake getting this game, i though it has something from Shadow of the colossus( which is my second favorite game of all time), nope, i was wrong, it's 100% Ico(which i hated) but worse
gaf, be honest, does the game get any better ?? or should i go sell\trade it right now ?
i'm like 2 hours in and i can't stand it, i currently stopped atwhen Trico, washes his body in the water and then look up to see another Trico
it's so frustrating and boring, and it doesn't make sense, why would i crawl, climb and do boring horrible "puzzles" when i can just climb on Trico and he could take me everywhere
it pisses me off when after all this i just go to an edge and call for Trico and he jumps at me, WTF, why didn't you jump from the beginning and saved me from this shit
i made a huge mistake getting this game, i though it has something from Shadow of the colossus( which is my second favorite game of all time), nope, i was wrong, it's 100% Ico(which i hated) but worse
gaf, be honest, does the game get any better ?? or should i go sell\trade it right now ?
i'm like 2 hours in and i can't stand it, i currently stopped atwhen Trico, washes his body in the water and then look up to see another Trico
it's so frustrating and boring, and it doesn't make sense, why would i crawl, climb and do boring horrible "puzzles" when i can just climb on Trico and he could take me everywhere
it pisses me off when after all this i just go to an edge and call for Trico and he jumps at me, WTF, why didn't you jump from the beginning and saved me from this shit
i made a huge mistake getting this game, i though it has something from Shadow of the colossus( which is my second favorite game of all time), nope, i was wrong, it's 100% Ico(which i hated) but worse
gaf, be honest, does the game get any better ?? or should i go sell\trade it right now ?
i'm like 2 hours in and i can't stand it, i currently stopped atwhen Trico, washes his body in the water and then look up to see another Trico
it's so frustrating and boring, and it doesn't make sense, why would i crawl, climb and do boring horrible "puzzles" when i can just climb on Trico and he could take me everywhere
it pisses me off when after all this i just go to an edge and call for Trico and he jumps at me, WTF, why didn't you jump from the beginning and saved me from this shit
i made a huge mistake getting this game, i though it has something from Shadow of the colossus( which is my second favorite game of all time), nope, i was wrong, it's 100% Ico(which i hated) but worse
gaf, be honest, does the game get any better ?? or should i go sell\trade it right now ?
i'm like 2 hours in and i can't stand it, i currently stopped atwhen Trico, washes his body in the water and then look up to see another Trico
it's so frustrating and boring, and it doesn't make sense, why would i crawl, climb and do boring horrible "puzzles" when i can just climb on Trico and he could take me everywhere
it pisses me off when after all this i just go to an edge and call for Trico and he jumps at me, WTF, why didn't you jump from the beginning and saved me from this shit
i made a huge mistake getting this game, i though it has something from Shadow of the colossus( which is my second favorite game of all time), nope, i was wrong, it's 100% Ico(which i hated) but worse
gaf, be honest, does the game get any better ?? or should i go sell\trade it right now ?
You may try others suggestions but on my two playthroughs I was just in front of the door with Trico facing towards it, I aimed the camera onto the door deep in the water and just pressed R1 and pointed with the L stick, it worked instantly on both times.
i'm like 2 hours in and i can't stand it, i currently stopped atwhen Trico, washes his body in the water and then look up to see another Trico
it's so frustrating and boring, and it doesn't make sense, why would i crawl, climb and do boring horrible "puzzles" when i can just climb on Trico and he could take me everywhere
it pisses me off when after all this i just go to an edge and call for Trico and he jumps at me, WTF, why didn't you jump from the beginning and saved me from this shit
i made a huge mistake getting this game, i though it has something from Shadow of the colossus( which is my second favorite game of all time), nope, i was wrong, it's 100% Ico(which i hated) but worse
gaf, be honest, does the game get any better ?? or should i go sell\trade it right now ?
on 3 different playthroughs, this has worked for me on the first time. I've never understood all the complaints about this section.
i see, so it's not getting any better, well shit, there goes my money
so far my score for the game is 4\10, and the only thing i liked about it is how Trico behaves, he behaves exactly like a a real life cat
the way he's an asshole and doesn't follow your orders, his movements and animation are amazing and realistic, feeding him is fucking annoying, and he put his head in every hole he sees, without those things the game would have been a 2\10
The last guardian is now one of the WORST and most BORING games i have played this generation, next to Infamous 3 and Thief
what a shame, how can people make a unique masterpiece like Shadow of the colossus, make such a boring game like TLG ?
the combat is just, well, climb on Trico and just watch the inside of his empty body, amazing camera by the way
the controls are fucked up, i don't remember SOTC having such shitty controls, i know that both games have shitty controls but i'm pretty sure TLG has much worse
the graphics is outdated and i don't see it effecting the game for me, but the lightning is actually pretty impressive
i guess i'll go trade it
i see, so it's not getting any better, well shit, there goes my money
i guess i'll go trade it
It's cool to have a different opinion man, there's no need to belittle others' in order to justify it, we get it that people like different thingsbetter luck with your next purchase!
i bought The boring guardian at full price and now i'm mostly gonna trade it with a 30-40$ game, if not even less and this is really pisses me off
i almost fell for Doom and Gravity Rush 2, but both games had demos to save me from the false hype
i just wish they could release more demos on ps4 like they used to on ps3, one of the most things i miss about last generation
i bought The boring guardian at full price and now i'm mostly gonna trade it with a 30-40$ game, if not even less and this is really pisses me off
i almost fell for Doom and Gravity Rush 2, but both games had demos to save me from the false hype
i just wish they could release more demos on ps4 like they used to on ps3, one of the most things i miss about last generation
i bought The boring guardian at full price and now i'm mostly gonna trade it with a 30-40$ game, if not even less and this is really pisses me off
i almost fell for Doom and Gravity Rush 2, but both games had demos to save me from the false hype
i just wish they could release more demos on ps4 like they used to on ps3, one of the most things i miss about last generation
Being crass here isn't going to give you those $20-$30 back, so why keep doing it? You should probably be more open to the fact that people like different things, and you'll sometimes fall with the majority and sometimes with the minority (like in this case) - it's cool and people will understand without there needing to be any sort of negative discussion
I agree it'd be great if the PS4 had more demosmaybe since that isn't the case you should look at videos before making a decision next time; games are pretty expensive and going in blind can result in stuff like this - no need for rudeness tho!
i bought The boring guardian at full price and now i'm mostly gonna trade it with a 30-40$ game, if not even less and this is really pisses me off
i almost fell for Doom and Gravity Rush 2, but both games had demos to save me from the false hype
i just wish they could release more demos on ps4 like they used to on ps3, one of the most things i miss about last generation
i did see videos of the game and it did look boring, i bought it because it's from the same creators of Shadow of the colossus, i know, i'm a fucking idiot
but would you buy Death Stranding ?? it's from the creators of Metal Gear Solid, so it's mostly gonna be a masterpiece, right ??
what about Cyberpunk 2077 ?? Witcher 3 creators, you understand what i'm saying ?
anyway, i made a mistake and i hope i learn from it the next time
what a shame, how can people make a unique masterpiece like Shadow of the colossus, make such a boring game like TLG ?
If those games looked like ass, no. Buying something that looks bad/not interesting just because certain individual(s) worked on it makes no sense.
i did see videos of the game and it did look boring, i bought it because it's from the same creators of Shadow of the colossus, i know, i'm a fucking idiot
played the demo, reached first battle and deleted it, thank god GAF didn't fool me into buying the Remaster, not my type of game, shitty combat
i was gonna fall for the hype for this game TWICE, one with the remaster and one with GR2
i was going to buy the Remaster when it came out but i got busy with other games and forgot it
then i saw the hype for GR2 and saw few trailer and thought it looked cool so i put it on my list but then i tried that Demo, thank god i never bought the Remaster, it's god damn AWFUL, the gameplay is horribly unsatisfying
Gaf Please stop overhyping games, especially Sony Exclusives
before you pre-order and fall for Gaf's hype, try the Demo right now, you may change your mind like i did and save yourself 60$