Should i buy this first or the Crash remake?
Also, this is the best thread title
Should i buy this first or the Crash remake?
I'm looking to hang both of the below posters in my room, and I wanna know if TLG has artwork that's in the same style as these two?
Or if you guys have any artwork suggestions that fit along, I'd appreciate it.
This isn't official art, but it's the closest I could think of.
I'm just beginning this journey. Looking forward to posting my thoughts in a couple of days.
Y2kev pressured me to power through and finish the game. What a journey. Ueda still managed to pull off a masterpiece even with 12 years of development troubles. Totally worth buying a PS4 Pro for. It's one of those games.
I'm kinda surprised by the stuff that usually isn't in Ueda's previous games though. Not only does the game have really direct and obvious tutorial prompts, but it also keeps reminding the player what the current goal is and sometimes what is happening in the scene, with a narrator who is actually subtitled. The flashback sequences and ending are also very unUeda. Straightforward and easy to follow. All the really obtuse stuff seem to be left for the world setting and all the things unsaid about the whys and hows of the nest valley. That's all very Ueda and super interesting to take apart and speculate on.
The game also has by far the best leaps of faith in gaming ever. The way it trains you to start to trust Trico more and more as you progress, until you start doing crazy stuff that will certainly get you killed and seeing it actually WORK.... is very impressive.
This was a really impressive game. Shame about the technical issues, but what it accomplishes largely justifies it. AI, animation, physics - some of the best ever seen in gaming. I think it struggled with some monotony in the third quarter of the game, but ultimately this will be looked at as another Ueda classic
Trico is a real accomplishment, though it can be frustrating trying to communicate the solution to a puzzle to a pet. Arguably it adds to the experience, though.
Glad they got it out. Hopefully Ueda has another one in him.
He is apparently already working on a new game. Not much info other than that.
Oh, that's a relief.
I wouldn't have been surprised if a project like this broke his resolve.
So i got this and whilst Trico is absolutely lovely, as is the boy's clumsy mannerisms (i love his tip toe!) I findthe actual playing pretty tedious. Climbing on Trico is a chore for one, and whilst his independence is charming too, it can really grate at times.
I know the answer to the implicit question: surely worth playing on. Just finding it hard to muster the enthusiasm. Is this common or am I being too grumpy?
I can't say that the tedium ever disappeared for me, but I feel like the experience overall is worth it. It has a really spectacular finale.
As the game progresses your bond with Trico improves, and a synergy can develop. But ultimately you have to accept that you don't command him - you merely give him suggestions and hope for the best. If you can roll with that the game will deliver some of the most beautiful sequences I've ever seen in a game.
So i got this game in the sale around E3 iirc
I started playing it immediately, and finished it over the course of a weekend. i didn't want to share my feelings/thoughts about the game then because it felt so emotional and personal, but i feel that now is the best time for me to share - for a reason i'll be explaining later in my post.
let me first start with a backstory: i had a 45 days Labrador puppy at college, and he has been my bestfriend till i lost him about 3 years ago, when he was 9 years old.
playing this game made me have the same feelings i had with my dog, how you build your bond with Trico, how you earn his love and respect, how he still has his own mind and doing his own thing even when you're asking him to do something, and how you need to get his attention.
i understand that this AI has been dubbed as "frustrating" by many players, but for me, it was just like re-living a concentrated dosage of my time with my dog. in every situation it would bring me a smile and a tear because i can relate what just happened to something that we've been through - me and my bestfriend.
i've been never touched by a game like this game had, and for that i thank everyone who has worked on it, thank you for giving me all these incredible amazing feelings once again.
And to end on a more positive note - and explain why i chose to share this now - i knew after finishing the game that i'm ready to have a new bestfriend, something i've been unsure about since i lost my dog;
Tomorrow, i'll go pick up me new soon to be bestfriend, a beautiful female Japanese Akita who i'll name "Kori", which in a way is a tribute to both my first dog's name "Kenji" and Trico's name!
again, i can't thank you enough, everyone who contributed to this beautiful game, you've touched my heart and my life in a way i'll always be grateful for![]()
So i got this game in the sale around E3 iirc
I started playing it immediately, and finished it over the course of a weekend. i didn't want to share my feelings/thoughts about the game then because it felt so emotional and personal, but i feel that now is the best time for me to share - for a reason i'll be explaining later in my post.
let me first start with a backstory: i had a 45 days Labrador puppy at college, and he has been my bestfriend till i lost him about 3 years ago, when he was 9 years old.
playing this game made me have the same feelings i had with my dog, how you build your bond with Trico, how you earn his love and respect, how he still has his own mind and doing his own thing even when you're asking him to do something, and how you need to get his attention.
i understand that this AI has been dubbed as "frustrating" by many players, but for me, it was just like re-living a concentrated dosage of my time with my dog. in every situation it would bring me a smile and a tear because i can relate what just happened to something that we've been through - me and my bestfriend.
i've been never touched by a game like this game had, and for that i thank everyone who has worked on it, thank you for giving me all these incredible amazing feelings once again.
And to end on a more positive note - and explain why i chose to share this now - i knew after finishing the game that i'm ready to have a new bestfriend, something i've been unsure about since i lost my dog;
Tomorrow, i'll go pick up me new soon to be bestfriend, a beautiful female Japanese Akita who i'll name "Kori", which in a way is a tribute to both my first dog's name "Kenji" and Trico's name!
again, i can't thank you enough, everyone who contributed to this beautiful game, you've touched my heart and my life in a way i'll always be grateful for![]()
Thank you
I'm assuming the last phrase you mean is the one, it hit me really hard specially after all the build up in the ending partjust before the credits, when Trico "delivered" the boy back to his villagethat i actually sat through the credits (just trying to process all these feelings i had in this short amount of time) and didn't even try to skip it, which was probably the first time i ever do that. lolstarting when Trico defends the boy and gets attackedthis actually worked in my favor, seeing the post credit's scene
i'm not very good at giving impressions, but i hope you got your answer![]()
The Last Guardian over 100k.
Some sales notes from this thread:
I wonder what total sales are at this point. We have some vaguer sales notes like it selling more in its release month that a combination of Ico's entire life time sales combined with like the first 9 months of SotC's and that was a $40 game at launch.
Jesus this game is hard work lol...not sure I will have the patience to finish this...
It's worth it.
I am in a section where I have to roll a wheel on top of a ramp,push it down and then push it under a gate that Trico is playing with,raising it up now and then...its just not working so far lol,been trying for the last 15 minutes...I mean jesus...
If you stay near the gate Trico will be distracted. Go away a little so that he plays with the chain again, then go back and place the wheel under the gate.
He's done several interviews and seems to be a pretty laid back and pretty well adjusted guy. He even mentions that people seem to think of him as some avant garde tortured artist when he lives in a modest home and drives a Volvo.
Finished it this past weekend. Nice game, but I found it infuriating to play as I progressed given how terribly the main character controlled, which I know is a topic that has been discussed to death. This really soured the experience for me as I neared the end of the game, which is quite a shame. Also the camera was a real pain in the ass at times. I enjoyed the story and setting, and interacting with Trico and the relationship there, but man actually playing the game was rough.
Finished it this past weekend. Nice game, but I found it infuriating to play as I progressed given how terribly the main character controlled, which I know is a topic that has been discussed to death. This really soured the experience for me as I neared the end of the game, which is quite a shame. Also the camera was a real pain in the ass at times. I enjoyed the story and setting, and interacting with Trico and the relationship there, but man actually playing the game was rough.
Its not worse than it was in SOTC on PS2. You should wait until you can play it on Pro. The situation is better there, as higher frame rate lowers the input lag.I wish I could play this game but the input lag is way too much for me and I love Ueda games.
I tried and tried and I can not get past the lag.
I wish I could play this game but the input lag is way too much for me and I love Ueda games.
I tried and tried and I can not get past the lag.
Sorry for the necrobump, but seeing as this is the game's OT, I figured I provide my impressions after wrapping it up last night.
First of all, I've got the game discounted on the PSN Christmas Sale for something like 10$. I always wanted to play it being a very big Ueda fan, liking Ico well enough and loving the shit out of SOTC at their time.
After not enjoying my time with a modern open-world busywork game such as Horizon ZD, I decided to drop that and get on something a bit more focused.
All in all, I have mixed feelings on the controls and general responsiveness of the game. While I know most panned it for this, I grew accustomed to it's weight-like feeling and rarely have I had a problem with the input of the game (some weird jumps to my death here and there but that's about it).
Even the "infamous".push the barrel up the platforms section was easily doable, because you don't really have to throw it but just walk with it up the platforms
There is a later section in which you really need to throw a barrel from a ramp to another and then two more platforms but that was easy also because the barrel tends to stay put after being thrown, except the first ramps. It can be done with a modicum of patience
The enemies in the game were oddly spooky and also cute, really good job for the designers on that part, and Trico felt like a real living being. In all my "escort" type games I've played, Trico is by far the most "real" of companions and seems to have a mind of it's own. That's a real accomplishment on the team, so kudos to that.
I also didn't saw the end coming. END SPOILERS :. The epilogue was cute too.with the brain-like presence on top of the tower, and the mind-controlled Tricos and thought for sure that Trico's gonna die there and then
The puzzle elements were a bit brain-dead, to be honest, but that's not really a bad thing since if they were harder, they would have definitely halted the game flow. Graphically, the game looked as I expected, but the framerate was a bit iffy, especially since I've played it on a Slim PS4.
To be honest, I expected to not like it as much as I did, due to the kind of "dated" design but this gem of a game came at exactly the right time for me to experience it. It would be hard to recommend it because I know most folk want ultra-responsive-gameplay nowadays, but for anyone thirsty for a heart-warming gaming experience, I say go for it, especially at a discount price.
Is a game from Japan Studio... Of course it's worth it,
I also bought it at Christmas. First of all I know that coming from Japan Studio there is no doubt that it is a wonderful game.
I see your bias but not everything JapanStudio is great by default. For example, the Knack games are also JapanStudio and ehm....
Also, from my knowledge, wasn't this a TeamIco game until they disbanded and reuninted under the GenDesign moniker?
People said that Trico not always listened to you like a real pet, but i didnt find it to be the case. He always did what i told him to without any problem. In fact, im pretty sure there is not even a sytem in the game where Trico behaves better and better depending on his treatment.