He literally just booted up the game and started ranting. The only thing subbed isWe seriously can't turn those off? that's dumb.
He literally just booted up the game and started ranting. The only thing subbed isWe seriously can't turn those off? that's dumb.
He literally just booted up the game and started ranting. The only thing subbed isand the prompts just disappear after a while. Lmfao casuals ruining my hxc game!!narration
Played for a two-three hours, just past the E3 section at the moment, and haven't had that issue yet. You might have to instruct it a few times, but I think it's more effective if Trico is looking at you (not 100% sure that has an impact though)Now that more posters have actually played, I have the following question:
I posted about it in the review thread but the complaints regarding the animal being too unruly and possibly wasting several minutes of time with inactivity and so on are really the only thing holding me back from buying it. What was described in some reviews regarding this is an absolute deal breaker for me.
I'd like to hear posters' impressions on this aspect of the game specifically. Is there some body language reviewers missed, does this significantly improve with your bond, things like that?
I'm a fan of ICO especially but like I said, if it really gets to the point of there being decently frequent minutes-long unwieldy waiting periods for the creature to let me move the game forward, it's a deal breaker for me.
Stay off YouTube and any other gaming site except this one until you beat the game please. It's not even worth the risk for me, full blackout until I beat it.Oof. YouTube had a thumbnail titled "TLG ending" but I quickly closed the browser. This is mere days after the same thing happened to me with Ff15 but I wasn't so lucky with that one..
Man fuck YouTube, why is that in my recommended feed. I barely watched any TLG videos.
Does this game have any replay value? I'm still not sure if I wanna get the game just yet since I have so much shit to play. These last couple of months have been crazy. Pokemon, Black Friday, FFXV, now TLG. I have a backlog for the second time in my life.
He literally just booted up the game and started ranting. The only thing subbed isand the prompts just disappear after a while. Lmfao casuals ruining my hxc game!!narration
Yeah it's the only way. I was lucky this time.Stay off YouTube and any other gaming site except this one until you beat the game please. It's not even worth the risk for me, full blackout until I beat it.
Now that more posters have actually played, I have the following question:
I posted about it in the review thread but the complaints regarding the animal being too unruly and possibly wasting several minutes of time with inactivity and so on are really the only thing holding me back from buying it. What was described in some reviews regarding this is an absolute deal breaker for me.
I'd like to hear posters' impressions on this aspect of the game specifically. Is there some body language reviewers missed, does this significantly improve with your bond, things like that?
I'm a fan of ICO especially but like I said, if it really gets to the point of there being decently frequent minutes-long unwieldy waiting periods for the creature to let me move the game forward, it's a deal breaker for me.
Taking a small break becauseTrico just ate me
Everything has been smooth sailing for me so far. Didn't get stuck on puzzles, no hiccups in animation, no glitches, no problem with the AI. It's all been a buttery experience.
Helluva job so far, Ueda! Can't wait for the hammer to drop and the emotional gut-punch that will no doubt arrive at the end.![]()
I didn't think I'd ever consider buying a PS4 Pro but if the only way to play this game at a stable 30fps is by doing so them I'm reconsidering. This is the most first world problem dilemma ever but damn is it frustrating.
Played for a two-three hours, just past the E3 section at the moment, and haven't had that issue yet. You might have to instruct it a few times, but I think it's more effective if Trico is looking at you (not 100% sure that has an impact though)
That it exactly the thing I just did, buying a Pro and I just have a Full HD tv (it helped that I could swap my 2+ year old launch unit for 150 euro). For this game I do anything lol.
I didn't think I'd ever consider buying a PS4 Pro but if the only way to play this game at a stable 30fps is by doing so them I'm reconsidering. This is the most first world problem dilemma ever but damn is it frustrating.
Oof. YouTube had a thumbnail titled "TLG ending" but I quickly closed the browser. This is mere days after the same thing happened to me with Ff15 but I wasn't so lucky with that one..
Man fuck YouTube, why is that in my recommended feed. I barely watched any TLG videos.
Be careful. With the way patches work the game may be updated to change how resolution and performance are handled.
Most ps4 pro titles don't let you do what TLG does - force output to 1080 with a more stable framerate.
The majority force downsampling on the 1080 display. I'd just hate to see someone go spend that much on a new system only to be greeted with a patch a day later that ruins it
I think I am gonna do it; my PS4's getting old anyway and it's only going to get worse as more games are released. Just need to check whether I can actually afford it![]()
I hate myself for doing this, but im stuck on this for more than an hour.
i just need a tiny tiny small litle hint on this part please.
I got stuck there forever too
try pulling it up the ramp and pushing it from the side
That's what I also thought. I also profit from a bigger HDD, new 2 year guarantee, the new model Dualshock, less power usage and hopefully a more silent unit lol! And I am futureproof towards a new telly.
i did and nothing hapenned, weird, will try again, and tvm.
Good to know![]()
I can now rest in peace knowing that I finished The Last Guardian.
Did you find the glowing vase yet?
I think you need it to get in that room but just wanna make sure
I did it with the first hint you gave me, i was trying to teach trico to pull the chain all the way down lol.
9/10What would you score it if you had to?
SotC remains my favorite game of all time.
Yes, yes you will. And it will stay with you forever. Why not take the chance?So I really only have one question about this game and it may be viewed as sort of silly, but I already bought so I have to ask.
As a sensitive soul, someone who got a tiny bit choked up at the PSX trailer, am I going to be able to make it through the whole thing? I'd like the game to be...happy or at least warm hearted.