The only mechanic I hate in this game. -__-
Ey from a narrative perspective it works extremely well throughout the game, but i do wish the game came with another controller to mash.
The only mechanic I hate in this game. -__-
lol, reading the lower scoring reviews is pretty funny. Claiming broken, frustrating mechanics and then detailing a puzzle and how they were doing it completely wrong. Embarrassing.
I bet everyone who scored under an 7 was trying to ride Trico throughout the entire game instead of having him follow. "This isn't working so I'm gonna keep on trying the same thing!". "Wait, you can command him to jump or attack? How was I supposed to know that when I ignored the tutorials!"
Kinda hesitant to go back to SOTC after this. After bonding with Trico, the thought of killing those colossi again makes me feel like even more of a scumbag than the first time.
LOL, so true, almost seems like a joke from the devs. You literally need to button mash to break free. At least my grandfather is going to immediately grasp that particular mechanic when I lend him the game.
Eh, I get it; That's my thought when I try to climb on Trico and how crazy the boy's animation jumps around.
The game is amazing in a lot of ways but it has a fair amount of flaws too.
Shadow of the Colossus is my favorite game ever but I didn't feel that bad killing most of the Colossi except for the more passive ones (specifically 2 and 13).
The button mashing only really bothered me on loading screens. It's not something you do lightly. You actually have to mash (just for a second but it got old fast).
You kinda have to press most of the buttons on the controller when you try breaking free from the guards too though, and it takes longer than during loading screens. It works, but it feels awkward IMO and I don't know why it wasn't designed so that you press just r1 and l1 or even just one of the face buttons.
It makes sense to do it for guards as you're doing anything you can to get away from them. There's no reason to put it on the loading screens besides a minor punishment for dying.
So, were we feeding catbirdthe whole time?abducted children's remains
Anybody gonna make a theory thread?
Without giving giving away any specifics, I'll just say that Team Ico fans will definitely want to replay the game once or twice to get some of the unlockables.
I just beat the game last night and loved it despite its glaring performance issues on the standard PS4. If it weren't for the very frequent and distracting fps drops I'd pretty much consider the game perfect. In its current state it's a flawed masterpiece.
How would you rank all Ueda's title?
Oof, that's tough.
I still think that SotC is their best overall work, and Ico isn't far behind it especially if you're judging it within the context of when it was released.
TLG is probably the most ambitious thing they've undertaken yet as a team, and I think that the game suffers slightly under the weight of that ambition as evidenced by the pretty unacceptable performance on the standard PS4.
So I'd say that if the game was relieved of its performance issues, I'd put it right up there alongside SotC. The framerate troubles are the only real blemish on what I'd consider to be one of the best games I've played in years.
I have a lot to say about TLG's level and puzzle design and how they respect the player's intelligence in a way rarely seen in modern games, but that will have to wait until I can get on a computer later. That topic might warrant its own thread, actually.
You're like 2 hours in. I thought I might have just imagined it because there was no comment on it but I was sure I saw one.
I kind of want to play this, but hearing about the performance issues on a base PS4 really turns me off.
Oof, that's tough.
I still think that SotC is their best overall work, and Ico isn't far behind it especially if you're judging it within the context of when it was released.
TLG is probably the most ambitious thing they've undertaken yet as a team, and I think that the game suffers slightly under the weight of that ambition as evidenced by the pretty unacceptable performance on the standard PS4.
So I'd say that if the game was relieved of its performance issues, I'd put it right up there alongside SotC. The framerate troubles are the only real blemish on what I'd consider to be one of the best games I've played in years.
I have a lot to say about TLG's level and puzzle design and how they respect the player's intelligence in a way rarely seen in modern games, but that will have to wait until I can get on a computer later. That topic might warrant its own thread, actually.
I understand sometimes the physicsy/heavy/ai nature of the game makes it a bit obtuse, but I really like it because it leads to a certain naturalness that's just not in other games.
He tried to eat it, missed, then batted it towards himself and it got away.
I understand that's a fail, but I found that dynamic interaction a hundred times more interesting than if it was a standard game where you would push a button to feed him and he'd be fed.
My PAL copy just arrived!!!! It's finally here! I can hardly believe it. Almost tearing up.
Are you not holding SotC accountable for the same technical shortcomings as TLG?
Don't know if you played SotC on the ps2 but that game ran absolutely dreadful, almost consistently so I remember. Not even sub 30 but sub 20s. Not that this makes TLG fine or anything, but SotC suffered from the same issues back in the day.
Walk past the mine cart. Move one of them to jump up to switch. Trico should move the second out of his way.
Go back inside the mine and look to your left. There's some stairs there and something at the other end. You need one of the mine carts on the inside.
I'll stop there and let you figure out the rest.![]()
Progress question:I just got through the section after Trico saves me from the cage. He jumped out the hole he had made in the ceiling and we traveled up together. My recollection from last night is that we wound up in a building. One path had a very nice sunny balcony that he seemed to like and the other had one of those cages like the one you run into right before he eats you. Just looking for a rough %
My PAL copy just arrived!!!! It's finally here! I can hardly believe it. Almost tearing up.
After finishing the game this is how I rank Team ICO games
They are all masterpieces of course.
Have fun my friend![]()
That's probably my ranking as well. ICO is great but The Last Guardian felt...meatier?d th Lots of puzzles, lots of different situations. And as much as I like Yorda, the emotional bonat I developed with Trico by the end was not even comparable. Shadow of the Colossus is harder to compare.
A lot of trilogies in games have at least one stinker (Zero *cough* Time *cough* Dilemma) so I'm really really glad that the Ueda games are all great in their own right![]()
The GamesRadar reviewer is wrong on that last bullet point. Trico does poop out big green blobs if he's well-fed and idles for a while. You can even pick them up and throw them around.
It's even an achievement.![]()
The GamesRadar reviewer is wrong on that last bullet point. Trico does poop out big green blobs if he's well-fed and idles for a while. You can even pick them up and throw them around.
I promised myself I wouldn't open this game until Christmas. Being super general, is this game Ueda magic? If TLG has the atmosphere of Ueda's classics everything could be trash and I'd be there.
What happens when / if the boy? I can't seem to find a clip of captured and carried through the door
I beat the game and deleted it already but forgot to test this.
This game is everything I hoped it would be and more.
Sorry, you'll have to break your promise. This game is 111% certified UEDA MAGIC.