I have been taking so many screenshots while playing this game. Trico is the best thing ever. I love it when his head gets stuck in a whole lol. Got a trophy for that earlier too 
Got my copy today. Rather bad first impression, thanks to a glitch. :/
The crevice you're supposed to crawl through in the beginning? The boy wouldn't do it. He would push into the wall and start trying to push it. I laughed at first, because it looked like he was galloping into a wall... Forty minutes later when I finally decided to look up a video walkthrough (since the text walkthrough I looked up thirty minutes in doesn't technically specify which crack) and I saw the boy effortlessly crawl into the space, I reset the game. It worked after that.
Not a deal breaker, but definitely not a good start... And I tried everything. Walking in. Running in. Crawling slowly, crawling fast. Holding X by it. Tapping X by it. Rapidly pressing X by it! Nothing worked until I reset, then it was effortless.
The statue is really awesome. Get it before its too late!
If anything takes longer than ten minutes its a good chance its a glitch, especially if its something that is obviously not working.
people, there's a spoiler thread for that reason, get that stuff out of here please
This might be the most beautiful game ever made. Not just graphically but storywise as well. I haven't felt this way since Shadow of the Colossus...and Ico before that. I'm not even done yet.
regardless of tags, it makes no sense to put spoilers on a non spoiler thread, who do you think will look at your post? well of course the people that already finished the game and that is why a spoiler thread was createdIsn't that what spoiler tags are for tho? I thought the spoiler thread was for people who wanted to know things before even playing the game?
regardless of tags, it makes no sense to put spoilers on a non spoiler thread, who do you think will look at your post? well of course the people that already finished the game and that is why a spoiler thread was created
people, there's a spoiler thread for that reason, get that stuff out of here please
this is not a bad idea, specially for you, since you seem like moderating someone else's opinion and pretty much advocating people to post spoilers everywhereAren't all the people asking for help about certain puzzles in the same boat then? Make a seperate thread for puzzles. Make a seperate thread for backseat moderators while we're at it too.
Just finished the game. I think it is a flawed Masterpiece. The flaws being the framerate and camera, played on the Pro with 4k so the framerate wasn't bad until the end. I thought the controls were fine but the camera might mess with the controls. What it does great does it really well. Incredible setpieces, story, platforming, and soundtrack. This might sound blasphemous, but I thought the setpieces were better than uncharted 4 even the platforming seemed less automatic. Also the game has incredible pacing. Never had any issues with the AI. I have never played Ico and couldn't get into SotC but the Last Guardian is my GOTY and one of my favorite games on this Gen.
Your spoiler was good. The non-spoilered part gave context that the spoiler will be for people that have finished the game.Where have I posted a single open spoiler? Where have I advocated for spoilers being posted everywhere? It's not a spoiler until you personally make the choice to click the tag and see what's written there. Speaking of opinions, why are you projecting false opinions (that I don't have) on me?
people, there's a spoiler thread for that reason, get that stuff out of here please
Just finished the game. I think it is a flawed Masterpiece. The flaws being the framerate and camera, played on the Pro with 4k so the framerate wasn't bad until the end. I thought the controls were fine but the camera might mess with the controls. What it does great does it really well. Incredible setpieces, story, platforming, and soundtrack. This might sound blasphemous, but I thought the setpieces were better than uncharted 4 even the platforming seemed less automatic. Also the game has incredible pacing. Never had any issues with the AI. I have never played Ico and couldn't get into SotC but the Last Guardian is my GOTY and one of my favorite games on this Gen.
I've not finished yet, but from what I've played so far, if you like this, you'll probably like Ico.
Both games are very similar, although Ico has a stronger focus on combat, which is absolutely terrible, but if it was improved in anyway it'd remove some of the feeling of you playing as a normal kid.
Your spoiler was good. The non-spoilered part gave context that the spoiler will be for people that have finished the game.
I however wouldn't have put criticism of, for example, the camera behind a spoiler tag.
This might sound blasphemous, but I thought the setpieces were better than uncharted 4
Couldn't find the option. My PS4 is set to English but the game still played in japanese. Didn't mind but would be nice to have the option since most games have it these days. There's not tons of text though.Could anyone confirm if the Japanese version of the game has English language settings?
Could anyone confirm if the Japanese version of the game has English language settings?
Uncharted 4 incredible Chapter 11
...I'm of the same opinion.
I've just beaten the game aswell.
A flawed, beautiful masterpiece.
GOTY contender for me.
Okay, I need a bit of help here. I think I'm near the end of the game.
I'm at the part whereIs there something obvious I'm missing, or is my game just bugged?I just had to shine a light on some big black blob thing, and I've climbed up to the room above it. I already stopped the spinning fan thing so Trico could get up to the top, but now I have no idea what to do. I've tried having Trico shoot the thing in the center, and I've tried calling him, but he wont't move, and there seems to be no solution that I can see.
Okay, I need a bit of help here. I think I'm near the end of the game.
I'm at the part whereIs there something obvious I'm missing, or is my game just bugged?I just had to shine a light on some big black blob thing, and I've climbed up to the room above it. I already stopped the spinning fan thing so Trico could get up to the top, but now I have no idea what to do. I've tried having Trico shoot the thing in the center, and I've tried calling him, but he wont't move, and there seems to be no solution that I can see.
So I was really loving this game until I hitthe part where you're trapped in a cage after your encounter with the other trico and you need help from trico to get out of the fucking cage
I honestly haven't been frustrated in the longest fucking time. Like holy shit was this bad. I managed to get out of the fucking cage after the longest time, even though I knew exactly what needed to be done but it just wouldn't fucking work for the longest time. But then thefucking beast sat down and went nowhere so I had to go down the thing to get him a barrel which involves bringing the helmet back to one of those sentinels who of course chases you and you're powerless and fuck this was frustrating. So I finally get trico the barrel and he just doesn't even know where to go and fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
I couldn't fucking take any more of shit shit. Like seriously, did anyone fucking playtest this part and think this was the way to go? Fuck me.
The controls in this game are horrible. The camera is atrocious. And Trico is straight up unresponsive a lot of the time. Yes I get that TLG is going for the "frustrating animal" thing. I'm surprised the game scored so high. And I'm surprised Sony let them release it In this form. I'm on chapter 7 and thinking about shelving the game.
The controls in this game are horrible. The camera is atrocious. And Trico is straight up unresponsive a lot of the time. Yes I get that TLG is going for the "frustrating animal" thing. I'm surprised the game scored so high. And I'm surprised Sony let them release it In this form. I'm on chapter 7 and thinking about shelving the game. If TLG wasn't a sequel to Ico and SotC I think it would be getting 5/10s.
That's the way out! Sometimes the solution is the most obvious oneYou know the way Trico came in?. Also, you can fight back those soldiers.
The controls in this game are horrible. The camera is atrocious. And Trico is straight up unresponsive a lot of the time. Yes I get that TLG is going for the "frustrating animal" thing. I'm surprised the game scored so high. And I'm surprised Sony let them release it In this form. I'm on chapter 7 and thinking about shelving the game. If TLG wasn't a sequel to Ico and SotC I think it would be getting 5/10s.
If you aren't enjoying it at this point then it'll only get more frustrating for you later
Have you looked at some of the advice we've been giving in the thread?
How do you know which chapter you are on? Also check some tips in this thread. My best advice is don't spam commands and most of the time Trico will find the way by itself.